

The world knew a tale. A beautiful tale. A fairytale. . . . But was that actually so beautiful? So dreamy? Did that short summary of a phrase in her life really get a happy ending? Did Cinderella really live an happily ever after with her Prince Charming? No. The story continued.... And it continued in such a way, that people fantasizing it could never, ever imagined it like that.

Idontwannatell · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


The man was at first shocked with the lady's agility and more than that, him being distracted. Since when did he start getting affected like this!

But when he heard her words, he smirked. And then he stroke his hairs and said proudly, "Isn't it? Many say the same.. Thank you though."

Evelyn nodded. She now found the theif a little less annoying. Good looking people are always a little less annoying. She then asked him with great interest, " So what are you here to steal? Is it something valuable?"

The man looked at her intrestingly and asked, "Why? If I tell you, would you give that to us?"

Evelyn thought for a second. She was a little conflicted then answered with a small nod, "Yes, if it is not of very great importance. I can gift that to you. Stealing isn't a very good thing to do."

Hearing her, the man didn't know whether he was supposed to cry or laugh at her innocence. He then shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Don't worry, Milady. We are no theives. My friend has something of his lost in this palace, and we have just come back here to get it. We are not stealing any of the royal family's property. Take my word."

Hearing his words, Evelyn released a breath she didn't know she was holding. Good to know he was not a theif. " Good to know that. So why did you put on a mask?"

The man looked at him, as if she was asking the obvious. He pointed to his face and said, "Don't you see my face?"

Evelyn was instantly dumbfolded. But still agreed, "Correct. Why don't I ask the guards to help you? It would be easier. Tell me what did your friend loose. "

The vampire stated at the she wolf, then shook his head and said, "It is not something we can help with. Only he can find it, make efforts and get it back. "

Though Evelyn did not get what he said, still she did not ask any further and then she heard him ask, " Are you lost too, Milady?"

"Huh?" Evelyn was taken aback with the sudden question. She smiled as she understood what he was saying. She shook her head and said, "No. I was searching for my friend."

The vampire raised his brows thinking something and then asked, " Did she have blonde hairs and worn black today?"

Evelyn nodded her head instantly and said, "Yes. Have you seen her? " The man nodded his head and answered, " I saw her going back to the ball room. Someone had come asking for her and she went with him. "

Evelyn nodded. The family must be looking for her. And then she heard him continue, "I think you must also get back to the ball room. People must be looking for you. "

"Ah, yes. I completely forgot about that. Nice meeting you. I hope your friend gets back what he has lost." The vampire nodded with a cheeky smile. Evelyn turned to leave, but then as she remembered something she turned and asked him, "You didn't tell me your name. What is your name?"

The man smiled and said, "You will know soon. " Evelyn frowned as she did not get what he was saying , but when she was about to it, they heard someone calling for her. She turned her head towards the source of the voice and when she turned back, the vampire was nowhere.

Evelyn widened her eyes and her heart started beating loudly. Just how fast did he disappear. Then a guard came to her, "Milady, the Queen has asked for you. " Evelyn's eyes widened as she remembered that it was almost time for the coronation and she had to be present there.

Elora must be there. And she walked back to the ballroom.

A good distance away from where Evelyn stood, the cheeky vampire stood on top of the wall and smirked. " Such an interesting character she is. Cute." But the next second, his smile disappeared and he frowned. "But what is there for me to smile like an idiot?! So unlike me!" And he then sat on the wall, as he swung his legs, waiting for his partner.