
Milf Princess

warning : NTR !! Genre: Netorare, cheating, r@pe, tragedy, gore, action, dual cultivation, cultivation, gangbang, incest, mindbreak, milf. Preface: Xiao, a princess gets tangled with Deodomus, a perverted mercenary and they fall in love. But this is a world of cultivation where they go through many battles and not always do they make it out safely. Xiao goes through tragedies, defeat, r@pes, gangbangs, manipulation & brainwashing. Enraged against the world she vows to get stronger and take her revenge against those who have harmed her. But will she succeed? Or will she succumb to her carnal desires and turn into a cumdump? Find out in Milf Princess!

Inkyug · Fantasy
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129 Chs

Assassin Squad

In a weapons shop, a sexy milf was kissing a burly bearded hulking man who was kneading her big hips, deforming their shape lewdly. The man's hands moved continuously, squeezing & digging into the tender flesh. He soon raised a hand and slapped the big hips playfully.

"Heheh." Xiao giggled, breaking the kiss. "What's your name sir?" She asked coquettishly.

"I am Gyoro." The weaponsmith said. "What's your good name, missy?"

"Mmm…I'm Xiao, but you can call me slut today." Xiao grinned. Gyoro chuckled.

"Haha, alright, slut, let's get you out of these slutty clothes. A woman such as you should stay naked all the time!" Gyoro's eyes burned with passion and lust.

Xiao chuckled and with a gentle move of her hand, warped her clothes into her spatial ring. Gyoro was surprised and took a step back to see Xiao's naked glory. Xiao smiled, slowly spinning on her heel to give Gyoro a full view of her sexy body.

Each of Xiao's breasts was as big as 2 if not 3 watermelons put together. Her waist was thin, her belly adorned with 6-pack abs, hips wide and as big as her breasts. They even had cute dimples and stretch marks on them, representing her childbirth experience.

With her back toward Gyoro, Xiao bent down from the waist, presenting her peach to the man. She even grabbed her massive hips and spread them so that he could see her alluring tight asshole and beautiful vagina glistening in beads of yin fluid.

Never before had Gyoro seen such a beautiful woman! His heart thumped and his hands trembled as he grabbed the big hips, kneeling down and putting his face into her bottom, licking, sucking, and kissing the vagina.

"Mmmh…" Xiao moaned erotically, enjoying how the warm wet tongue caressed and stimulated her nether honey pot. Gyoro's facial hair were tickling Xiao's bottom pleasingly. Gyoro continued to feed on Xiao's vagina, nibbling on her vulva and pink folds before sliding his tongue inside.

"Haanh…ahhnn…" Xiao moaned more and more, fully enjoying this feeling while Gyoro feasted on her yin fluids and tongue-fucked her vagina. Then a middle finger joined in, shoved into the warm wet vagina, moving back and forth speedily.

Squelch-Squelch-Squelch-Squelch-slurp! Wet sounds occurred. Xiao's hips began to tremble with pleasure and joy. Gyoro slapped her left hips with his left hand, squeezing while licking and sucking intensely on the vagina. His finger drilled into the nectar cave repeatedly, bringing Xiao to climax.

"Ahhn! Ahhn! Ohh!" Xiao exclaimed before releasing a torrent of yin fluids.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Splash- slurp! Wet splashing & slurping sounds occurred as yin fluids washed over Gyoro's mouth and face. He consumed them rapidly and felt intoxicated with lust.

"Huff..huff…" Xiao was panting. Her legs felt weak and she fell to her knees.

"Wah, you're an amazingly delicious slut." Gyoro said wiping his mouth with a grin before he warped away his own clothes, getting fully naked. His penis was massive. It was longer, thicker, and veinier than any man's Xiao had taken.

The milf slut turned to look at this weapon of vaginal-destruction and her mouth dropped with surprise. Her eyes flashed with expectation and she lowered her upper body, raising her butt up for the taking.

Gyoro adjusted his large penis on the wet twitching vagina and pushed.

Fwoop! The push was strong, the penis was thick, while the vagina was tight.

"Kyaah!!" Xiao screamed as her vagina was stretched to the limit and brought her some pain.

