
Midnight Hound

I stared at Laurent from across the room and my heart melted as I saw him smile while the kids in front of him played and danced hilariously. My mate's scent I realized, was emanating from him as he smiled and laughed. He turned and saw me. His beautiful smile vanished and the scent around him changed. Then I realized, he was masking his scent from me. He was my mate and he was hiding it from me. Why? was it because I was going to die if I didnt turn and hold my form stay a wolf whenever and however I want? Wasn't he supposed to love me unconditionally? Wasn't he supposed to take me as I am?

Omega_Bound · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

twenty one


"Okay then! Seems like the fossil is on his way." The delivery guy started clapping his hands and waving people closer. "While he's on his way, why don't we all gather around and shop a little, ey?"

He asked. No one responded but looked at his foolish ears.

"Okay then, I guess I would start. For ladies. Let me set up first." He took a lamp and put it on top of the box he had thrown at Nate's feet and lit it while he took another smaller box from the boat.

"Straight from the city of Au, specifically designed for the female warriors of Guardian corp comes every lady's favourite. I dont need to introduce it, it's your favourite! From Kiara's Secrets line of ointments. The king's kiss." He took out a small glass case and opened it.

"Ladies, gentlemen," he turned to Nate and waved him off as he added, "I'd like y'all to cover your ears up."

"Ladies, ever felt like sometimes your period is taking a bit too long, or it's setting you behind on some action? Whether some pounding from your lover or behind on a few kills?" He knocked his own head and corrected himself in a whisper. "Okay, I'm not talking to the bad-ass chicks of Opale or Au, Well! Worry no more ladies, for Kiara's Secrets, King's touch is here for you. A single rub on your stomach is enough to take that whole week of period pains and cramps and throw them into one day of crappy feelings," he looked at Nate with a naughty and amused look. "and... you all know what a guy likes, right? a hot steamy night filled with embraces and lovemaking, it'll give you that. Well, that is what you call convenient."

Side effects may include, emotional bursts, sexual tensions, burning skin, but you can wipe the ointment away and tell your lover, hey, I've been a naughty girl so can you give me that D?" He winked and waved the ointments around. "Anyone? I have free samples? Don't worry about the not-for-sale sticker from guardian corp they all can screw my ass. Y'all shy, okay, I'll keep it to the side."

He took out a bunch of other medicines and toiletries like a freaking walking pharmacy. His voice as he advertised his products boomed around, but the werewolves he was selling to didn't move or flinch. They just stared at him like he was something dangerous.

"And for you, Theta's new years come pretty early, first in the line of Kiara's Secret come the first touch of love. Having saved the saint on his first day of exile two thousand years ago to falling hopelessly in love with Kiara, this is Kiara's touch. A single wipe and no wound on earth is too big or too small for this medicine. It can seal you up in five minutes but of course, this is all just a sample and you can place your order and wait seven days for a shipment to come down to earth. Bulk sale no single sale. Ten ointments per pack no less, no more any testers?"

"I'll try it." One of the warriors said approaching him with caution. the only reaction that had given him since he came here and he welcomed it with open hands.

"Okay then. This is a tester please, so watch out as the magic happens." He pushed the others aside and the spectators watched as the warrior undid his bandages on the arm and put them in front of him. His arm, from the wrist to the elbow was nothing but torn skin and yellowish puss that smelt like rotten flesh.

"Ew!" The merchant say covering his nose. "What did you do? Steal a zombie arm?"

the warrior frowned as him as he took a closer look at the wound. "sorry. You got bit by a hellhound?"

"Can it work?"

"It doesn't say poison. But let's see." He put on surgical gloves and opened the ointment and started applying it as Nate watched this with the pack link. For a moment, nothing happened but after a moment, his two-day-old wounds started sealing as he grimaced and groaned.

"it burns but it... Its working!" He exclaimed as the bite wounds vanished but scars remained.

"Give us all you have."

"No. I told you it's samples. This is gold where I come from." He stepped back as others joined the warrior and approached him. "Look, if you place your orders then maybe I can get you some. I can't give you...! Help!"

He screamed as the warrior, Nate and Mike jumped on him. They tied him up without him fighting back which freaked Nate out. two other warriors joined in at the encouragement of the people in the castel while Nate stepped back.

Mike refused to step back while Nate suggested he does so.

"This pack did really see the devil's ass didn't it?" The boat guy said as four wolves held him down and Mike tied him up. "First time I've seen this asshole hurt. By the way are you sure that Lyon isn't dead, I heard he was going to die once the fort was open."

Carrey froze in her steps and looked at Lyon who was trying to run to the harbour but being wounded, he couldnt move faster. how did he know? she wondered.

