
Michael_True Vampire in DXD

classic. Death, wishes, reincarnation. Read and you will find out

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

Grilled Chicken. Part.2

Author: Kriuswer

Editor: WolfSpatial

After Sirzechs declared himself the organizer of the fight, an angry Lord and Lady Phenix, left the occult club building. Similarly, their son, having no choice, activated the teleportation circle and disappeared.

After his disappearance, Michael was busy assuring the girls that he would do the trick. Although they were all aware that the whole duel was a formality and that Riser could already be considered dead.

They were concerned that the Phenix family would pop up with something unexpected, because they were already familiar with the duel, between Riser's older brother and some high devil. Who should have theoretically won, but he drank a modified phoenix tear, which strengthened his attacks and regenerations based on the fire element to an unimaginable level. Although the production of such a thing is extremely expensive and time-consuming, if the Phenix family can use it to preserve the honor and gain strong slaves, it doesn't matter to them.

After three hours, during which Michael was lounging on the sofa, with Koneko lying on him.

Grayfia appeared who announced that the duel would take place in three days in the Underworld. More precisely at one of the largest stadiums for duels in the Underworld, known for the organization of ranked games between pairs of high devils. Before the great war, there were fights between representatives of different factions. Often in the old day's conflicts were solved by fighting in the arena. This can be compared to the fights in the Kengan Ashura anime series. Although this practice is no longer used and only the law used by Michael, as few survived to this day.

Michael has already arranged the most important preparations before setting up the fight. So all he had to do was wait for the day of the duel.


On the day of the duel, Rias and the other members of her peerage, that is, Yutto, Casper, went separately to the underground and dealt with formalities with her brother and her parents.

Michael as the leader of the "Blood Heaven" faction, along with its three members, namely, Akeno, Asia, and Koneko, who dressed in black robes teleported with him to the room in which Sirzechs had prepared him. Michael did not dress up in a flashy outfit and remained with his classic black leather jacket, Blade-style Vampire Hunter, which added irony and style to his outfit. Although instead of armor he only had a stylish shirt that matched the jacket.

The girls were dressed in black costumes with a black dragon on their backs, against the background of a red moon.

There were two doors in the room. The first and largest double doors led to the arena. The second, smaller ones led to private stands reserved for representatives that Michael's site. Besides the girls, Sirzechs also occupied a place in this lodge. As a witness to Michael, he was obligated to take this place and could not occupy the position of judge.

As for the judge, an outsider had to be chosen for this role, and it was none other than Serafall Leviathan, a charming magical girl who is one of the Maou. Also, a terrible Sis-con to her sister Sona Sitri. But that's a conversation for another time.

When the girls went to the lodge, Michael sat alone in the room and waited to be summoned by Serafall, who would announce the fight in a moment.

The stadium was slowly filled with several hundred thousand spectators. Many representatives of the nobility, if not all. They came to witness the duel. The reason for the majority duel did not care, the main interest was that who was stupid enough to mess with the almost immortal Phenix. They were curious about the mysterious faction that Lucifer himself supports. Many are investigating whether this faction could be aimed at helping Sirzechs get rid of the devil council, which has been restricting Lucifer's authorities for hundreds of years.

However, their thoughts are interrupted after Serafall began her speech.

(Serafall)-Ladies and gentlemen and other sixty-four sexes.

[A/N: This is for humorous purposes only.]

[T/N: I found it funny.]

(Serafall)- Here I am known and loved by billions. Magic girl Serafall Leviatan.-She said doing one of the magical girl's poses. Standing in place of the judge, who looked like a lectern from the Colosseum, in which Caesar spoke.

(Serafall)- We are gathered today because Certamen Honoris law has been called, and, as a result, two highly-born will fight for life and death.

(Serafall)- Before we present the stake of today's fight, we will introduce our players.

(Serafall)- No one else but Riser Phenex enters the battle zone. Lord Phenix's third son and Phenix fire magician. He may not have the power as great as his brothers, but he makes up for it with intelligence. Welcome him, here is Riser Phenix.

In the meantime in Michael's locker room. Michael, who heard Serafall's speech perfectly, almost died of laughter. He was beginning to suspect that they had deliberately said this to weaken him before the fight.

When Serafall finished speaking and from the right corner of the rectangular arena, through a large double door that opens to full width. Riser enters, surrounded by flames of Phenix from all sides. Which gave him a spectacular entrance and a cheering the crowd.

After entering the arena, the flames behind Riser disappeared and he took his place in the middle of the arena and is waiting for the opponent.

(Serafall)- Now let's introduce his opponent. Here is the leader of the mysterious Blood Heaven faction. Little is known about him, but there are rumors that he can destroy armies consisting of exorcists alone. Say hello to him, here is the mysterious, unpredictable Michael Alucard V. Hellsing.

Michael who saw the entrance of Riser through the television in the locker room. He decided to do something special.

Instead of leaving immediately when the door was opened, a thick black fog began to come out of the door. Which radiated effectively from the door.

After less than a minute when smoke began to escape from the entrance to the arena, Riser said anxiously.

(Riser)- Is he not going to...

But after that sentence, the door on the other end of the colosseum opened. A huge number of bats are escaping, which flew towards the center of the arena with incredible speed.

Riser, panicked, covered his face with his hands and almost wanted to curl up. However, this wave of bats never hit him. Instead, they form a person in front of him, Michael, who looked at the frightened Riser, with contempt.

(Serafall)- This is just called effective entry.

(Serafall)- And now we will present the stake of today's duel. These two will fight for the right to Rias Gremory. - Some of the cameras are directed at Rias, who looks at her with a poker face. - The second prize was called by the Phenix family. It is making this new faction the slaves of the Phenix family. And if the rumors are true, then this victory can give the Phenix family a huge increase in power and authority, which will surpass the Gremory and Leviathan family.

