
MILF Harem Of Legends

Fate Grimsever was just your average filthy rich young master. When Fate was killed by Truck-kun while playing a video game called Final Countdown. Fate could not believe the irony of dying to a video game. Well, he should have known better since Fate is an extremely paranoid and prepared individual. Now Fate finds himself reincarnated into the novel world Blissful Paradise. Where he plays the mob character of the hated Duke Fate Grimsever. Someone who shares the same name as Fate. In this world, the hero Nimrod Bloodsworn is surrounded by all kinds of green tea bitch heroines. These heroines are simply cheap substitutes for the real discarded heroines. The author was not happy with how powerful he made them so they were discarded and disgraced like trash. But these older discarded women are Fate's targets for his harem. Because Fate is the legendary MILF Hunter. Someone who will soon surround himself with some extremely powerful but mentally unstable women. But Fate would not have it any other way. Now Fate has decided to just sit back and relax as his new harem brings the world to the brink of destruction. All for the man who healed them in mind, body, and soul. Well, maybe not so much the mind part. But that's just a minor detail. Join Fate Grimsever And His Deranged MILF Harem Of Legends. Readers are welcome to join my discord to chat with me and join my growing writer community. Let's have fun together. https://discord.com/invite/Rc7SgFMEsp

EverStone · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Prelude Truck-kun

Fate Grimsever was just your average filthy rich young master. Who loved video games and manga.

As usual, he was at home doing what all wealthy young men do. Playing video games on his amazing new WeeS5 and eating pizza.

Now Fate has read many novels about the divine entity known as Truck-Kun.

So naturally with how great Fate's life is. You could imagine how he would become paranoid. About some God-like entity that likes to come along and mess things up.

Well, Fate had noticed over the last couple of years. That something in his life is wrong.

That's right the number of Truck related accidents around Fate. Has climbed to a shocking number. So being the paranoid man that Fate is he saw that Truck-kun is after him.

Now someone like Fate's therapist would just say.

"Fate you are being paranoid about this Truck-kun situation."

Then Fate would look at his therapist and seriously say to the man.

"Can you tell me why every single car in your parking lot is a Truck then? Also, why are all of the trucks running and you can't even see who is driving?"

Fate's therapist would just get a constipated look on his face. From this question even he thinks this is weird.

Fate escaped his therapist's office that day. Like he always does by getting a helicopter ride back home.

Fate figured he was safe from Truck-kun on the forty-ninth floor of his penthouse.

But just to be safe Fate Grimsever read every single manga and light novel. That money could buy.

Not to mention the prep time spent learning self-defense and survival training.

But even after all of this Fate still saw only trucks outside. The window of his home for as far as the eye can see.

"Dam, is every person in New York only driving trucks these days? What happened to caring for the environment."

What Fate did not know is that everyone who has a car. Could not get onto the streets because of the dam road hog known as Truck-Kun.

Resulting in record numbers of people using the subway.

With this thought in mind, Fate continues to do what he does best. Being paranoid but prepared.

The prepared part is just ignoring the situation.

Fate figured those trucks would never get him. As long as he does not leave his home.

But as Fate Grimsever sat there on his vibrating recliner.

"Ahhhh Yahhhh!" Fate's voice echoed from the vibration of his chair.

He turned on his video game called Final Countdown. Then began to eat his pizza as usual.

However no matter how paranoid someone is or can be.

Sometimes they just don't see the irony in playing a video game called Final Countdown.

While Fate was walking his game character around the city. He crossed a street only to see the mysterious Truck-kun. Coming for his game character.

But when Fate moved his character out of the way of Truck-kun. This was his last mistake. Because the next thing Fate knew.

Truck-kun came flying out of the screen of his video game. Flying right into Fate Grimsever as he enjoyed his pizza and vibrating recliner.

Fate's last words that day were legendary.

"Oh Shit!!"

RIP Fate Grimsever the latest victim of the interdimensional entity known as Truck-Kun.

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