"Somebody shut him up please!" Someone shouted as the boat guy insulted warrior after warrior.

"Oh, he's okay." Mike defended him as he tied up the last knot. "He's just airing his frustrations out."

The boat guy looked up at him and smiled. "I like you kid, you get me."

mike smiled back at him. "I like you too already,"

"Why dont you too get a bed already and kiss up on it?" Carrey asked within the link and like before, the boat guy responded as if hearing her. "Oh i wouldn't want to take it that far."

"nah, he's not my type."

"Kid, if you want to stop working for these savage dogs PK deliveries will always have a place for you."

"Savage, did you just..." Nate started as the other pack members in the link complained abiut being called savages.

"Just shut up will yah? I'm trying to get an apprentice here. Beside, I have a package from yours truely to your Lunar that i need to deliver."

"Sorry mate, i love what i do."

"And you're still a virgin. Like somebody i know." He added as if knowing something and his face fell likehe knew something bad was going to happen. "I hope you won't be a thousand year old virgin like him, though i really think you are going to be and trust me, my information are precise."

"What's this?" someone asked as they rummaged his boxes, searching for medicine. they held up an old sealed bottle in green glass.

"Hey!" he shouted as he noticed what the bottle was. "That is a five thousand nine hundred and twenty year old wine bottle from the reserves of Arga, that is worth this entire castle and everything in it. Don't you dare break it! It belongs to a dragon."

"A dragon?"

"A dragon?"

"I can speak shit but that is first class bullshit." Mike commented as someone added, "lad you know you are an ass."

"Guess you didn't study history, or you took ungraded, but that is not to be meddled with. Put that wine down!" He growled and Nate saw why he was restless. The tied up guy's eyes glowed red for a minute. but they werent Alpha eyes or anything. The eyes were terriffying and menacing.

but they told enough. A second of seeing them told him why he was calm. explained why he was alone at night selling stuff without being even the least scared. Mike saw it, and so did everyone sharing the wolf link and they stepped back. the warrior who had the wine bottle put it down too carefully knowin who the mercant meant.

"Thats enough!" Lyon roared from the gate as he held his sword up on his neck. his pack froze and pulled away from the looting. "Give the man his property back and ask for forgiveness before he kill all of you."

"And the devil awakes."

"Hello again PK. Long time no see." Lyon said as he limped into the scene.

"Hi, Lyon," The delivery guy said looking him up at him from the ground he was tied at. "Got caught, quite in the moment, won't you think? But i don't think its been that long."

"A hundred and twenty five years. Sounds like a long time to me."

"It's a hundred and twelve actually. But you are four hundred, I dont think we can call it a long time. A decade maybe."

"Well I didn't expect you here for another thousand. Came to sell your black market goods again, i thought the saint killed you fo it?"

"I thought we could agree, Khumat doesn't kill on impulse, besides, Little birdie told me someone was bold enough to try your guts, and i don't mean that as a joke.

"Well the beast did have good taste."

"Huh? Good taste? I doubt everything thats inside of you can be called good or taste good."

"I think he'll disagree."

"Well, he's a beast and you weren't going to heal for another twenty years, which is why i thought, maybe i should check up on the old guy and give him a little treatment, might not help with the pain, but it sure would help. But your assholes here attacked me."

"How is he?"

Khumat is... he's holding on. You can tell Cyraon that and to please stop hidding, he's making Khumat hard to live with. Honestly."

Carey and everybody looked at the two men speak like old friends after a long time with PK on the wooden floor. as they talked about Khumat, and his health, PK got up and tore the ropes like they were made out of wet toilet paper. Mike stepped back and looked at the rope.

"i bought it yesterday." he said as he dropped the rope.

"try hard next time." PK endulged Mike and turned back to everyopne in front of him. "that would cost you all a car or life,"

He drew a dagger from his waist and brandished it in the moonlight. "so which one should i go take?"

Lyon sighed as the wolves bared their teeth and prepared to pounce on him. "Dont even think about it. PK,"

"they opened a box of elixirs from Opale, you know how hard those are to come by? it took three years to smuggle that box out of Opale." he complained as he pointed to the box Mike opened earlier.

"Give him any car he choose." lyon directed as he sighed one more time and PK took a box and followed a woman who offered to show him the cars.

"wait," he stopped and looked back as he entered the cattle gate, "dont touch my stuff and oh Lyon, the judge is having the saint's balls for sale this following month, so he asked me to tell you this, bring the sword to Laurent or choose the next knight in line. before the judge tears you apart with it. Also, Carty, if you want anything, like laurent's number and location, you can decide on a price. and to prove i am reliable, stay here for a while, you'll cross path with him and Diana before the full moon rises."