(Serafall)- However, if the leader of the Blood Heaven faction wins. he will receive the following additional prizes. He will receive two healthy Phenix of opposite sexes, and he will own one person from the Phenix family that he chooses. This condition has been added to equalize the rate and it is indisputable.

(Serafall)- And now players get ready. Competitors have the right to own up to ten supportive items. So, without prolongment, let's get started.

With the last word of Serafall, a gong sounded in the arena, and Riser, without waiting for Michael to move, runs around him and throws fireballs towards him.

Michael doesn't dodge too much and several fireballs hit his body. But apart from tearing off his hand and burning his skin, nothing happened to him. However, the wounds disappear faster than they appeared.

(Michael)- My turn.

Directing his hand towards Riser, he sends two shadow bows. The attack is directed towards the arms of Riser, who now stood in front of Michael. He was shocked at his recovery rate, which matched his, which made him lose another portion of confidence.

Riser's arms, as a result of the shadow attack, are cut off and fly away to the other end of the arena. In place of the old ones, after a while, new ones grow back, and Riser is preparing to perform a barrage in the direction of Michael, consisting of several hundred smaller fireballs towards it.

After this attack, it was clearly seen that Riser, was counting on his regeneration, and waiting and overwhelming the enemy, he began to improvise. Using the last layers of intelligence, he wanted through a barrage of attacks to check the level of regeneration and whether there is a way to stop regeneration. For example, by destroying a specific place on the body or ashing.

Riser, who would normally offend his opponent and exalt himself, will not, this time. As this is a very difficult duel. Maybe, I'm exaggerating. While remaining silent, he begins the attack.

The attacks reach Michael, leaving a torn corpse after him. Namely, his chest was torn and his spine clearly visible, but after a short while, his body begins to regenerate at an alarming rate. After a while, annoyed by the whole fight, Michael decides to finish this performance. Because to be honest he was hoping for a challenge or seeing some cool Phenix fire magic spells. However, he miscalculated and with a sadistic smile, he took one sword from the reconstructed jacket. (From inventory)

(Michael)- {Know, absorb, strengthen yourself. Hear the calls and cut off his path. LuxSorbere.}

The sword's blade was separated from the hilt. On changing the second form. It began to lengthen and grow quickly. And it began to surround Michael and Riser, creating a smaller circle-shaped arena. Whose walls look like a tornado, or rather the wind created by the LuxSorbere movement, collects dust from the arena's earthy floor.

(Riser)- What's happening?

Michael, standing in front of him, speaks in a closed circle.

(Michael)- Let's just say I am tired of this fight... Hehe... And honestly, exorcists have given me more fun, than you.

(Riser)- How dare you compare me to this rubbish. I am a high pureblood devil. (Mad laughter) Hehe...- takes out two vials of purple liquid and swallows the contents.

After drinking two improved Phoenix Tears, the aura emitted by Riser increased by two levels, and despite instability, Riser's strength increased to a level close to Maou's.

Riser was full of power and intoxicated by its action, he regains his lost confidence and arrogance.

Riser's body begins to cover the stream of fire of the Phoenix and even though his face and body can be seen, the rest is covered with fire, and it looks like the Dragon Ball process.

(Riser)- With such power... With such power... With such power... Even Lucifer would have no chance ... haha ​​(crazy laughter) ... As soon as I'm done with you, that "slut" will regret it that she was involved in it.

However, instead of cheers or sounds of crowd outrage or from Michael or members of the Gremory family. There was silence and nothing but the sound of the LuxSorbere rotating, creating a closed space. And Riser's fire sound is nothing.

This is caused by an overwhelming aura that was given off after Riser uttered that ugly word ... a slut.

(Michael)- You don't know who the fuck you provoked. you could die quickly.

Michael whose eyes glowed red, ignoring Riser's attack on him. Riser, seeing that Michael was rushing towards him, attacked him with a stream of fire, whose strength was felt even in the stands.

The view of Riser was obstructed by a stream of fire. Michael's body was not visible, because from all sides he was surrounded by flames... And when Riser was convinced that Michael was probably incinerated. A bone arm emerges from the stream of fire. Who grabs his head and sends him towards the wall, which is like a meat grinder. He ground him in half, making him scream in pain and stop the attack.

When Michael's stream disappeared, a black mass appeared. which only started to resemble a human in shape, which was beginning to be reconstructed. Although it lasted only half a minute, the view of the reconstructing body was terrifying.

When Michael's body returned to normal, he first began to throw Riser against the walls. Several times had his body, which regenerated after a while. But the pain he received was real because LuxSorbere works even on those who have pain resistance. Because if the body is painless, it attacks souls, which is much more painful.

When he got bored, he sent Lux Sorbere to his inventory and created a thick black fog from his arms. From which emerged the hands that held weapons, loaded with holy bullets.

Riser, who was paralyzed and forced to stand on his feet due to shadow magic, was waiting for the opponent's attack.

Smoke on both sides of Michael, not counting the pistols in his hands. Four guns per side appeared, which gives a total of five for each page.

Then, thanks to Michael, all guns fired and began to grind slowly every bone and meat they encountered. Strangely, the weapons do not aim at a random place on Riser's body. But they form two lines from the neck down. And from the fact that Riser can not regenerate, through holy cartridges. On his body remain lines that destroy the ribs and all he encountered bones. After the gun barrage ends, Michael runs up and with great force, kicked Riser's crotch, causing the spine and head to separate from the rest of the body.

While it falls, it is caught by Michael, who sticks it in the ground, like a torch in the earth.

(Serafall)- Michael Alucard V. Hellsing WINS.



Editing chapter soon.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kriuswercreators' thoughts