
MILF Harem Of Legends

Fate Grimsever was just your average filthy rich young master. When Fate was killed by Truck-kun while playing a video game called Final Countdown. Fate could not believe the irony of dying to a video game. Well, he should have known better since Fate is an extremely paranoid and prepared individual. Now Fate finds himself reincarnated into the novel world Blissful Paradise. Where he plays the mob character of the hated Duke Fate Grimsever. Someone who shares the same name as Fate. In this world, the hero Nimrod Bloodsworn is surrounded by all kinds of green tea bitch heroines. These heroines are simply cheap substitutes for the real discarded heroines. The author was not happy with how powerful he made them so they were discarded and disgraced like trash. But these older discarded women are Fate's targets for his harem. Because Fate is the legendary MILF Hunter. Someone who will soon surround himself with some extremely powerful but mentally unstable women. But Fate would not have it any other way. Now Fate has decided to just sit back and relax as his new harem brings the world to the brink of destruction. All for the man who healed them in mind, body, and soul. Well, maybe not so much the mind part. But that's just a minor detail. Join Fate Grimsever And His Deranged MILF Harem Of Legends.

EverStone · Fantasy
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58 Chs

MILF Maid Acquired

Fate admired Ruby's fully healed body. Her midnight black cloak could do nothing to hide her amazing curves and curvy assassin body. This is the kind of body that only a hard-core assassin can achieve.

Just like all of the novels on Earth where female assassins are depicted as curvy and deadly seductresses. They were so damn right about this but at the same time could not do Ruby justice.

Fate would proudly proclaim to all weebs everywhere, "Die in envy, bitches, because she now belongs to me."

Even from another world, a strange phenomenon occurred. At this moment, millions of weebs on Earth, hiding in the deep recesses of their parents' basements, collectively spat out a gallon of blood then fainted. They all had one thought on their minds: There has been a great disturbance in the weeb force.

The weeb force is the name for the power that flows through all geek kind.

Ruby stood up before Fate, revealing all of her wonderful glory. As Ruby did so, her chest did a wonderful bounce along with it.

Then Ruby moved closer to Fate, making Fate realize that this deadly woman has a bounce in every step that she takes.

Fate could see that the madness in Ruby's eyes now possessed a different tint to it, one that Fate chose to ignore.

It's best to leave your MILF harem members' obsessions alone so they can develop fully. A happy yeandra is a deadly yeandra. Only someone with this kind of mindset can meet Fate's expectations.

In case it has not become clear by now, the women who will join Fate's harem are all extremely powerful but even more insane in their brain.

Even Fate will admit that the best sex a man can have is with a crazy chick. As the saying goes, the crazier they rock, the harder the cock.

Fate smiled warmly at Ruby then said,

"So Ruby, you have been fully healed as we agreed. Not only that, but now you can join me. I need someone who is capable of finding decent subordinates for me. I'm positive that almost everyone who serves my house is either a traitor or a spy. They all have either already betrayed me or will soon. All for that damn bastard King Samuel Bloodsworn and his shithead son."

What Fate did not mention is that Samuel Bloodsworn's son is the hero. His name is Nimrod Bloodsworn. Has there ever been a more incompetent hero? There is a reason that he's named Nimrod; that kid is a colossal idiot.

While Fate was inwardly monologuing about Nimrod, Ruby had removed her midnight black cloak. Then she pressed her massive breasts against Fate's arm.

"That idiot son of Samuel is quite the arrogant fellow. But my concern is more about you now, Master. What is it you need more right now? Capable subordinates or are you perhaps looking for beautiful subordinates as well?"

Fate knew that this was definitely a trick question from Ruby. But he turned it back onto her.

"Only if they are as beautiful and capable as you, Ruby. After all, not just anyone can enter my harem."

Ruby just nodded her head in agreement with my answer, making Fate a bit confused for a moment.

Fate was not aware that now Ruby has placed a large amount of her obsession onto him. Someone who could heal the kind of wounds and curses that have been placed on Ruby's body could only mean that Fate is not a human but a god.

A cult to worship this man-godly young man needs to be formed.

With this in mind, Ruby began to make plans for her "service" to Fate. Starting with a purge of his guards and servants. Tonight, the streets of Valoria will run red with the blood of corruption. A game that Ruby knows how to play well.

Ruby had been silent since Fate's response. Fate figured that he passed Ruby's little test.

Fate then said to Ruby,

"Follow me for now, Ruby. I'm going to continue to look around a bit."

At some point while clinging to Fate, Ruby had changed into an extremely revealing and sexy maid outfit that perfectly showed off her thick creamy thighs and obscenely large chest.

Ruby seemed to pay no attention to her new outfit as she kept clinging to Fate with no interest in separating from his arm. But Fate sure noticed Ruby's breasts pressing against his arm a lot more now.

While walking, Fate presented one of his groundbreaking ideas to Ruby, saying,

"Ruby, if we can get some earth mages on the payroll, they can be used to construct a large number of homes for the homeless. But even more importantly, they can quickly bring the city walls around Valoria to the next level."

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