
Chapter 2 (Radio)

Chapter 2 (radio)

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Then I remembered, that if I'm afraid I play music from my phone.

I rushed and turn the music on from my phone, I feel relaxed but then my phone died it run out of battery. Poor me what to do.

Then I saw the radio. I turned it out and finding a nice station, it took me sometime to find a nice station, until I found a radio station. "there should be a station right now." "music playing" then suddenly stop. "We are now on air my friends come and join me here only on 3 am radio station we are live always at 3 am in the morning". I'm feel relieved for what I heard "if you are lonely and want someone to talk to call us right now". "oh but how can I call them using a radio only? Aha! I will use my laptop. So Aubrey hurriedly opened her laptop and called out the radio station.

"oh we have our first caller for today lets talk to her right now. Hello good morning to you what is your name and what can we do for you?" then suddenly thunders started to strike again and I saw a girl at the glass door its knocking. "Hello!!!! I'm Aubrey Help me someone is knocking in the window I'm scared!" Aubrey said with a loud voice. "Oh! Do you know who is it?" he replied "yes!!! I think it's a ghost!! "A ghost how can ghost knock a door if he/she can just past through walls? Check it out again and keep calm ok Aubrey I'm just right here. Why don't you go see it?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Oh I'm not kidding, if you wont go and see what is the sound all about you would never know what is behind that. The ghost that you are saying its not true, its just in your imagination trust me." replied to me with a soft and gentle voice. "Fine. I will go see it." Aubrey replied. " Okay how about this? I will count up to three when I say 3 go and open it okay?" "okay".

"1, 2, And 3 open it." Aubrey became silent but then started to laugh. "What did you see" he asked "oh haha now I know what is making that sound it was my hanger they are hitting on the my door thank you very much DJ?" I asked "oh um you're welcome just call me DJ....

Author's Note and Copyright

Midnight Fantasy

By Precious Angel

Copyright 2020. first publish on Wattpad on August 15 2020. Please do not take or use any part of my story or work without my written permission. Thank you.


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I will share a little information about this book: I just started writing Midnight Fantasy this August 9 2020.

I know that my writing skill is still not that good as others, I don’t really know what to write at first. All I know is that I really, really want to write my own book.

I am going to release Midnight Fantasy's Chapter 3 soon. I am hoping for you guys to support my book.

Thank you again if you are reading this book.

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