
Mila Baker

Mila Baker's idea of dating, commitment, and civil union agitates her. She believes that being single is a privilege. When she crosses a guy named Matt Anderson at her sister's wedding, she was cynical. She doesn't think it was love at first sight. Despite that, who wouldn't get attracted to Matt? He is good-looking, wealthy, and has every connection you can name. However, she despises Matt's confidence at first, but as soon as she finally gets to know him, her opinion of him as a bad boy all changes. Nonetheless, Matt has a big secret that she is about to discover. And she'll come across her parents' biggest undisclosed topic too that will change her life forever.

wendy_redulla · Fantasy
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11 Chs

I thought he doesn't date

The next morning, Natalie joined me for brunch.

She's complaining about how bad her head is thumping in pain. Who doesn't get a hangover after drinking too much? This is the opposite to me though. I had a very hard time sleeping last night because I can't seem to forget Matt's possessive mouth. His lips were very kissable and soft and it was like I was the only air he needed in this world.

However, Natalie keeps saying how uncomfortable she felt after I told her that Matt carried her from the reception to Matt's car and here in our apart, up to her room. She was embarrassed but at the same time, she was apologetic that she wasn't there to protect me from Matt, from doing whatever he was planning to do to me last night.

Nothing bad happened though. Last night was perfect, I think.

She did not know what happened last night. I did not tell her. I don't want to tell her because there are stories that you want to share freely and there are times as well that you want to keep them yourself.


I pressed the password to the apartment's entrance door and open ours with keys and instructed Matt to put Natalie directly in her bedroom.

He did not complain. He followed my instructions and he seem to be very familiar with our apartment. And I did not ask why or how.

I went to the kitchen to grab a drink from the refrigerator. I felt thirsty knowing that I will be alone with him again.

Something strange is going on in me, and I know what it means. It means my body is starting to like Matt. I don't know why I'm nervous either. It's not like we are going to do something.

He walks into the kitchen.

"Juice?" I offered.

"Yes, please."

I look at him as he takes the glass of juice, his posture from earlier is back, he is more relaxed now. He placed the empty glass on the table and looks at me intensely.

It's been a long time since I last notice a guy watching me like that. Until now.

I also try not to stare at him but it is extremely difficult. So, I just copy his next move, waiting for him to look away first. But he didn't. He continues to watch me.

"You comfortable?" He asks.

I want to say 'no, I'm not comfortable with you watching me like that, plus my dress is suffocating me' but I came up with "Yes, you?"

"I am now and I don't want to leave yet." He said bluntly.

It's strange, him standing in front of me saying this. I wanted to be happy but I'm scared of where this all takes me. I don't want to get hurt. I'm afraid of getting hurt, to be honest.

I shake my head because I am in the stage of disbelief, and I can feel his intense blue eyes watching me as he walks close to me. He doesn't speak and I don't speak too. I try to ignore him and I have no idea how I'm still standing. I can't even look at him anymore. I lost.

We are now standing face to face. His hands slowly begin to touch my hips and he pulls me closer. I can't step back because his grip is tight, so my hands find his strong masculine shoulders to steady myself. I am closing my eyes because he suddenly makes me feel nervous.

His hand trails up, leaving marks on my skin until he was touching the back of my neck. I am still closing my eyes as I feel his touch.

"Please, look at me." He begs. I don't want to but I did anyway.

I was afraid to look at him because I might die with how my heart is beating so fast. But when I do, he kills me with his kiss. His lips against mine feel like everything. His tongue is gently asking my mouth for entrance and when I open my mouth, his was caressing mine and I don't even remember how it happen. It was like we are in sync. His mouth is so possessive.


Natalie is still talking to me while I am busy thinking about last night. Even if I try to forget what happened but there's no way I can't. How can I? I thought it was the best kiss I ever had.

Matt did not stay long after our shared moment. He wanted to but he also doesn't want to rush things between us.

He asked for my number though and I willingly gave him.

But until now, I did not hear anything from him. I feel a little bit disappointed.

I now begin to wonder if I did something wrong.

So back to Natalie. She told me that she and Matt had a fling in the past. It was one time at a party she doesn't remember the details and she clarified that they did not date. She did not elaborate further. I don't want to pry even though I wanted to dig for more information.

