
Michael_True Vampire in DXD

classic. Death, wishes, reincarnation. Read and you will find out

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

Time passes(Edit)

(Michael)-All right, let's check this weapon before I go to sleep. It's getting late. And I would like to train a little tomorrow.

(System)-<Item use: Random Weapon>

(System)-<draw is taking place>

(System)-<Received: Cassul and Jackal>(Link to the photo in the comments.)

As soon as the System finished talking, two long pistols appeared beside me on the bed. I know Cassal and Jackal from the anime if I remember correctly ... * Thrill * I haven't had such an erection yet.

I take both pistols in my hands and begin to admire their shape and performance. Cassal, white in color, though in the anime this color seemed different. However, the design of the inscriptions and the whole made me feel like a small child.

The jackal did not give way to Cassal. The quintessence of beauty and aesthetics. I could look at them for hours and I will probably do so. Hehe ... To understand how I feel I have to buy it myself. Something amazing.

To honor my "Dad" and make my dream come true. In the herb, both guns and I made a characteristic pose from the anime that Alucard performed. I held the guns in the shape of a cross and stood in front of the mirror... Dreams come true !!!

And when I used Shadow Magic and activated my pet without releasing it. And surrounded my body a red aura, making as the contour of my body. My whole body seemed pure black except for pistols. All I could see was that my right eye was red and mysterious. And a red aura that forms the contour of my body.

I look amazing and finally to crown the works. I started to recite a fragment from the anime.

(Michael)-,, A bird of Hermes, they call me. I devour my wings to tame myself."

(System)-Not enough bloodlines Alucard to activate.

After notifying the system, I returned to normal status. Which wasn't very normal, but skills were deactivated.

Enough for me today. Sleep time, I'll start my training tomorrow.


Two months later...

For the first month of my stay in this world do not lean too much. Two to three people this month. Good, maybe more. That's because they laughed at my new outfit. I got so pissed off that I was almost covered up by the police. It was like that.

At the beginning of the month, a few days after I got my new friends (Pistols). I went shopping to finally update my wardrobe. And shopping went by quite quickly, no one paid attention to me. Well, with a few exceptions, a few girls in the store gave me predatory glances. Because even though I do not look like Kiba, the infamous Prince Kuhou. Which photo I found on the school website. These red eyes gave me charm plus five to pick up girls.

But ignoring it, I did the shopping. And I decided on a leather coat to match my new style, plus jeans with a belt with an interesting pattern that looked a bit like a cross. Plus a nice black T-shirt, there was a scarf for it, but I didn't put it on. However, it was a set and I had to take it too.

Then I paid, changed into new clothes and slowly returned home. I was not in a hurry to enjoy the charm of the night. Because that was the time of day. I was walking towards the house and as I looked at the moon I said.

(Michael)-"Beautiful night. On nights like this, the urge for blood rises. It's so quiet ... It's a beautiful night. "

And when I finished talking, five men came out around the corners, around the age of twenty. Everyone was holding baseball bats and dressed like typical GTA San Andreas gangsters. Maybe not identical, but they were wearing Bantams in the same color, so I told my association.

And when I stopped and they surrounded me on every side. One of them, apparently the leader stepped forward and uttered the last words in his life.

(Leader)-Look, guys, who do we have here?-And he pointed at me with a baseball bat.

(Leader)-Stray Goth, he made a mistake. And he entered our territory, look what strange clothes he has ...

The leader did not manage to finish the sentence, because when he offended my clothes. He crossed the border and furiously ran up to him and pierced his chest so that when my hand came out from the other side. She held his heart, then I reached out and squeezed it like fruit into my mouth. Which was fucked up? but at the time I didn't think what I was doing. Leader colleagues when they saw what just happened, shocked and started to run away. And then I had the first opportunity to test Cassal and Jackal. And thanks to that I developed the skill "Marksman", which was then on the first level. And instead of hitting the head with three in the legs and stomach. I caught up with the last one and stuffed Jackal into his throat and shot.

And only then did I realize what I had done. Not that he regrets or something. But I fired a weapon without a silencer and hence a loud bang. And the lights in a few houses came on, so I ran up to the bodies at maximum speed and used "Death's touch" on them. Which, surprisingly, worked the same way as if I had drunk blood directly from their neck. Instead of blood, it was Dark Magic Energy. And I got from them statistics and souls to raise lvl Dark Magic.

In the case of Issei, when I use "Death's touch" on him, his blood and statistics have already been drained, and only later did I get Dark Magic's energy from his body after using the skill. So the moral is: "Nothing is wasted and everything can be used "And the land is cleaner." Well, look after getting rid of a few thieves, it improves the world to some extent. True.

And adding it all, I gained: +20 Strength(Leader 5, Minion 4,3,4,4), +9 Agility(Leader 3, Minion 2,1,2,1), +8 Stamina(Leader 3, Minion 2,1,2,1)

I didn't get the intelligence because I have a max, but to have or use is another story. But returning, this increase made my strength at the Ultimate-Class level, but the System woke me up with a sudden burst of joy. Because to officially enter the Ultimate-Class, you need to have two or three statistics above 90 and one of them must be Magic Power. Come on, it's just a raw version, because someone from High-Class, possessing powerful magic or just has the experience and is put in battle. And he knows a lot of spells and this sort of thing can beat someone with Ultimate-Class. Not always someone from a higher class wins, but many factors contribute to winning.

