
Midnight Surrender

#1 In a small town, young Daisy endures a life of suffering under the tyranny of her stepfamily and the neglect of her father. Her once loving home now a prison, she and her mother are forced to serve her father's new wife and daughters. When a proposal arrives from a wealthy but disfigured nobleman, her father, eager to protect his other daughters, condemns Daisy to a seemingly bleak fate. #arranged marriage

JasmineJosef · Fantasy
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88 Chs

80 Rain (AVOT)

Daisy lay ensconced in Rhain's arms, enveloped by the warmth of their recent intimacy. The soft patter of rain against the window melded with the slowing cadence of his heartbeat, creating a tranquil lullaby.

Her fingers were entwined with his as she broached a delicate subject. "Did you reconcile with your father?"

"No," Rhain's single-word answer hung in the air, heavy with unspoken thoughts.

She yearned to lift her head and search his face for the emotions he was clearly wrestling with, but decided against it. She sensed the weight of the unresolved relationship with his father, and she felt powerless to alleviate his burden.

"I may not fully comprehend your father, but from what I've observed, he does care for you in his own way," she said softly.

Rhain said nothing, his silence more telling than any words could be.

"I don't want you to be hurting," Daisy continued, her voice tinged with concern.