
Milady, Your Identity Please!!?

She is a spy who always hid her real identity in front of everyone that she meets. She may be an assistant. She may be a businesswoman. She may be a student. She may come in anyway possible in front of you but you cannot recognize her the second time you meet her. However she may come, everything is a mask that covers her real identity which is something very mysterious. He is an emperor of the Entertainment Industry but that was just his stress-buster from being the real Emperor of many Industries that were under his name. While acting in his film, he suddenly came across his first love who was supposed to be a poor scholarship student during their school times, now acting as an assistant to his co-star with her real age changed. Why? He didn’t care. He lost her once but wouldn’t the second time. She avoided him but he used the people around her to get more closer. She changed the identity again but he recognized her again too. “So what if you change your identity? You were mine and you would always be mine. The only identity with which I will see you as is my wife.” Read the story to find how she manipulates everyone around her to get her task done while he does everything to get her to his side. A combination of sweet romance, mystery, action, comedy and everything else you need would be presented with a beautifully decorated platter. *** Talk to me (author), interact with fellow readers, catch a glimpse of sprinkled spoilers and most importantly BASH THE LAZY AUTHOR and force her for more updates by joining the discord server: https://discord.gg/k66qXaWMuD *** P.S.: The cover do not belong to me. I'll remove it if said to me... *** Want to energize this pitiful author with a cup of coffee? Provide a coffee here: ko-fi.com/leorote

Leorote · Urban
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413 Chs

Low-Key Kid

They later filmed the exact same scene from different angles to complete the morning's schedule.

Everyone headed to a nearby restaurant to have their lunch. Bingwen went to change his clothes from the previous wet ones. Once he came out of his room, he found Shao Rong looking at him from top to toe.

"Why are you looking at me that way?" He asked her and then looked at his clothes below to see if there was anything strange in his attire.

She raised an eyebrow at him and spoke softly, "Are you sure you are the one who just kissed that girl earlier?"

He clearly understood that he was being made fun of. He couldn't help but blush at her teasing.

"Sis Rong, that is called acting. Alright? Acting," He stressed his words as if to clarify something.

"Why are you blushing?" They heard the voice of Sis Xiao from behind.

Shao Rong looked at her and spoke chirpily, "Sis Xiao, don't you think Bro Wen did excellent acting? I couldn't help praising him."

Sis Xiao nodded her head at her, "Yes, he is really good at acting. I told him many times that he is really made for this profession."

She then looked at Sun Bingwen and cast a doubting glance at him and then spoke, "You were told by many people that you were good at acting but I never saw you to blush this way. What's going on? Ah Wen, let me tell you clearly. Rong Rong is a little girl. An old cow eating young grass is not allowed for you. Stay away from her from now on. Understand?" She clearly gave a warning to him.

"What nonsense are you spouting here? When did I become an old cow? And I never saw her that way, alright? She is just my sister and she will stay that way."

Everyone may think that he thinks of her as his younger sister but he himself knew that he treats her as his elder sister. He would of course never speak these words in front of them. There is no need to clarify these words after all. But his only regret is that Sis Xiao doesn't realize that Shao Rong is not young grass but instead she herself will be the old cow. Sigh!

He then started scolding her, "If someone hears your nonsense, where would my image go? Oh I pity myself for having such an irresponsible assistant. Bro Wang, come here and clear Sis Xiao's head for me please. Or please try changing my assistant for me. I can't continue my profession with such an assistant that is busy degrading my image at every possible chance she can get." He complained to his manager who just came towards them and slowly Bingwen and Sis Xiao started bickering while Bro Wang remained silent like he always used to be.

It looks like this was a daily occurrence in their life. Bro Wang clearly feels that if he entered their fight he would be the one at a loss while they will continue their high spirits.

After trying to stop a few 'fights' in his earlier life, he gave up trying anymore and successfully learnt all his lessons. He is no longer that childish person who inserts his nose in their fight for it to be broken while they return unscathed. Now he is a mature man who went through wind and snow to attain this calmness between them.

Shao Rong is amused by his expression that looked like one of the Buddha and she followed behind him listening to the chattering Bingwen and Sis Xiao while on their way to the restaurant nearby.

While they were eating, Shao Rong noticed the friendship between the three and she was impressed by Bingwen.

He has been friends with these both since they were in university but never once revealed his true identity. It is not because he does not trust them instead it was the opposite. He is afraid that they will maintain a distance with him once they know of his identity. They are not the type of people who suck up to the rich kids after all.

Instead they are self conscious enough to distance themselves from the rich ones. Hence Bingwen never intended to reveal his identity in front of them. He is scared to lose their friendship.

By observing all these details, Bingwen was held in high esteem by Shao Rong. How many rich kids could maintain low-key just to maintain their friendship.

Bingwen is really a special kid.

Sure, he had his temper, resulted from all the pampering from his childhood but he is never arrogant. He never disdains the poor instead he is the type of person who treats the other person according to their character.

Once Shao Rong analysed all of Bingwen's character, she was highly impressed by him. Such a good kid is really hard to find in today's society. She unconsciously gave a smile at Bingwen which made him feel a creep from his spine.