
Midst of Chaos

A years ago, Xeenalah suffered from a tragedy happened in their family. Even her closest relatives got killed for meddling the incident. Because of that, Xeenalah decided to start a life seeking justice for her family. She entered Es Sorores Agency to make herself strong and to fight people. But later on, in one of their missions, she met an enemy. But who know if he's really an enemy or not? And since that day, changes came to Xeenalah's life.

Ayemiiii · Teen
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35 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter 34

Third Person's Point of View

It's midnight but the higher members of Bruse are still awake. Actually, they have an important meeting being held for their plan to overthrow Es Sorores.

H, the Mafia leader is looking at the table while slightly playing with his hands. Meanwhile, her colleagues have a lot to say and a lot of complaints about their slow action.

Ynayla couldn't stop her annoyance. She is the hidden shadows of Bruse. She stood up and then fired at a flower base, causing it to break and get H's attention.

"H, listen! We already wasted our half year just to observe Agent 44 and find out if she really should as Freyia says. But what, H? Will you let another year pass and then the Black Agent will escape us again? " she asked.

H frowned

" Calm down , Ynayla. Just trust the progress. "

" Trust the progress? I don't even see any progress... "The other members nodded at her.

" I agree with my best friend, H .We've been waiting for two years. If you don't want Freyia to continue the plan with her sister, then let Celestina, "Violeta suggested.

H closed his eyes eagerly.

" We can ' t do that. Apart from the fact that Tina doesn't want to hurt her cousin, they haven't gotten along with Winter yet. We might even be the opponents, "replied H.

" I can make it good. We also don't have any news on Freyia, H .Time is gold, "Kade replied. The right hand of Winter, one of the Mafia leaders of the shadow mafias of Bruse. Supposedly, they are its allies but they only pretend to be enemies with others.

H. glanced at him

"Still no."

"What do you want then? " Ynayla shouted.

"Hey, hey. Calm down," Sierra said . C's wife who is also H's right hand.

"I am freaking calm! My point is, didn't you know that Agent 44 is in danger? It will be more serious when we prolong this. ES is on the way now making their move to us. And they will use Xeena. Did you know that they are in Russia now for a mission? "Ynayla asked.

They were all surprised.

" Wait , what? A mission? At Russia? How's that possible? "

" Yes! And, that's the sign for us to make a move too. If we don't act now, when else, H? "Ynayla added.

"I know what you're pointing out, Ynayla. But, we can't make a move easily. They're eyeing us. Don't worry, C and I have a plan. We just need a more time to fix that, "H answered.

Ynayla sighed.

"Do I have choice? "

"Tsk, you're really noisy. If you only just agreed always, we definitely have a peaceful mind, "Violeta said. Her best friend glared at her.

"For now, we needed a lot of weapons. I'm short of the ones we kept."

"Alright! Let me do it, H. Winter has a lot of resources for us. Just lend a money, " Kade said.

" Anyways, what are you up to with Franco? Do you see him as a threat? "C asked. Everyone looked at him.

Franco is one of them, also a member of Bruse but suddenly, things changed when Franco knew something about their organization.

"Nope. Let him."

"Maybe what he's saying is true. Maybe someone can catch us, H. "

"Do you think I'll be afraid of a childish threat? Will he report us to his Grandfather? " asked H.

" You don't really know him, do you? " Violeta asked. C also glared at her because of the interruption in their conversation with H.

H. just glanced at him

"Franco is the grandson of Don Santiago which is his Lolo and his Lolo is a governor in the Poblacion. And, his Grandfather used to be involved in fraternities or sororities which is also where why we have a Black Agent opponent, " Violeta explained.

" You mean, the Grandfather of the Black Agent is also wait, it means their Grandparents are friends? " C asked confused.

Violeta groaned.

"What are you feeding to your husband, Sierra? He became slow. " Sierra laughed to her.

"I don't know. But regarding what you're saying, is that true?"

"Yes. And, the Grandfather of the Black Agent isn't Don Santiago's partner, it's his father. They were in a same batch in College, same course, "Violeta said.

" How come I don't know that? My Dad was manipulated by them. So it means ... "Sierra was stunned.

"I'm confused, Violeta," C said.

"How did you know that? "asked H.

" Remember when I had one week vacation? I came home with us, I saw Franco on the Island later on. Surprisingly, he said that to me that's why he left. He said everything to me, "she answered.

" That's how he trusts you, huh? You really look more like a traitor than him, "Ynayla replied.

" Shut up, Ynayla! I'm not talking to you! According to what Franco told me, he didn't know. In what he is doing by joining you, it is as if he is also betraying his Grandfather. "

H pouted.

" Lolo's boy ... So, what are your plans for him? That looks like a big threat! "said C.

" I'll let our best sniper handle him. I will send you on a mission while we are busy with Agent 44, " replied H.

" Camila really? Eh, that's look twice as much a traitor than Violeta! " Ynayla hissed.

"Why are you interfering? We're on higher positions here, Ynayla. Give respect! "said Violeta.

" Lol, as if I'm scared. I can kill you in one snap, "Ynayla said.

"Don't brag. It looks like you can match my combat skills, " Violeta added.

" Hey enough, be mature. That's the deal then, I'll let Camila handle Franco. And, since Freyia is still on a mission, we'll wait for her. "

Many were shaken, struggled and did not accept H's decision. Because what he was doing was taking longer for them to catch their only opponent, the Black Agent.

It's funny that they're a group and many but, they can't turn down their one and only enemy. But who knows? Maybe H has a good plans ...

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