
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


They excepted the mission and Jason turned to the girls and said, "I do not think all of us need to go on this mission but, if all of you want to, I will not turn down the help. Who wants to go? I need Lucy, Anna, Kohaku, and Aquarius at the least, along with Leo. I strongly believe you five will make this mission go a lot smoother."

Star said, "If you go, I want to go. I am supposed to fight for you anyway." Jason nodded and looked at the other girls. He was hoping she would join the mission as it would make it go a little easier but, he knew that he would have to play to her vanity.

Jason looks at the rest of the girls and Dimaria is the one that speaks up. She says, "I think I speak for all of the girls that do not have to go. We want to buy somethings for our rooms at the castle. We also want to get some new clothes."

Erza says, "I also would like to go shopping for some armor as well."

Then Lisa chimes in with, "Can we please have some money, hubby?" as she giggles. She loves calling him hubby.

Jason smiles at Lisa and nods. He then, teleports to the east forest, touches a small boulder and uses Midas Touch, and turns the small boulder into 10, 25-pound gold bars. He picks them up and then teleports back to the girls. He kisses each one of his girls that are staying back and hands them each a gold bar.

Jason then turns to the girls that will be accompanying him on this mission, who happen to be Lucy, Anna, Aquarius, Star, and Kohaku. He says to them, "We will be teleporting to Mt. Hokobe and then, we will be flying to Shirotsume from there. Anna, since you do not have wings, yet, you will be flying on the back of Kohaku. Is that ok Kohaku?"

Kohaku shrinks down into her child form and jumps into Jason's arms and says, "What about him?" as she nods her head toward Leo.

Jason then turns to Leo and says, "Are you able to fly?"

Leo shakes his head and Jason turns to Kohaku and says, "It is about a 20-minute flight from Mt Hokobe to Shirotsume. Will you be able to fly with both of them on your back?"

Kohaku thinks for a minute and then nods, and Leo is still looking down, not saying anything.

Aquarius puts one of her hands, on Jason's shoulder and her other hand on Leo's. The rest of the girls that are traveling with him also put their hands on Jason, and then they teleport to Mt Hokobe. They are now standing on a snow-covered mountain and all the girls start to pop out their wings. Kohaku jumps down from Jason and returns to her adult size while popping out her wings as well. Anna walks over to Kohaku and climbs on her back. Leo is still just standing there.

Jason walks up to Leo and says, "Look. In order for me to help you, I am going to need you to snap out of this funk that you are currently in and help us with this mission. It is not your fault that Karen is dead. It is hers and you should not be punished for her failures. She was a horrible person that did not deserve Aries and you. The sooner you understand that the sooner you can find the will to live again. Besides, wasn't Karen about to try and kill Aries? If anything, you are the hero of that story. Now, pull yourself together, and let's get this done."

Leo looks up at Jason and says, "Why are you helping me?"

Jason looks at Leo and says, "I do not know the full extent of your destiny, but I can tell you, right here and now, that you are destined to help the people of this world in destroying many great evils. I have seen it in my visions. I do not have all the details but, I have seen enough information to tell me that you are important. Now, are you with us?"

Leo takes in and deep breath and then slowly lets it out. He then says, "I'm with you. Let's do this!"

He then climbs onto Kohaku behind Anna and she takes to the sky. Jason pops out his wings and jumps into the air. The rest of the girls follow behind Jason.

20-minutes later they are landing in front of a mansion where they are supposed to start the mission. They walk inside and meet a man by the name of Kabe Melon. Star giggles and says, "Your name sounds, delicious." Mr. Melon chuckles and says he hears that all the time. He then tells the group that, they are to head to Duke Everlue's resides, find a book called Daybreak, and destroy it. He tells them that one of the girls is to, interview as a new maid that Duke Everlue posted an ad for in the newspaper. The group now understanding the mission, gets up, and starts walking toward the Everlue residence. On their way there Jason starts to tell them what the main plan is going to be.

