
Midnight Shimmer

Nicole a badass high school grader whom was diagnosed with a brain disease is unknowingly bounded to a vampire hybrid Jake with a lifelong mission of revenge through a curse laid upon by a witch. They have no other option than to love each other despite their differences. Journey with this love birds as they fight for each other through thick and thin with merciless passion that would leave anyone breathless with the three words "meant to be" The only question is, would they keep choosing each other?

ebozojeedith · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter seven: strange yet not so strange

`Jo-Jo.' She jerked up. Nicole was taping her and she motioned imperceptible toward the teacher.

Oh, no! not on the resumption day… Jo rose up hesitantly, the teacher rose a brow. Nicole gave her another nudge and she shrieked back to reality .

`uh- um, sir, I didn't get the question.'

The teacher sighed in frustration. `list and explain the properties of colors.'

She began to think furiously in fright. They where already becoming impatient and Nicole was already becoming embarrassed on her behalf, covering her face with her palms. Jo couldn't believe how blank her head was at that moment.

`Hue, primary colors, secondary colors…' Nicole whispered and then she quickly recalled everything in a rush.

`The hue- the original identity of colors, primary colors they are red, yellow, blue. Secondary colors are green, orange, purple gotten from the mixture of two primary colors in equal proportion. Then we have the tertiary colors…' she was quiet for a moment.'Then complementary colors- that are opposite each other on the color wheel. Harmonious colors they are colors that agree with each other. Neutral colors are used for tinting, example black, white and grey…' she explained more and Nicole whom was in the process of slapping her face in embarrassment stared in shock and smiled.

The teacher just nodded as she spoke `and we have warm colors.'

`That's enough!.' He silenced. ` you can sit.' she sat, his expression was rather hard to read, he then grinned. ` I'm impressed.'

Two other guys in class stared intently. ` now, I need you to go home and write on shape, form and size, with references.'

The closing bell was heard.


`You know those old movies they used to show those days on channel two...' I was soon interrupted by two guys with strikingly, wild looking brown hairs and eyes, running our way. They stopped, one panted with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Before he rose up.

`Hey, good save by the way.'

Jo just looked at him questioningly. `Back in class.' She still didn't say a word.

`Nicole!.' I smiled at him, stretching my hands as I noticed the awqward moment.

`Oh!Luke.' He took my hand.`She must be the beafy one.' He pointed at Jo and I laughed.

`You don't know the half of it.' I mumbled.

`Hm, What?.' He asked hastily.

`No! Nothing, nice meeting you.' It was then I noticed whom Jo was staring at... It was the other guy. Oh!No,Jo. Not now, I stretched my hand. `Nicole.' I repeated again to the other guy.

`Blake.' His voice deep and unfriendly, Luke patted his shoulder. This must be difficult for him... Meeting new people!

`So we...' Luke nudged Blake this time.

`We where wondering if...' Blake said.

`Rather hoping.' Luke interrupted. He should have just done the explaining himself.

`That you ladies would like to join us for the assignment at our place.' That was when I realised they both looked alike... Maybe twins.

They weren't looking bad and the less friendly one was cuter like he was too good to be Luke's brother. With his strangely brownish golden eyes wait! even Jo now had a hint of gold in her eyes, I didn't notice. The only normal looking people around here are me and Luke.

`So... Let's say tomorrow afternoon, after class.'

Jo's phone then rang, she looked at it, then cut the call...weird! Many weird things were happening within a few days.

`It's a date.' I sharply spoke up, startling them and Luke gasped, holding his chest and reaching out for his brother for support and his brother just smirked. We said our good byes.

Then suddenly a red sports car, did a 360° and pulled up in front of us.

A bright Orange haired hunk with smiley face sat at the drivers sit and nodded toward us... Or Jo.

`Oh! So that's the damn guy.' I yelled realising.

`What?.' She asked with a straight face... Pretender!

`Jo,please, calm down with the guys.'

She still pretended to not understand and I rolled my eyes the guy threw her a kiss and winked.

Do everyone in this town look attractive... I rolled my eyes.


I bet he's the one she was thinking about in class...

I glared... No, I'm not Jealous, it's not like she's still keeping in touch with the cute guy she met at the club and mine just ran away.

`What are you thinking about?.' I finally asked her, cause she was quietly sitting beside me.

`What are you, thinking about?.' She referred it back with a smile.

`Okay fine, I was thinking about Jake.' I admitted.`And I remembered the other guy saying something about someone giving orders.' Her smile immediately vanished and I didn't know why.

`Jake?.'The orange haired guy whom I think Jo said was Michael the other night. Jo's attention was drawn to him, relief in her eyes.

`Mhm! Yeah.' I nodded shifting a little forward to the drivers side interested. `Do you know him?.'

`All I can say is he is no good, stay away from him.' He said in a mellow soothing voice, though he looked like he wanted to say more. I let our a short giggle.

`like as if you're any good yourself, you stole my best friend on the worst night of my life.' I snorted out.

`Nickie!.' Jo said disappointedly crossing her arms. I couldn't believe she was siding him.

`No! Calm down Jo.' He subdued her. Who is he? Why would she obey him like that. `I deserve it.' He continued. `And I sincerely apologise, Nicole.' He looked into the inside mirror to catch my attention. Something about him was strange and demanding, he spoke with so much authority and confidence. I would have believed he was older if not because he looked about our age or maybe collage.

And his greyish golden eyes... Something told me he's worth being scared of, I just looked away.

`It's nothing.'