

"I will be with you till my last breath "

zeenat_khaToon · Realistic
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3 Chs

2. Virtual Relevance (part2)

He enquired about my health conditions with a little concern, which I felt and thought ,'He remembers?' to myself. I assured him about my recovery. Then through a lot of questions we started getting to know each other. The foremost question was about our professions. I told him that I am a school teacher and he showed a great sense of happiness and respect and maybe he was impressed. obviously, I couldn't saw his reaction but I was feeling it in my heart. He told me, he is a businessman on my counter question. I further added that I am an artist as well and make lots of handmade stuffs and showed him some of my samples. After seeing, maybe he was very much impressed, as I understood from his compliments 'woow & 'great ',and requested me to make one for him. I felt very much delighted to hear that. In fact, he was ready for advance payment also, and enquired me the price. I assured him I will take the amount after finishing and will give him after the festival. He told me to make it as per my convenience. For the next few days, we never had conversation, the reason was maybe, he was busy for the upcoming festival after few days. A night before the festival,he messaged me and enquired how festive preparations are going on. I answered with a 'fine', and told him the names of all the dishes, I was going to prepare for festival. Our conversation ended for that day. The following day was the festival. I woke up early and got dressed. I remembered, I wore a new pink coloured Kamiz with blue patiyala and a matching stole. After having a special and yummilicious meals and enjoyed a lot with my family the day, I opened my social media and received a lots of festive greetings, images from my pals and strangers. Out of all messages, his message was also visible to me. I opened the message and saw it, honestly I felt very happy and with a smile on my face ,I greeted him back. After few days, we almost started conversing with each other on a daily basis. He was always concerned about my health and used to enquire each and every day. On this, I assured him that I almost recovered a lot.

One evening, he said, 'I like your every post ', 'Really, it's amazing and meaningful', He added, 'When I read it, it touches my soul's.Through these words I felt maybe he could feel my grief and sorrows and my sense of mentality. A different kind of feelings and vibes arose in my heart. In astonishment, I said, 'Really', with a doubt because he never liked any of my posts. He assured me by saying 'I really like all of them', and sent me an image of one of my post. One day, he asked me when I am going to take an advance for the handmade stuff. He assured me to trust him and to send my bank details and in a jokingly manner told me that, 'Don't worry, I am not going to take your money.' After hearing this, I suddenly had a great laughter, which obviously he couldn't see, how louder I laughed and had a joyous reaction upon his words. I informed him that until and unless I'll not start making, I'm not going to take any amount, on which he agreed. The next day, I was searching some decorative items online and saw some beautiful floral design papers and other items. I wanted to order and tried, but unfortunately my debit card was not working. So, I messaged him to buy me those decorative items online. But rather, he told me to buy using his debit card. I was so shocked hearing this and discovered two things about him. Firstly, how could he trusts people so easily? and secondly, He is really a fool, I mean how could a person give his most personal thing to a stranger to use. I totally rejected this idea and said a straight 'No.' I rather told him that I would go to the market and buy the needed stuffs. At last he agreed. Moving forward we started conversing casually on a daily basis, just normal 'Hi' and 'Hello', and asking about each others well-being.