
Midnight Surrender

#1 In a small town, young Daisy endures a life of suffering under the tyranny of her stepfamily and the neglect of her father. Her once loving home now a prison, she and her mother are forced to serve her father's new wife and daughters. When a proposal arrives from a wealthy but disfigured nobleman, her father, eager to protect his other daughters, condemns Daisy to a seemingly bleak fate. #arranged marriage

JasmineJosef · Fantasy
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88 Chs

33 The Thrill Seeker (AVOT)

Rhain's lips grazed hers softly, a touch lighter than a whisper, yet profound in its intensity. It was quite the opposite of their previous kisses, where passion often superseded gentleness. This kiss was less of a demand and more of a tender offer, like the delicate touch of a painter on his masterpiece.

His approach was gradual, his lips savoring the taste of hers with a patience that left Daisy restless. She had grown used to the fiery passion that marked their previous encounters. This newfound tenderness was a territory she had yet to navigate.

As his lips continued their slow, tantalizing dance with hers, Daisy found herself sinking into the kiss, welcoming the slow burn.