
Milady, Your Identity Please!!?

She is a spy who always hid her real identity in front of everyone that she meets. She may be an assistant. She may be a businesswoman. She may be a student. She may come in anyway possible in front of you but you cannot recognize her the second time you meet her. However she may come, everything is a mask that covers her real identity which is something very mysterious. He is an emperor of the Entertainment Industry but that was just his stress-buster from being the real Emperor of many Industries that were under his name. While acting in his film, he suddenly came across his first love who was supposed to be a poor scholarship student during their school times, now acting as an assistant to his co-star with her real age changed. Why? He didn’t care. He lost her once but wouldn’t the second time. She avoided him but he used the people around her to get more closer. She changed the identity again but he recognized her again too. “So what if you change your identity? You were mine and you would always be mine. The only identity with which I will see you as is my wife.” Read the story to find how she manipulates everyone around her to get her task done while he does everything to get her to his side. A combination of sweet romance, mystery, action, comedy and everything else you need would be presented with a beautifully decorated platter. *** Talk to me (author), interact with fellow readers, catch a glimpse of sprinkled spoilers and most importantly BASH THE LAZY AUTHOR and force her for more updates by joining the discord server: https://discord.gg/k66qXaWMuD *** P.S.: The cover do not belong to me. I'll remove it if said to me... *** Want to energize this pitiful author with a cup of coffee? Provide a coffee here: ko-fi.com/leorote

Leorote · Urban
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413 Chs


Her face was with a smile but her words were sharp with her determination. Her soft smile and her cruel words showed a strong contrast but that also showed her strong personality.

Sun Bingwen thought of her words and started getting more confused. Their words or action, neither showed that they would not get back together but her words showed so much conviction that he knew that she was serious about her words.

"Sis Rong, if you would not get back together, why did you take advantage of him when Brother Weimin was drunk?"

He clearly saw that they were both embracing each other a while ago. He also understood that Ren Weimin wanted her back from his conversation in the club earlier. As he saw that Shao Rong was still sober, it means she is not drunk but still hugged the drunk man which clearly means that she is taking advantage of Weimin and his feelings.

If she doesn't want him back, then what is the need to take an advantage of an innocent drunk man?

His words amused Shao Rong to the extent that she gave a laugh out loud. "What advantage? What nonsense are you talking about? It is called taking an advantage only if he was drunk. Only kids like you would believe that he was drunk. He is more sober than me alright? And it was him who took advantage of me. Not the other way around."

She already knew that Ren Weimin was not drunk but proceeded in taking 'advantage' of his drunken stupor. But she was not shameless enough to accept her alleged crimes or she was shameless enough to lie straight through her teeth.

Though she thought that she lied, she also knew that she did not lie entirely. Ren Weimin is not a saint enough to be taken advantage of. He in turn took advantage of her when she was drunk.

Or would the young master Ren hug a woman on the road where they could be seen by anyone? He was always careful enough to be not seen when being in any intimate form with her.

He knew that she would not allow him to hug her when she was sober and hence used this golden opportunity without a care in the world about being spotted and took an advantage of her.

Though she was clear about what actually happened, Sun Bingwen was opposite being more confused than ever.

"I don't understand Sis Rong. If both of you were sober and knew that the other person is sober, then what is the need for you both to act drunk?"

At his words, many thoughts ran through Shao Rong's mind at once and the smile on her face turned melancholic.

Why did they both act drunk when they each knew that the other is sober?

In what status would they embrace if they were sober?

An acquaintance? A classmate? A friend? A lover?


"We have no status."

Looking at her downcast mood, Sun Bingwen felt awful.

No status. Yes, they have no status. How can the two people, who clearly love each other, have no status? Why should they go through so many ordeals just to have an embrace?

Even after this, Shao Rong said that they have no future. Despite those deep feelings. Despite those deeper emotions. They have to act.

Why do they have to? What did they go through?

Sun Bingwen was curious but he didn't ask her. He didn't want to make her more depressed than she already was.

Hence he decided to stay calm.

But Shao Rong broke the silence instead. "When we broke up, we never said a proper goodbye. We just simply left each other. Even after so many years, a goodbye was missing from our life. I want to complete that." She let out a deep sigh. "The embrace earlier was to say a farewell to each other. If we were sober, a farewell would be too painful. So, we need to act."

In the car silence was making the temperature more dull. All that is floating in the air is a single word.


The word made the air that entered the car through the opened window more cold. A goodbye is never a warm word that gives a warm feeling. Then how could the air be warm after listening to it?

Shao Rong, who never talks much, let alone about her private life, spoke so much today, but that in turn made the talking Sun Bingwen more silent.

In the other car, where a drunken man sleeping in the backseat opened his eyes, his secretary was shocked just like Sun Bingwen but still showed his professionalism and did not step on the brakes.

Then he remembered that his boss was never drunk in many of his business meetings. Then, how could he get drunk from such a small gathering?

He is not Sun Bingwen to be able to ask any questions to his boss. Hence he chose to maintain his silence and drive instead.

While the man sitting in the back seat glanced outside the window and murmured under his breath, "I'll transform your goodbye into another hello. I definitely will."