"Heheheh!" Gyoro chuckled and pushed harder, entering her deeper and deeper.

"Hnnnnyaahh!" Xiao involuntarily moved forward, as though trying to get away from this meat spear, which was threatening to tear her vagina apart.

"Heheh, where are you going slut? You have to take it fully in." Gyoro sneered. Don't worry. You'll be loose in no time; I'll fuck with such intensity!" He hugged Xiao's waist, not letting her go. His bulging muscles provided him great strength that a woman could not contend against.

"Fuck! Ahh! D-do it slowly! It's too big!" Xiao shouted.

"Shut up!" Gyoro viciously rammed his penis in.

"Ahhhn!!" Xiao's scream echoed in the shop. The whole large penis was lodged deep inside her vagina now.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-plap-plap-plap! Gyoro began fucking Xiao immediately.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahhn! Kyaah!" Xiao's loud screams echoed continuously.

Hailey blinked, gasping at this scene. She found it quite exhilarating. She perched herself on the counter and watched the heated sex with twinkling eyes.

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Sstak! Sstak! Clapping and slapping sounds echoed as Xiao's huge hips were struck by Gyoro's muscular thighs. He often slapped those hips, making them jiggle lewdly and turn red. Xiao's massive melons were squishing against the floor, her eyes were shut, her nails scratching the floor, as she was fucked hard. Inwardly she was enjoying it. The pleasure kept ripping throughout her body and she couldn't help but squirt her fluids every now and then.

After some time, Gyoro lied on top of Xiao, pressing her bottom down on the floor. Subsequently, he was able to reach the deepest inside her vagina and started ramming hard, moving his strong hips up and down.

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clapping sounds continued to occur.

"Ahh! Ahhn! Ahahaha! Ahhn!" Xiao was screaming and laughing, fully enjoying this intense session. Gyoro's started kissing her cheek and neck. His beard was tickling Xiao's soft skin. His hands slid under her body and pulled her massive breasts to the sides one by one. Then Gyoro rested his elbows on the cushiony meat pillows and was thence able to put more force into his thrusts. His weighted elbows crushed Xiao's breasts under pressure, deforming their shapes and bringing her pain. But she squealed and enjoyed it. This much pain was nothing to an experienced slut like her.

The clapping intensified. Hailey helped herself with a bottle of bitter juice while enjoying the show.

Two hours, several climaxes, and countless screams later, Xiao was found lying defeated on the floor with her face down. Her hips were red from all the intense pounding, and thick white semen was oozing out of her swollen vagina.

"Wahhh…! Fuck you're good!" Gyoro exclaimed happily. He had never fucked such a good woman before. The hormones were so abundant and the sexual aura was so thick in the surroundings that Gyoro felt he might actually fall in love with this stranger!

"Huff…huff….ahhh… you m-monster.." Xiao muttered, turning around and lying on her back. She folded her legs up and rubbed her vagina to soothe it. Semen kept oozing out of it. Gyoro chuckled, proud of himself.

"Hahaha! Ah, that was amazing!" Hailey exclaimed happily, swinging an empty bottle in her hand. "Can you fuck me like that too? Hmm, grandpa?"

"…You… How much liquor did you drink?" Gyoro asked.

"Ah? So it's not bitter juice?" Hailey looked at the bottle confusingly. Then she shrugged and tossed it to the bin nearby where there were already 2 more empty bottles lying.

"Hehehe…hikk! Letsss…sexx!" Hailey said, jumping down the counter and falling flat on the floor.

"Oi! Careful now!" Gyoro tended to her and picked her up in a princess-carry. Hailey clung to him and played with his beard while giggling.

"Haven't you ever tried alcohol before? One ought to know the difference between liquor and fruit juice." Gyoro frowned.

"Ahh….give me some of it too." Xiao groaned from the floor. Her pelvic area was hurting. She could use a drink.

"Yes! Let's drink! Have sex!" Hailey shouted.

"Bring me booze, old man!" Xiao shouted.

"Booze! Booze! Booze!" Hailey shouted.

Gyoro's right eye twitched.