And apart from this incident, nothing much happened. I didn't venture into the area near the church, because it could end badly. Because I don't remember when Reynare and her team came to church, I only know that during the school year when theoretically the original story would start. That he would find them there, along with Asia and the others. However, when they arrived or if they were there before, I did not know. And I didn't have my skills, and most of my skills at that time were on the first level. So risking meeting a trained exorcist or a fallen angel was risky. Come, I would win if I used a "pet". But I don't want to rely too much on it, so I missed it.

And in addition to daily activities such as sleeping, smoking, and eating.In the end, I did what I have been putting off for a month, to be honest. I delayed this month because I just didn't feel like it. However, I forced myself and finally did it. I submitted the application online and after a few minutes I completed the formalities and I could print the document and bring it to the school office in September.

It was interesting that when I started to complete the application online, under the name first. I asked the System what last name the body was supposed to have, the system said that I can think of it myself and the system will introduce changes to the documents. And here I had a small dilemma, I wanted to change my name to Alucard. However, when I visit the world of Hellsing, I don't want the original Alucard to sue for plagiarism. Hehe... So I decided to stay with my current name Michael, which will be ironically funny because the leader of the Angels faction is also called that. So just for fun in good and bad Micheal, it's worth it.

After thinking, I decided to use the name Alucard as a surname. After all, Vali's name is Lucifer. After all, he is his descendant. Or something like that. So I own the bloodlines of Alucarda and Seras Victori. The latter is not yet, but when it unlocks the store functions I will buy it. Not to be stronger, but to present myself as the son of Alucard and Victori from the future when I come to the world of Hellsing. Hehe... I can't wait.

So my name is Michael Alucard, but it didn't sound good to me. So I added a middle name to correct it. And I set up my name is Michael Alucard Hellsing. I like it after printing the document and filling it out. I have to wait until September and take the document to the school office.

And the last thing I did during these two months was skill training. For this reason, I created a new Dark Magic skill called the "Dark Barrier" that creates a barrier in a given area. It blocks the sound, and thanks to my daily use for two months, I stuck LVL 3 of this skill. So almost maximum, max LVL skill is 5. However, the differences between categories and subcategories are larger than it seems.

My barrier is not only able to block sound, but it has many new uses. How to hide an aura, smell or even can cause a person from a tooth to not see people hiding under the barrier. Such invisibility cloak and also blocks teleportation. And that's it, for a better application I have to wait until I am stronger and just hammer another level. But it will be more difficult than punching level 3. Because the difference between 3 and 4 is very large. But this is not a topic for now.

And when it comes to the summary of my two-month training, the increase was as follows.

>Shadow Magic[lvl.4]-I managed to raise lvl up to level 4 thanks to the fact that I use its fragments such as the previously mentioned "Barrier of Darkness": and others. And by raising the level, its level increased faster. And lvl 4 Magi Shadow makes the skill that gives me are stronger.

And when it comes to its subcategories, it looks like this.

-Oneness with darkness.[lvl4]-It was a skill that I want to master, but breaking up to level 4 was extremely difficult. I practiced it in many ways: I tried to stay in the shadowy dimension for as long as possible. If I can call it that. And many more, like hiding quickly in the shadows and the like.

-Strengthening with darkness [lvl2]-neglected this skill because she gave me what she could give me. I used it several times when I wanted to highlight or rather improve certain parts of the body. Don't ask for details.

-Shadow Control[lvl.3]-This skill was extremely difficult and I was able to reach level 3 by a miracle. It was just that for a week I only practiced this skill, because it has a lot of applications, such as creating structures from the shadows. Something like the situation when I wanted to reach the phone creating a shadow hand. When I first acquired this skill. So I can create such hands coming out of the shadows or such things. I can also disconnect my shadows from me and use them as scouts. I tested it for hehe ... Let's say I have a young neighbor. Not what I killed my husband, but on the other hand. And wow, I will use it more often. Okay, rather from time to time. Looking is not enough, it is better to use it to check the area when infiltrating the enemy.

-"Barrier of Darkness"[lvl.4]

Well, that's it when it comes to subcategories of Magic Shadow. Which is a subcategory of Dark Magic? Hehe ...

>Marksman[lvl2]-This skill is about mastering firearms. And to a high degree, I had a knack for it and after a few weeks of persistent training, I managed to master it to the second level. And when it comes to where I get the cartridges, then when it comes to regular ones, I buy them in the store. Not systemic, but ordinary. I had to sacrifice 200 SP to create a license for the weapon. It was not related to the system store, but it gave me such an opportunity. As for the System Store, I won't get it for long, because I'm close to breaking down to level 3.And when it comes to vampire cartridges, demons, I'll have to make them myself. But this will require the system to buy skills to enable me. I don't know how to do it. So I have to wait until I reach level 3.

There are also skills that have a maximum level, these are skills obtained from the Alucard bloodline.

>Medium level regeneration[lvl.MAX]

>Vampirism True Vampire[lvl.MAX]

But I don't have to explain them, because the name speaks for itself. I will check Status and dedicate the rest of the holiday, which is about two days for lazing around.


Name: Michael


Race:True Vampire


Alucard's Blood Line: 15%





Magic Power: 71

System points:1800

Special skills:

>Vampirism True Vampire[lvl.MAX]

>Medium level regeneration[lvl.MAX]


>Dark Magic[lvl.1]:

-Shadow Magic [lvl.4]:

a)Oneness with darkness.[lvl4]

b)Strengthening with darkness [lvl2] c)Shadow Control[lvl.3]

-I am the darkness and the darkness is me.[lvl.MAX] -Barrier of Darkness[lvl.4]

I'm ready, it's time to start the show.

Links to photos in the comments.

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