Jason says, "Star is the one that will be trying to get an interview with Mr. Everlue as a new maid hire. The rest of us will be there just in case anything goes wrong." Everybody agrees to the plan without any questions. When they get to the Everlue residence, Jason pulls Star aside and gives her instructions on what he needs her to do. She nods and then heads toward the main entrance of the residence. When she gets up there, she yells, "I am here for the maid job. I read that you were hiring."

Right on cue, the ground starts to shake a little, and then a really big and really ugly pink haired maid jumps out of the ground and says, "You must be here about the ad that, the master placed in the paper."

Anna, Leo, and Aquarius all say at the same time, "Virgo?" Virgo looks over to them and says, "Leo? Aquarius?" and then she yells, "Anna!? How are you alive?" Virgo starts to walk over to the group and Anna says, "It's a long story but it is good to see you again."

The ground rumble again and a short, balding, fat man with a creepy mustache pops out of the ground and says, "Did someone say, 'Master'?"

Star then used her charm spell which works on all people whose intelligence is lower than hers and starts giving Duke Everlue, all the instructions that Jason told her to give him. He disappears for a couple of minutes and then comes back with a brown bag that looks to be about half full. He then jumps back into the ground and disappears again. Jason thinks to himself, 'That was easy' and then moved over to where Virgo and the others were. Star skips up to Jason with a cheery smile on her face and says, "Here you go. That was super easy."

Star hands Jason the bag and he opened it up and looked inside to make sure everything was in it. He pulls out a yellow book. He then turns to Lucy and says, "Lucy, I know you love to read. Have you ever heard of an author by the name of Kemu Zaelon?"

Lucy's eyes widened and she got excited and said, "He is one of my favorites authors. I have read everything written by him! Is that a book written by him? Can I read it?"

Jason says to her, "You will have to do it fast and it is written with magic. You will need something that will allow you to read it properly." knowing full well that Lucy has glasses specifically for that purpose. Virgo senses something and says, "I need to look into something. It was good seeing you all." and then Anna says, "Take care of yourself, Virgo. I hope we get to see you soon." And then Virgo disappears.

On the way back to Kabe Melon's mansion, Lucy reads the entire book with the aid of her glasses. She then turns to Jason and says, "We have to get this book back to Mr. Melon. He needs to read this."

Aquarius says to Lucy, "Stupid girl, where do you think we're at?"

They had just arrived at the mansion. They walk in and meet Mr. Melon again and Lucy says, "I know we were supposed to destroy this book but, this book tells a story about you. I think it was his greatest masterpiece." and she hands the book over to Mr. Melon. As soon as he took possession of it, yellow letters started to float around the room, coming out of the book. The letters in the book were enchanted with magic and only the person the book was intended for, would be able to change the book back to its true form. When all the letters were done fixing themselves in the book, it had a new name, Dear Kabe."

Lucy said, "The book was written by your father while he was imprisoned by Duke Everlue. Duke Everlue wanted your father to write a book that made him into a hero. He blackmailed him by saying he would make your father's life and that of his families, very difficult. Your father was a wizard and enchanted this book, hoping one day you would be able to read it. I truly believe it was his best work he ever did."

After a couple more minutes of talking, Jason and his group said their farewells and then left the mansion that Mr. Melon later told them, actually belong to his friend and he was just using it to help attract wizards to destroy this book.

The group teleports back to the guildhall, picks up all the other girls and all of their newly purchased, stuff, and then teleports to their castle, with Leo in tow.

Leo then says, "I still don't understand why I had to go on that mission with you and why you brought me back to your residence."

Jason says, "Everything has a reason. Duke Everlue is about to get arrested due to the information that is written in that book. We were lead there to retrieve this." and Jason pulls out a gate key.

He then turns to Aquarius and says, "Are you staying in this world off your own power? If so, I think I might be able to help you stay here longer by increasing your magic power."

Aquarius looks at Jason with a shocked expression and says, "How?!"

All of Jason's girls started to giggle and Lisa said one word, "Sister."