
Negative Thoughts

When I was young, I've always been the happy kid. Everything was just so wonderful. Life is light. Always happy! Maybe there are times I was sad but not all the time. I can truly handle EVERYTHING!

Moving forward… I'm already 25. Time flies just too fast. I wasn't ready. And when I was 15, am too excited to get older. I felt like it was okay to do things all the things you wanted to do. No need for approval of your parents because your old already. That you can pay or buy whatever you want to.

But I was wrong… it was nicer being a kid.

I graduated in college and from then I thought everything will be alright. No! Although, I graduated already that means I will work, and the responsibilities and obligations will be bigger too.

Until the point came… and I didn't realize everything is getting heavier. Problems that I was the one who made them. And I realized that I couldn't handle all those problems. It was just too hard!

And when these problems come to me… I felt like melting. I just want to vanish for a while because I don't know how to handle them. I'll tell some of my friends about it and they will always say… "That's just a problem." Or "That's just debt." Or "You will get through that." Or "Just be positive."

But they were right! Money isn't important because you can't bring that to you when you die. And God is there! And maybe I just forgot him. But I'm always trying to be positive even the world is putting me down. But negativity is stronger than my positively. I've always end up thinking about worst things that might happen. Might… you are not yet sure if it's going to happen, but I already put myself down! And things will be turning out negatively.

I realized the more you think negative things will happen the more it will become negative. And that's true!

Always think positive because positive things will happen then. Always lean on God because he will never turn us down. And yes, life was so cruel sometimes, but it doesn't mean it will be forever.