
Mila Baker

Mila Baker's idea of dating, commitment, and civil union agitates her. She believes that being single is a privilege. When she crosses a guy named Matt Anderson at her sister's wedding, she was cynical. She doesn't think it was love at first sight. Despite that, who wouldn't get attracted to Matt? He is good-looking, wealthy, and has every connection you can name. However, she despises Matt's confidence at first, but as soon as she finally gets to know him, her opinion of him as a bad boy all changes. Nonetheless, Matt has a big secret that she is about to discover. And she'll come across her parents' biggest undisclosed topic too that will change her life forever.

wendy_redulla · Fantasy
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11 Chs

I missed you

Saturday morning, I manage to get a chance to focus on what I think I should be doing today.

I made a checklist last night.

My to-do list is on my phone. I tick-checked 'going for a 5-mile run' and yoga. Next is watching Netflix.

Natalie will not be around for 2 weeks because she had to go out of town for a business conference.

I furthermore haven't heard from Matt yesterday. Which I think is not okay but I don't want to sound clingy as well. Though I was very much tempted to text him and ask how he was doing, again I manage not to do so.

Then my phone vibrated for the approaching message. I took a peek and it is my sister. To be honest, I truly was expecting Matt's but I guess I wasn't that important to him.

Pressing the call button because that's what we do with my sister, we always call after a text if we urgently need to speak. I understand something is up and I need to know what.

The line rang only once and she picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" I muttered in question and concern.

"I need to see you. I'm at Starbucks near your place, please come over." She retorted. Her voice sounds awful. For whatever basis it would be, this requires to be discussed with a cup of coffee.

"I'm on my way," I affirmed in a rush to go out of the apartment. Not managing to change clothes.


Ava and I are twins but we look so different. Different how? I can't explain in exact words now but I'm sure that she's curvier now than before. Wait? Is she pregnant? Is that the reason why she wants to speak to me?

I'm overthinking again but in a reasonable way possible.

And she got a tattoo on her neck? Geez. She really is changing into something very different.

"You got a tattoo?" I said in astonishment.

Peeking at her tattoo and she grinned. Maybe that tattoo has something insignificant, that's why she has this look on her face that says she had a good time.

She mumbled something but I wasn't able to listen. "What? I didn't hear what you said."

"This is why I got here and meet with you." I noticed from the tone of her voice, that she is excited but nervous.

Okay, I'm okay with her tattoo, so no need to be worried but mom will completely freak out.

I savored my coffee, wow this tasted more adequately than my cold brew at home.

"Promise me you won't panic."

I lifted my right hand and swear I won't panic.

"I'm listening."

Then she begins, "My husband is a beta werewolf and this tattoo. It's not a tattoo but a mark of our love." I nearly burst out into a laugh. I try to comprehend every word and it's crazy.

"Are you okay Ava? You sound not okay."

"It's the truth. Please you need to take this seriously. Because, Matt.."

"What about Matt? Is he a werewolf too?" I interrupted and she stopped like I caught her off guard or something but there was something in her eyes telling me that it was true.

"Yes." She announced with confidence. "He's the Alpha and you will soon be his Luna." Luna what? I'm not a dog for christ's sake.

"That's funny sis. Are you browsing too many fantasy books? Maybe you should stop those kinds of genres because you're visualizing things."

"No, sis. I'm confessing to you the truth. Mom doesn't know about this yet but soon she will. I will confide to her too."

"And she'll think you're crazy," I interject.

"No. Look. Try to dig for more information about their family and try to observe him. You'll see what I mean." I don't need to dig for information about him. He can tell me himself and I'll still think it's crazy because there is no such thing as a werewolf.

"Sis, how is that even feasible? You see, we are human beings sis and those stories are for teenagers who love fiction. We are adults and we somehow do not have time for fantasy because we only live to pay bills then die." I'm being adequate to her here. I'm sorry but that's my fact as well.

"Oh, my goddess." She's using the expression mostly used in books. She is certainly crazy.