It's insane how a kiss can change me overnight. I need to stop thinking about him or I'll end up like the other girls he toyed with.

But how, when everything is Matt now.

But right now, I try to savor the taste of my coffee because I can't function without it. Maybe that's the reason why my thoughts are occupied. Because I haven't had my coffee yet. It's how I always start my day, I drink coffee and work afterward. Plus it's Monday, I have a lot of errands to do today.

But before I can do anything else, my phone dings, and I look to see who's texting me at this time. I first look at the digital clock on my phone and see it is 11 o'clock. Then the notification that says it's Matt's messages.

It's not like I am expecting him to text me "Good morning" or "how's my morning' because that is so typical. I did not open his messages yet even though I am excited to see what's in them.

Natalie noticed my change of behavior.

"Everything okay there? Who's texting you?" She took a very quick glance at my phone.

"It's Matt." I showed her.

I look at her facial expression which is unspeakable. I know she does not approve that Matt is texting me.

"You gave him your number?" She emphasized the word number in her last sentence.

"He politely asked for it. So..." I say and shrug but I sound very defensive.

"Politely and Matt are not a perfect match to say. I don't want to sound presumptuous but I am your friend and I care for you. So, please be careful when you're with him. I don't want you to get hurt." She says.

I know that she cares for me so much but there's nothing wrong with having a little fun. Maybe, for once in my life. But not too much.

"I know and don't worry. Nothing happened to us last night. So you can relax mom."

But she was not convinced by my answer. "Who says about what happened with you and Matt last night? Now that you mentioned it. Do you want to share some details?"


I'm terrible at lying.

"Nothing happened. Okay? He asked for my number and then he went home after he dropped us and that was it." She nods but I can sense that she is not satisfied. "Nat, you know me. I always tell you everything first and this is nothing." I feel guilty for lying.


***After Brunch***

I am now preparing for my meet-up with Matt. I don't think I can call it a date because I assume he doesn't date as per Natalie.

He told me to wear something comfortable and so I did.

I'm wearing skinny jeans and a comfy white tee. I don't like wearing make-up so I did not make an effort to do so. I brushed my hair and do a ponytail. And for my footwear, I'm wearing converse.

I am only bringing myself and my phone.

I reach for my door and when I open it, I saw Natalie in the living room. She heard me come out of my room and she stare in my direction. I can tell from her expression that she withstands me and Matt. But I think, I deserve a little fun.

"Just be careful Mila. You don't know what you're getting yourself into." She warns me.

I walk out of the apartment and just in time, Matt's Shelby arrived.

"You are on time," I say as he goes out of his car.

"I don't want to be late on our first date." I thought he doesn't date.

But holy shit, I don't care if he doesn't because he is cuter in daylight. He looks like a fucking god.

He steps close to my direction and kisses me on the cheek. He eyed me up and down. "Did you forget your purse?" Did I forget it? No, because I hate purses.

"Nope. Everything I need is in my pocket."

He arches a curious eyebrow. "I love that you don't carry a purse." Really? I can't hide my grin. I feel so stupid.

"And I thought you don't date." I counter his word earlier.

"Who told you that I don't date?"

I laugh. "Practically, everyone," I say, in all honesty. Natalie is one of my mentors regarding his background status.

He shrugs and joins me in laughing too.

"Well," He says, pondering my statement for a moment. "They are mistaken," he amends, under his breath.

"So, where are we going?" I ask, enthusiastically.

"Hmmm," he says like he's thinking with a brilliant plan. "If I tell you, it won't be interesting anymore."

I nod and did not say anything as I look down at my jeans. I hope this is not a fancy restaurant because I am underdressed by it.

But speaking of being underdressed, he is not bad himself. He's wearing tattered jeans and a plain black shirt. And a high cut Chuck Taylor. So it's not a fancy restaurant.

We got inside his car and he put it in the drive. But I feel suffocated. Not bad suffocation though.

"Can I roll down my window?" I need fresh air because being with him right now makes me feel very nervous.

"Sure, but it will mess up your hair."

My ponytail? Please, it won't get messed up but my brain and heart are a little messed up.

"I don't care." I roll down my window and so he does.

I now feel more relaxed in the seat. I closed my eyes while inhaling the fresh air.

I try to pay attention to the road, but he makes it very difficult because I can sense that he's looking at me.