Under the pale white moonlight, two assassins were sitting on a rooftop, gazing at the beautiful moon. They were Skird and Luna.

Luna's sobs and sighs eventually quietened. It was then that Skird summoned a few items from his spatial ring.

"I bought something for you." He said, glancing at Luna whose eyes widened with amazement as she looked at the items. She quickly looked up at Skird, confusion and distrust apparent in her gaze.

"I'm sorry." Skird sighed, averting his eyes.

"…" Luna did not speak.


Xiao and Hailey arrived late at Blue Raven. They were drunk and singing whorehouse songs. Xiao didn't remember where she had learned those songs. A visibly exhausted Gyoro was standing with them. Hailey was sitting on his shoulders, swinging her legs as she sang, kicking Gyoro's chest.

Muchen opened the door and was rather surprised. "Alright, come on in." He said and all three entered the room. It was rather spacious. Deodomus had rented the best rooms. Although he was usually careful, he decided to splurge a little as he and Xiao were going to have a lot of memorable sex in this inn. Doing it in a dingy cheap room wouldn't create fond memories.

The three rooms were connected by inside doors. Xiao had mistakenly come to Muchen's room. It didn't really matter.

"Who might you be?" Muchen enquired.

"He's grandpa Gyoro! Fufufu." Hailey exclaimed and smiled.

"Hmmm… he fucks sooo good!!" Xiao exclaimed and clung to Gyoro's side smilingly.

"Alright…" Muchen blinked, and smirked at Gyoro. "She says that about every man."

Gyoro narrowed his eyes and smirked back. "Is that so?" There was a competitive vibe around the two men.

"Is Xiao back?" Deodomus walked in from the other room as he heard the voices. He had a sword in his hand and his upper body was bare & sweaty. Apparently, he had been practicing. He hadn't had much time lately to cultivate and practice. Cultivation was no different than meditation. Getting up after just a short while or facing distractions frequently was annoying. Thus, Deodomus chose to practice instead.

"Oh, if it isn't Mr. weaponsmith!" Deodomus exclaimed, recognizing Gyoro.

"Oh, you're that esteemed customer!" Gyoro beamed.

"I see you managed to get your hands on my woman." Deodmus joked while clenching his jaws. His gaze was piercing.

"Haha, she offered to pay me for the weapons with her body instead of money." Gyoro smiled. He wasn't lacking in testosterone. He fucked Xiao, he was willing to shout it aloud across the town.

Deodomus glanced at Hailey and then back at Gyoro. This time, there was a killing intent in his gaze. Gyoro raised his eyebrows. "She's just drunk." He clarified. Deodmus nodded.

"Well come on in. Let us all have dinner together! I must thank you for bringing these two here safely." Deodomus invited.

Though Deodomus had felt a momentary tug on his ego when he saw Xiao clinging to another man; he quickly got over it. The reason being- he was a cuckold. He had always enjoyed sharing his women with others. Just because he was in love with Xiao didn't mean he hated the idea of her getting fucked by others. But ever since he started trying to do things right, his nature underwent minute changes, which he was yet to realize.

"I'll order food. And can you all quickly get out of my room?" Muchen frowned. "I don't want any dirt in here. I have reactive chemicals and herbs everywhere."

"Haha, sure-sure. Our apologies." Gyoro smiled and carried Xiao and Hailey to the nearby room, led by Deodomus.


Soon there was a lot of food on the table that the inn workers had brought up. Since Deodomus was sought rich, he was given the best treatment.

Everyone was sitting across the table. Xiao was still clinging to Gyoro while mumbling nonsense. Hailey was making funny poses, while playing with spoons. Muchen was putting food on his plate while Deodomus was uncorking a wine bottle. Skird was yet to return. Nobody minded his absence. Assassins worked the best during nights.

"You sure are a big man, Gyoro. I'm curious which country you are from?" Deodomus enquired as he poured wine into the cups.

"Hmm, I don't really remember where I was born hahaha!" Gyoro laughed boisterously. "But apparently my father was of dwarf descent."

