
Milfs; Dual Cultivation

[ Warning; Mature Content, Impregnation ] Wise Daosit! Are you in search of Mature Dao to seek some mother-love enlightenment? Then, say no more, This Humble Primordial Saint lord has bought just that. This is another cultivation novel with dual cultivation and explicit sexual scenes... And trust this senior, you will truly love it. If you don't love it, then you are free to review it one star as I don't delete any negative reviews. ... Synopsis: Xian Tian, a humble adolescent male raised in an island-forest by animals leaves the island when it is time to cultivate in the outside world. However, being a male in hyper peak adolescent phase and having not been in contact with women for a long time... He was attracted to every woman, especially those with big boobs, and wide hip. His natural instinct kick in... A body that is capable and ready for childbirth, he couldn't wait to plant his seeds in their womb. However, being born with heavenly body and a rare bloodline with a naive nature, he was easily taken advantage of... Can he overcome everything and have a milf harem? If yes, then well done fellow Daoist, you have successfully managed to learn the art of 'Farsight' No! No! There is no need for junior as yourself to kneel and thank me for helping your Dao, What? You want to join my sect very well then; Sect— https://discord.com/invite/QaCzkvHsuN https://discord.com/invite/tknrUfPfrb https://dsc.gg/culturesect ( search this on Google/browser ) Tags: Milfs— Harem—Cultivation—sexual content—dick riding—action—adventure—Fantasy— Dual Cultivation— Dual Cultivation realms— threesome— Mother&Daughter — Master — OP MC — Fast Cultivation Gain. Cover credit: Thanks Miso_Hen

Cultured_Daoist69 · Eastern
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23 Chs

Dao Companion -4

As Lady Yun's hips pistoned faster, her inner wet walls clenching and fluttering around Xian Tian's throbbing length, she let out a series of sensual moans, "Ahhh! Hnngh! Ahh! Ahh! Ooooh! Niii! Ahhh! Nnghh! Hmmp!"

Her voice was thick with lust, her words dripping with shameless desire.

Fyatttt! Fatttt! Fattttt! Fatttt!

Tuch* Puch* Puch*

The air was thick with the lewd sounds of their frenzied coupling the slick slide of their bodies, the obscene squelches of her sopping folds, the sharp slaps of balls to fat ass.

The scent of sweat and sex hung heavy in the air, like a thick fog that refused to lift.

Lady Yun's breasts bounced and swayed with each powerful stroke, her nipples hard and erect, like two ripe berries begging to be devoured.

Her long, ebony hair cascaded down her back, like a waterfall of night, framing her face in a halo of darkness.

As Xian Tian's cock piston-pumped into her depths, Lady Yun's walls clenched and released, milking him for every last drop of his seed.

Her inner muscles undulated like a snake, twisting and turning around his rigid length, squeezing him like a vice.

"Ahhh, yes! Fill me with your seed... Fill me until I'm overflowing with your potent essence!" Lady Yun cried out, her voice dripping with maternal need, a need to have a child inside her womb... A wish to let a baby grow within her.

Xian Tian's cock was like a hot branding iron, searing her very soul with its potency.

As his cock continued to pulse and throb, Lady Yun's body convulsed in a series of spasmodic shudders, like a woman possessed by a demon of lust.

Her eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth open in a soundless scream of ecstasy.

The air was heavy with the scent of sex and sweat, the sound of their coupling echoing through the room like a primal chant.

Lady Yun felt like a vessel, a receptacle for his divine fluid, a chalice waiting to be filled to the brim.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Xian Tian's cock throbbed one last time, pulsing with the force of his urge.


With a final, guttural groan, he emptied himself deep inside Lady Yun, filling her womb with his hot, thick seed.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

The sensation was overwhelming, like a tidal wave crashing against her most intimate parts. The warmth of his cum spread throughout her abdomen, his potent essence coating her insides like a blanket of fire.

Lady Yun's body went limp, her hips no longer moving in tandem with Xian Tian's thrusts. She lay there, panting heavily, feeling his seed slowly ooze out of her, leaving a trail of sticky wetness between them.

As he poured himself into her, Lady Yun let out a series of guttural moans, "Uhhmmm~ Ahhhh... Hnnnghhh! Oh, yes! Coat my womb with your seed!"

Her voice was a low, husky whisper.

Her inner walls fluttered and clenched, milking him for every last drop of his seed, not letting a single drop get out from her cunt.

The sound of their coupling was like a primal drumbeat, pounding out a rhythm of lust and desire.

Lady Yun's hips rolled and pistoned down pushing his cock deeper, wanting his stuff deep inside her.

She was a force of nature, a tempest of lust and passion, consuming Xian Tian's cock with an insatiable hunger.

As he filled her to the brim, Lady Yun let out a series of shuddering moans, her body trembling like a leaf in the grip of a fierce storm.

Her nails raked down Xian Tian's back, like a cat in heat, marking him as her own.

"Oh, Xian Tian... Pant* Pant*" she breathed, her voice barely audible above the sound of their labored breathing.

"That was... incredible." She turned her head towards him, their faces mere inches apart. "Thank you for filling me with your life-giving seed,"

As she spoke, Xian Tian's hands wrapped around her waist, gently stroking the skin on either side of her spine.

His fingers danced across her flesh, tracing the curves of her body like a lover's map.

Lady Yun's nipples, still erect from their coupling, vibrated with each gentle touch, responding to the subtle pressure like a pair of ravished flowers.

Hmmppph!! Ahhh~

As Xian Tian's hands caressed her back, Lady Yun let out a contented sigh, her body relaxing.

Xian Tian grabbed her and pushed her to the side, rotating her body to the bed sheet, as he pulled out his cock.

It was pleasurable, he had sex for the first time, and he really liked it... He still wanted to go, however, looking at her weak figure, he doubted he could do it again so, he sat right beside her breathing frame.

Their lovemaking had been intense, passionate, and all-consuming. Now, as they lay together in the aftermath of their coupling, she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

Her heart raced, her body still tingling from the sensations that had coursed through it.

She could feel the warmth of his semen inside her, like a living thing, slowly making its way through her egg.

It was a strange yet comforting sensation, one that made her feel connected to him on a deeper level.

"Xian Tian," she whispered, turning her head to look at him once more. "You have given me so much today. I am truly grateful for this experience..."

Her words were laced with sincerity, her eyes reflecting the depth of her emotions. As she spoke, she reached out and took his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers, her palm soft and supple against his.

For a moment, they simply lay there, holding hands, basking in the afterglow of their passionate encounter.

Then, Lady Yun leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to Xian Tian's knuckles, her lips lingering on his skin for several seconds before pulling away.

"Rest now...," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm to his soul. "We have both earned our rest..."

With that, she snuggled closer to him, her body curving into his, seeking the warmth and comfort that only he could provide... Like a little wife to her masculine husband, protector, and provider of the house.



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1500 power stones to get her pregnant. ( No Cap!)