
Where is my son?

"Olivia emerged from the camera control room, her disappointment evident, tears streaming down her eyes. In an unexpected turn of events, Andy (officer) suddenly appeared. He inquired about her presence and expressed that he had been searching for her tirelessly. Gazing at him with tearful eyes, she(Olivia) questioned, 'Have you found out where my son is?' Andy, the officer, lamented that he had found nothing despite giving his best effort. Olivia's memory was a blur, and she had even forgotten about the nurse. Her mind was consumed by the thought that her son was missing, blaming herself for bringing him to the hospital. She pondered on the idea that if she had not brought her son here or left him at home, he would not have vanished from the hospital in such a manner. Witnessing Olivia's distress, the police officer, Andy, grew increasingly concerned.

Andy reassured her, stating, 'Miss, don't worry. Everything will be fine. I am taking your case.'

Expressing her lack of trust, Olivia replied, 'But, Officer, I can't trust anyone anymore.'

Andy responded, 'Miss, you don't have to trust anyone, just trust me. I am going to report this incident to the police department of this town, and we will get to the bottom of this.'

Suddenly, Olivia began feeling dizzy, as if she hadn't eaten all day. Simultaneously, Andy noticed her weakness. The officer queried if she had consumed anything that day; Olivia replied no, mentioning she only had water. They both headed to Niko's room, finding a spacious sofa. Andy brought two colossal sandwiches and sodas. After consuming them, they spent the night there.

Andy's feelings for Olivia gradually grew, even though he believed it wasn't conceivable.

In the morning, Olivia awoke to find the police officer absent. Anxious thoughts surged as she pondered, 'If the officer disappears, what will happen?'

Suddenly, Andy entered with breakfast, prompting Olivia's relieved sigh. He urged her to eat, explaining they were to visit the police department in town. Andy had already reported the incident; now, they needed to provide further details.

While having breakfast one morning, Olivia noticed a shoe under Niko's bed, speculating that it belonged to a staff member.

Later, they both arrived at the police station, where they were introduced to a new police officer named Robert. Andy provided minimal details, mentioning only that a little boy was missing.

In the ensuing conversation:

Andy: ' Robert. She is the boy's (Miki) mother.'

Robert: 'Miss, I want to ask you some questions.'

Olivia: 'Yes, please.'

Robert inquired about the day Olivia left her son at the hospital in her hometown, to which Olivia responded, 'Officer, I left my son with my mother.'

'Your mother?'

'Yes, officer.'

Robert continued questioning, asking about the whereabouts of Olivia's mother. In response, Olivia, concealing the truth, claimed her mother was also missing. She had seen her mother's death but refused to believe it.

Andy, conflicted by the knowledge of her mother's death, trusted Olivia but harbored a lingering doubt.

Robert empathized with Olivia's situation: 'So here you have lost not only your son but also your mother.'

Olivia affirmed with a simple 'Yes.' Robert assured her of their investigation and expressed hope for a swift resolution.

Andy expressed gratitude: 'Thank you, Robert.'

Following this exchange, Andy, aware of the weight of responsibilities awaiting him, informed Olivia of his departure. He reassured her of his continuous support but acknowledged the necessity of tending to his duties.

Olivia, though thankful for Andy's assistance, felt a twinge of loneliness as she faced the daunting prospect of navigating this ordeal alone. Andy extended an invitation for her to return to town with him, but Olivia, resolute in her quest to find her son, declined.

Despite her refusal, a persistent uncertainty led Olivia to request Andy's return to her hometown to verify her mother's identity, unwilling to accept the reality of her mother's demise. Despite initial reluctance, Andy, understanding the gravity of Olivia's plight, acquiesced to her plea. As he departed, a somber acknowledgment lingered in the air, laden with the weight of the challenges that lay ahead.

Andy, now en route to his hometown, grappled with a tumult of emotions, realizing the weight of Olivia's burden. The journey held a somber tone, with an undercurrent of determination to unearth the truth in the face of adversity.

Left to her own devices in the hospital, Olivia persisted in her quest for information about her missing son. Despite her relentless questioning, a frustrating void persisted, leaving her to grapple with the daunting realization that, this time, she had to unravel the mystery alone. The once-hoped-for support from the police department now seemed uncertain, pushing Olivia to confront the challenge head-on, with only her determination as her guiding light.

After searching all day, Olivia became very tired and sat in his sister's room. This time, she tried to piece together every incident that had happened to her to find out the reasons behind each one. However, she couldn't connect the events from beginning to end. She didn't understand why this was happening to her. At that moment, the doctor entered the room and, upon looking at her, commented that she appeared very sick. Olivia asked the doctor if her sister is likely to get well soon. The doctor replied that it is not yet predictable and impossible to determine when she will recover.

Olivia was feeling so weak that she fell asleep there. When she woke up, she saw that evening had turned into night. Suddenly at this time Robert's phone call came. Olivia immediately picked up her phone.

Robert: Miss, I just want to know, Your son was wearing an orange shirt and he was eight years old.

Olivia: Yes Officer.

Robert: We found him?

Olivia immediately stood up from her sitting position

Olivia: When? Where? Give me the location I'm coming.

Robert: We found the boy in a secluded place outside of this town.

Olivia: What?

Robert: Yes, We asked him first what his name was and he said his name is Miki and Looking like an eight-year-old child and wearing orange clothes.

Olivia: Yes Officer, This is my son.

Robert: Then come to our police station Immediately.

Olivia: Yes Officer, yes I'm coming."