"Oh? That's surprising. Dwarfs, elves, dragons, vampires… They all are long forgotten and extinct races." Muchen spoke up. Deodomus nodded.

"Yes, but apparently every now and then, people emerge, carrying some traits of these ancient races. My father carried dwarf traits and I've inherited those from him hehe." Gyoro said. "Tell me about you lot!"

Muchen took over the conversation, introducing him and his brief history. Xiao ate some food. Hailey looked for cake with squinting eyes. Deodomus sipped wine, thinking about something.

"It could be…" He thought. "That Luna has elven traits! This is why she is so fair, tall, and has an affinity with the moon. Didn't elves used to pray to Moon God and Nature God? There were even moon elves! Or so the legends say… They even had great aptitudes in cultivation. Gosh, why didn't I think of this before?" Deodomus' eyes gleamed with realization and excitement. A crooked smile rolled on his lips.


Boom! Gur-gur-gur… Boom! The clouds thundered in the sky, hiding the moon and all the stars. Skird was sprinting through the dark alleys.

Shink! Suddenly a knife was hurled toward him from behind. Skird immediately spun on the heel and slashed with his dagger at the invisible knife. His momentum carried him backward before he landed on the cobbled alley and skidded a few steps.

"Heheh…not bad for a Moon Gangster." Someone spoke, stepping out from the corner.

It was almost pitch dark everywhere but Skird had an ocular support type technique which allowed him to see almost as clearly as in day time. His eyes widened as this ambusher appeared.

This was a tall and lanky man with abnormally long arms. His attire, entirely black, and his face hidden inside an owl mask.

"You…! What is one of you doing here? How did you find me?" Skird asked, hiding his anxiousness.

"Hahaha. We've been here before you arrived and started poking around." The owl masked man replied. "We'd heard that the main branch of Moon Gang perished a few weeks ago. But who would have thought that a core member would still be alive and well?"

"…" Skird pulled out his other dagger as well, taking a defensive stance.

"Oi-oi. Since you're alive, Luna might be too, right?" A female voice echoed. Skird jolted, looking in its direction, and found a peacock-masked, petite girl standing on a rooftop, looking down at him. She was wearing colorful feathery clothes that sparkled on their own.

"…Luna is dead. I'm the only one alive." Skird lied.

"Hehehe. Is that so? Then there won't be any problem if we killed you." The woman chuckled.

"Oi, peacock. Don't lay hands on my prey." The owl-masked man growled.

"Alright Owl, just don't cry to me for help if you lose, hehehe." Peacock chuckled, sitting down on the roof and watching amusingly.

"Hmph nonsense! We, the Assassin Squad are the strongest assassin group in the world. Who can defeat one of us?" Owl boasted.

"Well, shit. They chose to attack anyway huh?" Skird thought. "Perhaps I should have threatened them with Luna's name. But oh well, the dice is rolled."

"It's time to kill!" Both Skird and Owl thought together.

Swoosh! Swoosh! They leapt at each other, holding daggers and knives, and collided mid-air.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Several moves were exchanged as gravity pulled them down.

Swish! Skird rotated on his heel, bringing swift momentum as he slashed at Owl's stomach; but it turned out to be an afterimage!

"Above you!" Peacock called out. Skird quickly crossed his dagger above his head as Owl struck from above.

Clang! The heavy blow shook Skird's arms. Owl leapt away and looked at Peacock.

"Stop intervening, you slut!" Owl shouted, pointing a knife at her.

"Hehehe! Let me have my fun if you won't let me kill him myself." Peacock giggled.

"Hmph! I'll deal with you later but first…" Owl paused as he looked back toward Skird but the alley was empty now. Skird was nowhere to be seen.

"Kyahahahaha!" Peacock laughed aloud from the rooftop, hugging her belly.

Swish! Owl hurled a knife at her but she easily dodged.

"Ahh… your prey is running! Want me to help?" Peacock said, tiptoeing on the roof playfully.

"Fuck off!" Owl put away his knives and controlled himself. "Well…it's not a good hunt if the prey doesn't struggle to the best of its ability."

Swoosh! Owl disappeared into the darkness to chase after Skird and hunt him down.



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