"Look sis, I appreciate you, spending time with me today but I'm not pleased with your news. I thought you were pregnant a minute ago and I was going to be an Aunt and now you're saying this crazy ridiculous story? I may be your twin sister and I love you so much but this tale? Really sis? You need a doctor for this. I can't help you." I explained in all honesty because I know this is crazy.

"Please just dig up his ancestors' past. Then call me." She persuades me to investigate him. Do I have to? Werewolves are a myth.

I do not want to argue with her. She's clearly delusional.


I can't believe my sister's been acting so weird this morning. It was funny though, thinking that her husband is a beta werewolf. It is such a myth.

I remembered when we were kids, she would tell me stories about vampires and werewolves. And we even watch those kinds in movies and she loves it. I never thought that she would go beyond this now and to think she's married. It's ridiculous. She should be acting like what a real adult do now and a married woman too.

I felt tired and did not do anything. I didn't feel hungry either but I ordered Chinese food.

Now that I have the whole apartment by myself again. I never felt more alone.

Well, I have my best friend sometimes here but I mean, it would be a miracle to see her around in the evening. Usually, she would go out and go clubbing after her long business trip.

So here I am, making myself busy but I can't help myself think about Matt. I miss his scent, his warm embrace, and his smile.

I wonder what he's been doing.

Then I remembered what my sister Ava told me, 'Try to dig for more information about their family.' I am very much tempted to look into his family history but I was startled when my phone beeped.

For the love of muffins. I hear a beep of an incoming message on my phone at six-thirty in the evening. It startled me to ve honest. Who would be sending me at six-thirty on a Saturday?

Maybe it's my sister again.

But also, I was thinking maybe it could be Matt. Maybe it's him.

Then at precisely 6:35 in the evening, I couldn't wait any longer. I turn my phone up to see who it was and my eyes are wide open in surprise. My heart is skipping like they're skipping on a jumping rope.


Finally, he manages to message me after not bothering on texting me for almost 2 days.

Matt: Meet me outside.

His message is full in command. But of course, I won't reply immediately and give him what he wants.

Then I received another message coming from him again.

Matt: I know you're inside. Please, come outside and see me. I missed you.

I wanted to jump up and down in happiness. This is so freaking weird. I am weird. It's just a text. Why would it make me feel so excited?

But I decided not to get up and see him yet. He made me wait for him yesterday and the whole morning today. So I won't give him what he wants.

Then a few moments later, I heard a knock on my door. My heart is pounding. I know who it was behind that door and I'm punishing him by not going after that door as quickly as I should have.

Then the knocking turns out to become louder.

I let out a deep long breath and stood, "I'm coming."

Just as I open the door, I see his back and I find his back very sexy.

He turns to see me. And the moment our eyes meet, he melts me. But he raked my body like stripping me. That's the time I realize I'm wearing a tank top and a pair of panty shorts. Nothing much to cover some flesh.

There's no way I could run now and cover-up. But covering my embarrassment, I said, "What do you want?" Crossing my arm against my chest. Geez, my nipples are hard for him.

He cleared his throat before saying, "What are you wearing?"


"That barely covers anything."


"What if it wasn't me that knocks on your door?" He let himself inside without my permission.

"Who told you to get in?" I changed the subject.

"Do I have to?"

"Well, you're not allowed to come inside. This is not your place where you can come in anytime you pleased."

He walks in my direction while I'm holding the closed door. How can I escape someone who looks so panty-melting?

He looks very predatory too. God, he is so hot.

"I can and I will."

"And what makes you think you can. I obviously haven't heard from you yesterday and this whole morning. So what makes you think coming here would make things okay?"

"So you've missed me?"


"No." I almost choked.

"Yes, you do." He walks closer until we're inches apart.

He holds my hips and tightens his grip. "I missed you too." His breath fans my cheeks and it sends electricity all over my body. I missed his smell so much.

But "I never said I missed you."

He grinned like he can read my thoughts and his lips caressed mine. Geez, he makes me feel crazy with these lips.