
Midnight's Game

hey everyone so this pretty much like a remake of my other story called bad reputation since i didn't exactly like how it went and also felt that i could add more or change and improve things so if you enjoyed bad reputation and have come here then i hope you enjoy this story just as much and if your not then i hope you enjoy the story and also i don't really do like daily or weekly updates i just upload whatever i have done so please don't expect anything or at least not that much im not exactly good at writing story's or coming up with ideas and leading the story to them and if the dialogue seems weird or anything then I'm sorry but still i hope you enjoy

wolfiegames · Teen
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 21-escaped

the next day

Kelly and Kasey wake up to the door opening as the man walks in with two bodyguards holding one holding a tranquilizer and on holding a gun

"good morning you have a long day ahead of you" the man says with a smirk

Kelly with an angry look stands up as Kasey gets up and stands in front of her as he protects her

"oh don't worry I'm not taking you just yet I have a little surprise for you after all" the man snaps signaling for something


the room falls silent

the man signals again but nothing happens

another man comes in and whispers something in his ear

"WHAT!" the man yells in anger just as an explosion occurs and the building shakes

Kasey loses his balance and Kelly tries to hold him up as they both go to the ground

the man turns around to run along with the others but another explosion occurs and causes the door to be blocked by rubble

Kelly sees a chance and decides to get up and run towards the man

the man hears Kelly coming and turns around just as she grabs him by the collar and punches him as hard as she can and causes his nose and mouth the bleed along with a cracked tooth

the man punches her back but was not as effective as another explosion occurs that sounds closer than the others

Kelly runs back to Kasey as a wall explodes and launches rubble into the room

Kelly blocks Kasey from the rubble using her bady as a shield as a big piece of rubble hit her back causing a bruise as well as little ones that cut into her a little

they all look towards the hole in the wall to find someone standing in the midst of it with a woman coming up behind him

"mom" Kelly and Kasey yell with relief and their voice

"how!?" the man says with a confused, angry and fearful tone as he looks towards the person with his men buried in rubble beside him

the person hops down and turns around as bella hops down into his arms and runs towards Kelly and Kasey to make sure they're ok

"are u guys ok" bella asks hugging and making sure Kelly and Kasey with a worried and happy tone as she is relieved to see her children

"yea" Kelly says as she stands up hugs her mom with tears in her eyes along with Kasey

"who is that?" Kasey asks as they look over to the person who has just beat the man to a pulp

the person walks over as they take off their hood and shocks Kasey and Kelly

"you don't recognize your old man?" he says

"but how" they both say with surprised faces

"sorry I'm late" he says in an apologetic tone "how about we get out of here now"

they both nod in agreement and they start leaving until a gunshot goes off

the man previously beaten has taken his men's gun and shot their dad, gray in the side as they all turn around

another gunshot goes off but bella blocks it and gets hit in the shoulder

Kelly takes Kasey off her shoulder as Kasey goes to assist his parents while Kelly starts walking over to the man who is trying to hold the gun up again

Kelly proceeds to stomp on his wrist crushing it as her ears and tail are revealed along with her face full of rage as she bends down and whispers

"you don't deserve a quick death"

Kelly takes the gun she stands up and kicks the guy in his face full of his own blood but is also struck with joy from seeing her ears and tail

Kelly proceeds to stomp on his face until he passes out and then grabs him by his hair and slaps him repeatedly to wake him up again until he does and then shoots and the leg

she then proceeds to dig her claws into him repeatedly all over his body especially in places where Kasey has injuries in

after another minute of Kelly beating him gray speaks up

"that's enough" he says as Kelly looks back at him

Kelly finishes it off and leaves him after making sure he's dead before going to leave


at a cabin in the woods


Kasey and Kelly are in the living room on the phone with Sam while gray is finishing helping bella with bandages in the kitchen

"Kelly come here" bella says as she pulls out more bandages

Kelly walks into the kitchen as gray walks to the living room while Kasey finishes his phone call

bella starts treating and bandaging Kelly's wounds as Kelly's groans from the pain

"how'd the phone call go?" gray asks as Kasey sits beside him

"I'm gonna have a lot of work when I get back not to mention the meeting coming up" Kasey says while sighing and leaning back

"what meeting" Kelly asks from the kitchen

"the gang meeting with all the gangs" Kasey says looking into the kitchen at Kelly

"that's coming up soon?" Kelly says with a surprised tone

"yea didn't you get a notice about it" Kasey asks

Kelly sits there trying to think and remembers a letter that she had set aside and forgot about

"oh thats right" Kelly says with her realization

"when is it?" Kelly asks

"in a couple weeks" Kasey responds

"oh shoot" kelly says as she stands up then sits back in pain

"I gotta get back" Kelly says as bella finishes up bandaging

"there all done" bella says putting the bandages away

"we better start heading back" Kasey says as he stands up and heads towards the door while Kelly follows

"we can catch up another time then"gray says "let's get you guys back"

bella and gray drop them both near sunlight's head quarter and waves them goodbye


in sunlight's headquarters


Kelly and Kasey walk in as Racheal runs up to hug Kelly with Leo following behind

"you've finally arrived" Sean says walking up to them with Sam beside him

Sam walks up to Kelly as Sean drags Kasey off to work

"see you back at the dorm" sean says before walking off but stops for a second

"and I'm glad you're okay" Sean says before turning red and walking off while taking Kasey

Kelly giggles at Sean before turning her attention to Sam

"I'm glad you're alright" Sam says with relief

"thanks for bringing Kasey back" Sam says

"of course" Kelly says with a smile

"I'd love to stay and chat but I've got work to do" Kelly says as she turns to the door while motioning for Leo and Racheal to follow

"I'll see you next time then" Sam says waving goodbye as they walk out the door

"bye bye" racheal says looking back as they leave