

As everyone knew, every reincarnated person or transmigrated person get some sort of wishes or chest item by ROB which consist of some sort of super-strong cultivation manual, a former godlike beast, a system which will increase their strength easily, Gamer ability or some sort cheat items that let them be the strongest in the universe. Kaito Haimura found himself with a ROB who only give a single wish where he can wish for anything. So what he get from ROB? Simple, Fictional Mimicry, the ability to duplicate and combine any power, technique, skill and trait of fictional or nonexistent characters. "So you can use fire and ice? Look at my Rinnegan, with these eyes I can use all five elements easily." "Explosion? Which explosion do you want? I have many kinds of explosion." "You can create anything? Look at this gauntlet and shiny gems, with a single snap, I can turn half of the universe living being to dust." "All For One, you say that you have many quirks huh? Let's see how you like me as Amazo who has the power of the Justice League. members." "One For All? And the main character will have 9 quirks in the future? Please, like I care when I have the 9 tailed beast chakra mode where I can blast Bijuudama to obliterate you from this earth." This is the story of me who will make the heroes jealous of my powers and villain will seek me to ask me to join them.

Animelover07 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs



"Oi, are sure you want to do this Kendo?" I ask the orange-haired girl who now is stretching herself as she fist bumps her fists together.

"Yes. You are the strongest student in the first year and I need to know how the difference of your strength against us both. Right Yui-chan?" She asks the black-haired girl who nodded her head.

"Remember dear students. You only have 2 hours to do this practice okay?" Cementos said to us.

"Hai Cementos-sensei." We all replied.

Well, you must be wondering how this happened.

It happens yesterday when I go to the cafe with both Kendo and Yui.


"Hmm. This chocolate oreo drink combo is the best." I mutter as I slurp the drink as both Kendo and Yui are slurping the same drink as mine.

"So Kaito, you said that you already do the Battle Trial Practice right?" Kendo ask me.

"Yup. Paired up with Endeavour'son and beat him. He is an emo guy and it feels good to see he cannot maintain his emo expression when I beat him up." I tell them while finish slurping my drink.

"Ah. That hit the spot." I release a satisfying breath as the girl chuckles hearing that.

"So how is your Quirk apprehension test going?" I ask them.

"I placed 2nd," Kendo replied.

"7th for me," Yui said.

"And Monoma placed first. Did you know, he can copy quirk by making physical contact with others." Kendo said to me.

"Hmm. But he cannot use all his copied power at the same time right?" I ask her.

"Yup," Kendo replied.

"Then that is fine. Besides, his quirk must have a time limit so you can wait for his time off. Unless he has touched many quirk people then you are screwed." I told them.

"That is not motivational words," Kodai said to me as I just smile hearing that.

"Kaito? If you do not mind, can we spar tomorrow?" Kendo ask me as I look at her as Yui also is surprised hearing that.

"Why?" I ask Kendo.

"I want to measure myself against you. Besides, you are stronger than me, we maybe can also find the fighting experience when we fight each other." Kendo said.

"I also want to join," Yui said to me as both girls look me in anticipation.

"Ah. This is what the Harem plus Action MC who is overpowered get ask by very pretty girls to train together and then will join his harem." I fistbump to the air in my mind as I know I have begun my path to become a harem king.

"Kaito? What is that creepy expression on your face?" I was suddenly snap from my stupor of becoming harem king as I can sense the nasty glare from Kodai.

" Are you thinking something indecent?" Yui ask me making me flinch for a second.

"Hahaha. Of course not. I am just excited train with 2 beautiful girls." I replied with a damn fake smile.

"You are lying," Kendo said making my smile falter hearing that.

"Hmm. Anyway, how will we able to spar tomorrow?" I change the subject of the conversation quickly.

"Leave that to me," Kendo said to me.

"Hmm. You better prepared to right against us." Yui said toward me.

"Okay," I replied as I see a group of student enter which I recognise is the group from my classmates.

As if seeing me, Mina approaches our table as she glances at me then take a look at Kendo with Yui.

"Hoho. To think you, Kaito is on a date with 2 girls after class ended. You are pretty bold and greedy huh?" Mina said to me as Kendo and Yui blush hearing that.

I meanwhile just smirk hearing that.

"Of course, after all, I find them very beautiful, rather than catching one good fish, why don't I catch 2 very good fishes that can satisfy my greed," I said making Kendo and Yui blush more in their face and like in the anime, steam release from their ears.

Mina, the acid girl meanwhile seems stunned hearing my answer she except for me to be embarrassed hearing her tease, not expected for me to answer like that.

"How about it Ashido?Want to join in too? I do not mind adding one more into my collection." I said to her as she seems trying to find sentences or words to counter me back but fails.

Until Kendo chop my neck.

"Kaito. Stop bullying the poor girl." Kendo said to me as Yui gives me the nasty glare again.

"You playboy," She said to me in a cold tone.

"Hahaha. It was a joke girl. Geez, give me a break will you?" I said while chuckling.

"Kaito. As a student, you should not play with another student feelings." Ilda said to me.

"Okay, Iida.Sorry, Mina. I promise I all not do that again." I apologise to her.

