
MHA with unexpected powers

This is my first novel so please give me pointers and please forgive any mistakes. Follow Erik on his adventure with unexpected powers.

slothfuldemon · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Time skip and cliffhanger

Walking out of the hospital, I tried to secretly change my scent to see if my other quirks were working. When trying a message popped up in front of me

'Hello. This is the ROB that sent you to MHA. You might be wondering where your other quirks are, but no worries. I just forgot to tell you that every four years you will unlock one of three quirks. It will take 12 years for you to unlock all of them. This is the last time you will hear from me. Peace out.'

Reading this I started to get pissed.

"Damn you ROB." I muttered under my breath.

Making It back to the orphanage Mama Wyetta said, "Go tell the others about your quirk. I am going to go make a cake to celebrate. "

"Ok, Mama Wyetta."

Running off to go tell my family my quirk, I came to the thought that I can use the next four years to focus on training. After naming my quirk, I asked the doctor if I could start training and he said that my quirk made it so that no harmful effects happen if I trained at a young age. Making it to the living room, I found all three of my siblings watching the TV.

"My quirk came in."

"Yeah. What one did you get?" Asked Ruby.

"I got a quirk that allows my physical attributes to keep increasing with training."

"That's a cool quirk, but not as cool as mine." Replied Terrel. His quirk allowed him to create fire weapons that he can control from a distance along with a small physical boost. His powers were an exact copy of Ogun Montgomery from Fire force. He is home from hero school for the summer. He is one of the strongest in his class or so he boasts.

"That is an amazing power. Are you going to go to hero school like Terrel?" Asked Shawna.

"That's my plan for now."

"Well, that's good. Come and sit down on my lap. A hero fight is on." Shawna invited me.

While sitting on Shawna's lap Mama Wyetta brought out a cake. We ate and had fun till it was time for bed. Before going to sleep, I thought out a training plan. I decided to just do the One Punch man workout until it gets too easy then double it. Going to sleep I dreamed about being a great hero.

-TIME SKIP- 2 years later (mc is now 6)

It's the start of the summer and all my siblings are coming home. They each go to a different school on scholarships and stay in dorms until long breaks like summer appear. Terrel is in his last year of hero school. Both Shawna and Ruby are just finishing their second year of high school. Shawna is going to a quirk school that only excepts students that have a quirk that allows them to talk to animals. Shawna's quirk allows her to speak to sea creatures and she is focused on becoming a marine biologist. Ruby is going to a culinary school. Her quirk allows her to perfectly use any ingredients that she uses in cooking something.

After finishing my last lap around the land of the orphanage I went to go take a shower. My strength in the last two years has increased to 1.5 times that of a moderately athletic grown man. My height has also increased to 4 foot 3 inches. My baby fat is slowly disappearing making me look older than I am. Walking through the house, I heard Mama Wyetta in the kitchen fixing some lunch. Going up the stairs to the bathroom, I heard a sudden crack beside me, and before I could look the wall exploded sending me flying through the wall behind me. Looking up from my position on the floor I saw four shadowy figures standing in the smoke before they started to walk toward me.

Please forgive me for the cliffhanger. The next chapter should be out in the next few days. Also please tell me your thoughts and support me.

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