
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: The Tactics of Wolves

After joining forces with the soldiers of Nonette, I headed towards the meeting point to devise a strategy with Alektem.

"Milimos-sama arrived early, which lifted the soldiers' morale. We owe him our gratitude," said Alektem.

"With the number of soldiers in Rocha, it's natural for their morale to be low. However, depending on how we approach it, I think it's possible to break through," I replied.

As Alektem spread out the map, I traced my finger along it, analyzing the situation.

"The Rocha troops are extending their formation to advance through the forest. Based on the circumstances when they were attacked by monsters, they form a square with the center being the place of the initial attack, and then the front and rear soldiers join the battle afterward."

"So, when we launch a surprise attack from the side, we can engage them in small numbers only at the beginning."

"Exactly. It means using the hit-and-run tactic with spears. Then, deliberately lure them to chase us, and the ambush will work effectively."

"Hmm, I see. However, I suggest we avoid the ambush. It might help minimize our losses if we lead them into a trapped area."

"But won't the people responsible for fleeing find it challenging?"

"The enemy soldiers wear heavy armor, and the snowy forest provides difficult terrain. Our soldiers would easily be able to flee."

"If that's the case, let's try that approach. This tactic can only work in the forest..."

"Considering Rocha's marching speed, it will take them two days at least to reach us. Assuming our attacks slow them down, it will be a three to four-day battle."

Defeating an opponent of seven thousand with less than a thousand soldiers in a maximum of four days was an enormous task. In military terms, causing thirty percent casualties could force the enemy to retreat, so technically, we only needed to defeat two thousand enemy soldiers. However, it wouldn't be that simple...

"If this plan fails, we'll have a life-or-death battle at the royal castle," I remarked, jokingly, overwhelmed by the high demands of this campaign.

Alektem responded with a voice filled with evident unease, as if swallowing a stone, "If it comes to that, Milimos-sama, please leave the frontlines. Forget about the Nonette royal family and live your life as you please."

Surprised by this sudden suggestion, I was about to protest, but I held back. Alektem was a military specialist, and if he proposed suggesting desertion punishable by death if discovered, he must have a hidden meaning.

I thought it through carefully and saw through his intentions.

"Alright. If we don't achieve the desired results in this battle, I will escape to Rocha. They wouldn't expect enemy soldiers to run towards their own country, right?"

As my next move, I would head to Rocha's capital and somehow repel their leadership.

Despite my intentions, Alektem made another proposal, "It's also possible to go to the Empire. Milimos-sama is skilled in reading, writing, arithmetic, and magic. You'll find work quickly there."

Was he suggesting that I seek reinforcements from the Empire? But it seemed unlikely that they would readily cooperate.

"That's true. If only the fabricated charges from Prince Futero could be cleared, that would be a good option."

If those charges were dropped, it would eliminate the excuse for Rocha to invade Nonette. Then, we could seek military aid from the ambitious Empire or the righteous knight country.

With that in mind, attacking Rocha's capital to clear Futero's charges was still necessary.

As I pondered on the contingency plans, Alektem furrowed his eyebrows.

"Milimos-sama, are you considering something sinister?"

"Not at all. Anyway, let's focus on the battle in the forest first. If we end it here, whether I escape or not will be an irrelevant issue."

I joked about the previous discussion as if it were a mere jest and shifted the topic to the forest battle.

"I plan to use the 'Tactics of Wolves'," I said.

"Are you referring to that complicated tactic that's hard to coordinate?"

"If we leave the initial clash to the new recruits, it should work, don't you think?"

"Hmm, the key to coordination lies not in the beginning but later on. The success rate will significantly improve."

"I'll be in charge of burning their supplies. Do we have soybean oil?"

"We have some as a precaution, but it's limited."

"Just give me the amount I need. I want it in sealed containers."

"With this temperature, fire bombs won't work, right?"

"Have you forgotten that I excel in magic? As long as I cover the oil, I can ignite it with a high-powered spell."

"I see. Let's make the preparations. And we'll make sure the soldiers are fully aware of the strategy."

"Leave it to me. Until the battle preparations are complete, let me take a short rest. I haven't had proper sleep since we came down from that mountain."

I let out a yawn, lay down inside the tent, wrapped myself in a cloak, and closed my eyes.

Alektem let out a sigh and then left the tent. In the background, I could hear him preparing the soldiers for the upcoming battle. As the sounds faded, I quietly drifted into sleep.

In the snowy forest, the soldiers of Nonette advanced silently. Their destination: the Rocha soldiers' formation. With suppressed voices, they approached their enemies and soon spotted them.

From here on, they divided the three hundred Nonette soldiers into three squads of one hundred each.

On a strategic level, dispersing their forces was considered a disadvantageous move. However, given their small numbers, they had no choice but to resort to a tactic that would toy with the enemy.

The three squads consisted of new recruits, a unit of seasoned soldiers led by Alektem, and a fast-moving unit centered around me.

The new recruits would engage the enemy head-on and draw their attention.