"But if you want to join, just tell me," I added and get the chop on my again by an angry Kendo with dirty glares by Yui.


"So who wants to go first?" I ask while etching myself as I jump flip backwards avoiding a huge hand from cooling myself.

"Us both will fight you." Yui who then make all the throw something until my eyes widen seeing many logs suddenly appears at the mid-air.

"Shit. I need to avoid those logs." My mind quickly summoned my powers.

"Black Leg Sanji." My body feels warm as I have become Sanji Vinsmoke, the chef of Straw Hat Pirates and have strong kicks that can two-shot someone and if he did not hold back, his kicks can kill someone.

I swept up a sidekick that has enough force push back all the woods as I use my leg to parry Kendo's right fist that aims to my stomach.

"Take this." Kendo then tries to smack me but I unleash my attack toward her.

"Flanchet." I release a simple kick toward her stomach as Kendo frown as her body get forcefully push backwards as I quickly leap toward Yui who now has a wooden shield-like on her hand to shield her from being hit by my kicks.

But my kick proves is stronger as her wooden shield broke and she gets send backwards.

"Crap. I forgot to hold back." I thought as my kick block a big fist once again.

A big palm tries to palm thrust me but I already use my other kick to kick the palm as I use it both hand to hold me on the ground.

I backflip backwards as I swept by a kick to her leg but Kendo manages to avoid it as she tries to hammer me down.

My kick blocks her fist as she widens her eyes seeing my kick hold her fist.

"What a strong kick that teen got there," Cementos commented seeing Kaito just held back a big fist from hammering his body.

"If one hand isn't enough, how about 2 hands then?" Kendo thought in her hand but Kaito is quick enough to kick her stomach they make her gasp as her body flies to the air.

Kendo spins her body and manages to land on the ground by using her fist as Yui appears beside her.

"Do you still want to continue girls?" I ask them as they nod their head with Kendo start to take a deep breath as Yui now start to grab something from her pocket.

"Yare yare daze," I mutter as I dash toward them as Yui throw something to me as she touches her fingertips as they reveal to be the debris.

I gather my strength in my kick and deliver a kick that sends. the shock wave that sends all the debris toward the roof.

Kendo meanwhile has started to barrage me with many quick punches despite her hand now are bigger than normal hand.

"Stop holding back Kaito. Show us your strength already!" Kendo said to me as I release a sigh.

"You are the one who insists on it. So behold, my true strength." I jump over her and head to Yui who had thrown a big pipe to me but I twist my body avoiding the pipe as a big metal plate now on her hand.

"Épaule." A downright kick that aimed for her shoulder as Yui jump backwards seeing the metal plate now has bent due to my kick.

Yui quickly wants to enlarge something but I already unleash my attack.

"Slice Shoot." I swept her hand as the things that she wants to enlarge has disappeared.

"Sorry about this, Yui-chan," I said to her and wink to her.

"Escalope." A jumping kick hit her forehead as the force make her crash to the ground and fell unconscious.

My body twists avoiding Kendo's fist.

"Sorry about this too, Kendo-chan."

"Longe." A kick directed to her hip making sending her to fly near Yui but she manages to stop it by using her giant fist by flipping it to the ground.

I dash to her despite her try to backhand me.

"Gigot." I use the technique that is used meant attacks the leg originally as I parry her backhand making it get thrown backwards.

Her other hand already hit me but my kick already hit her stomach sending her mid-air making her fist to not reach me.

I jump over her and attack her with my finish movement.

"Épaule Shoot." I bring my heel down toward her shoulder to knock her down as her body landed on the ground creating a little crack on the floor.

I land on the ground while looking at the unconscious girls.

"Me and Sanji's feeling mixed make me feel bad seeing these pretty girls like this." I frown and feel a little bit guilty seeing the station of these girls.

Until someone tap my shoulder only to see Cementos-sensei.

"Cementos-sensei. I--"

"You did good Kaito." He cut me off.

"You know Kendo with Yui already predicted this will happen and ask me to console you. Listen, we heroes will get beaten up if we ever meet someone powerful. So this beat up you gave them will make them train harder to become stronger. Yes, you will feel a little bit guilty but remember, villains will not care if you are a girl or not." He said to me making me realise this world is not that peaceful rather it is the common world of hero and villain where the citizens depend on heroes to defended them.

Heroes should always put their life when they do the job, be it whether they get beat up or in critical condition, they will keep fighting to the last to defeat the villain.

That is what it means to be a hero.

"I understand Cementos-sense Thank you for the advice. " I said to him.

"That is my job here Kaito. Now, can you wake up these girls? I believe they want to use these 2 hours to make just fight against you. " He said to me.

"I can Cementos-sensei. Alright." I approach both girls as I decide to heal these girls.

"Heal." I touch Kendo's cheek as her injuries get healed as she opens her eyes and looks straight at me.

"I lose huh?" She said to me.

"So, you just have to stand up and learn something from that loss. Come on, we still get 1 hour and 15 minutes left." I tell her as she stands up.

I approached Yui and touch her forehead as she barely wakes up as her injuries slowly got healed.