The plan continues in this manner...

While the new recruits were fighting, a skilled unit attacked the enemy's central formation from the side, causing chaos.

Then, the agile unit went after their prey—the enemy's supplies, in this case.

This strategy mimics the hunting behavior of forest wolves against a group of small prey, thus it is called the "Wolf Tactics."

Following this procedure, reality unfolded.

"We'll knock back those filthy moles who dared to step foot in our country with our muddy shoes, straight into the depths of the earth!"


After Sentis, who was in charge of the new recruit unit, delivered his address, the voices of the inexperienced soldiers echoed even to where I stood, far away.

Though I couldn't see from my position, they should be launching a direct assault on the Rocha Kingdom's formation. Among them are Honesu and two other new recruits, Gatto and Kanya.

Now, the Rocha Kingdom soldiers, who were attacked by the Nonette Kingdom soldiers, have formed their formation just like they did against the monsters. They will first withstand the attack and then counterattack, while the following units will move to surround the enemy.

And now, it's the seasoned soldiers' turn to shine.

Unlike the new recruits, this unit carries out their missions quietly.

"What?! Enemies! Enemies right beside us—gah!"

"Ambush! Ambush from the side! They have strange swords!"

"Defend with your shields—What? The shields can't withstand it; they pierced through the armor!"

Perhaps due to the dagger-like swords wielded by the seasoned soldiers, they are causing confusion among the Rocha Kingdom soldiers.

The results seem to be quite good, judging from the voices.

Now is not the time to hesitate. After all, once the seasoned soldiers make a hit, they'll immediately retreat.

I quietly instruct the soldiers around me.

"Okay, go ahead and throw them."

Following my command, the hundred soldiers immediately throw bottles filled with soybean oil in an arc towards the Rocha Kingdom's supply convoy right in front of them.

Out of the hundred bottles, nearly ten hit the trees on the way, shattering them, but most of them hit the Rocha Kingdom's supply convoy, causing the bottles to break and the cold oil to splash around like sherbet.

As the soldiers throw the bottles, I've already started chanting my spell.

"Fire sparks the flame, flames become the serpent. Clad in scales of raging fire, extend your unwavering fiery tongue, and advance, Fire Serpent. Ingeim Víkara!"

From my outstretched hand, flames shoot straight like a flamethrower, skillfully avoiding the trees along the way, and heading straight for the Rocha Kingdom's supply convoy.

The sherbet-like soybean oil melts, boils, and ignites as soon as it comes into contact with the magical fire.

"Aaaaah! Fire, there's fire!"

"Magical attack! Enemy soldiers are so close—aaaah! It's hot!"

I adjust the direction of my magic, showering not only the supplies but also the nearby soldiers.

However, only part of the supplies catches fire, and the fire doesn't spread as well as I hoped. I should have left the magic wand made by the Empire's craftsmen with the magician we left behind in the mountains. But the Rocha Kingdom soldiers seem to be struggling to decide whether to prioritize dealing with the fire or us, the hidden ambushers.

In that case, let's give them more to worry about.

"We're taking their supplies!"

At my command, the soldiers quickly draw their daggers from their belts.

I also unsheathe my magic sword from my belt and swing it forward while giving another command.



As one with the hundred soldiers, I launch an assault on the supply convoy.

We eliminate the few escort units that try to stand in our way, seize the enemy's supplies, and then retreat, running through the gaps between the trees in the forest.

"Anything too heavy, just throw it! Priority is to escape safely!"

"This bag sounds like metal from the noise it makes. We'll throw it away!"

"This barrel smells like meat! Don't hesitate to carry it, no matter how heavy!"

"If there's meat, then we can't possibly throw away these bottles filled with alcohol!"

We make a commotion, discussing our spoils while running through the forest.

Soon, the Rocha Kingdom soldiers, clad in heavy armor, chase after us, making a clanking sound.

"They burned our food! I'll kill them!"

"Return what you stole, you bastards!"

They say that hungry people are terrifying, but I didn't expect them to chase us so relentlessly.

And in an unfamiliar land, running without a guide...

"It's like going to the gates of death," I muttered without thinking.

The next moment, screams erupted from the Rocha Kingdom soldiers who had been chasing us.

"What's happening?!"

"It's a trap using tree branches! Cut the ropes and—"

"Stop! You'll fall to the ground from this height while wearing your armor! Untie the knots and lower them!"

"Coming right up!—Oh no!"

"A swinging log trap!? Look around, it's full of traps!"

The Rocha Kingdom soldiers were in chaos.

We could easily turn back and finish off the ones caught in the traps, but...

"Because enemy soldiers coming to the rescue might become prey to the traps as well, let's leave them be."

"Of course. Right now, we have a crucial mission to carry the spoils back to the gathering point."

"While imagining the enemy soldiers suffering from hunger, we'll fill our stomachs with the stolen food and alcohol. That's the true essence of being a soldier!"

With hearty laughter, we withdraw. Even the bitter voices of resentment from behind feel like they are praising our actions.

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