"That was a strong kick Kaito. I am glad you did not hold back against us." She said to me as I smile.

We then stand against each other.

"Round 2?" I ask them as Kendo and Yui stares at each other and nodded their head.

Yui is the first as a refrigerator, an old one approaches me as I kick it away only to be hit h a palm thrust by Kendo.

"She is getting faster. Yui also now seems to be smart by throwing much smaller object that I cannot predict toward me then enlarge them.

Kendo then aims to smack me but a kick to her forehead send her to say as Yui with a pipe now try to stab me on my stomach but I kick it away.

That proves to be a mistake as a large thick mattress almost fell on me.

I take a deep breath as I inhale the air into myself.

" Sky Dragon Roar!" I breathe a hurricane-like blast at her sending her to trash to the wall of a building.

Kendo is the next to appear as we both engage hand to kick combat as Kendo seems to try to search for a hole in my kicks as I had to dodge a large baseball that makes Kendo take this chance to use her big right hand to palm thrust the giant baseball toward me.

"Leading Sky Arrow." A whirlwind cloaks my right leg as I unleash the kick toward the baseball sending it back toward the girls had if Kendo now wielding a giant bat.

Wait, is she wielding a giant bat?

Uh oh.

"Homerun!" Kendo mutters as she hit the incoming normal baseball due to Yui who touch the incoming to make it regular size and then press her fingertips back when the regular baseball which now has become big flying toward me.

"Not bad girls. Sky Dragon Wing Attack." Both my and covers in a whirlwind as I destroy the baseball as Kendo decide to smack me with the bat.

"Slice Shoot!" I break the bat to half but Kendo hammers me to the ground as Yui had another giant bat that ready to hit me.

Her bat hit me if only I did not release a breath of tornado that trap both girls.

"Yui-chan." Kendo calls Yui who pressed her fingertips as my enhance hearing something from the ground.

A very large pencil grow big as the tip push me very high.

The tornado already disappears leaving the girls as a giant ruler appears in front of me as Kendo smack me to a building.

I get dazed because of that attack as the large pencil crash on me as my body fell with the pencil over me.

"Did that finish him?" Yui asks Kendo whois still holding the large ruler.

"These girls. Sure have some interesting ideas." I grin as my eyes opened as I released a breath that shreds the large pencil over me.

"Yui-chan. Make it large quickly." Kendo said to Yui who nods her head as she pressed her fingertips as the building I am in shrink small but I just in time blast myself out from that building only to be greeted by the sight of the huge ruler that ready to smack me down.

"Sky Dragon's Claw." I snap the ruler to two as I spin my body to deliver a hit toward her head but a large eraser block me making me click my tongue.

A huge pencil appears again but this time I am ready as I destroy the pencil with a strong kick that has a shockwave that blows away Yui.

"Sky Dragon Roar!" I blast a tornado blast toward Yui sending her to crash into the building.

"Only you left Ken--" The eraser crash again my body as Kendo push my away easily toward a building.

"Rarghhh." My mouth shot a tornado blast but Kendo appears to my left and a huge knuckle hit me over my entire body.

A chop almost hit my head but I quickly use Sky Dragon Wind to parry that but I got a slap on my left to a wall.

"Sky Drag---" A huge ruler fell over me as my attack get cancelled.

My right hand is now holding the ruler as I am now grinning in excitement.

"Now this is a fight!" I destroy the ruler and leap toward Kendo.

"Sky Dragon Crushing Fang." I swipe my hand as a gust of violent wind sends her body blown away into a building.

Many high rocks now are approaching me as I inhale a lot of air inside me.

"Sky Dragon ROAR!!!" I unleash a powerful tornado blast toward those rocks that get blown away by my breath attack and hit Yui directly sending her body to be flown away very far.

"Crap, I need to catch her." I make wind cover both my arms and blast myself toward Yui since if she crashes from the speed and that height she currently is now, she will sifter a serious injury.

My arm catches her as I use my mouth to blast a powerful breath attack that makes my fell did not hurt my feet.

I land with Yui now is carried in bridal style.

Yui opened her eyes as she met my eyes as I grin.

"That is the most enjoyable fight I had," I said to her as she just chops my head.

"Stupid. " She then fainted as I used to Heal to treat her.

I carry her to Kendo who just smiles wryly seeing me.

"Thanks for not holding back Kaito," Kendo said to me.

"Come here. I can heal you." Kendo said as she approaches me but she trips making her fall on my chest.

I fell on my butt as Kendo now has her head laid on my chest with Yui head now is over my face.

So yeah, this is a very awkward position.

"Let me rest for a bit. " Kendo said as she closes her eyes.

"Both girls must be very exhausting and using all their power to at least land a hit on me." I look at Cementos-sensei who gives a mischievous smile and gives me a thumb up.

I also give him one as he approaches me.

"So you have still 10 minutes left. Do you want me to call for a moving bed?" He asks me.

"Of course. Thanks, Cementos-sensei." I thank him as he proceeds to call in for moving bed.

"These girls will go very far." I thought in my head while stroking both Yui and Itsuka hair which make them smile.