
MHA: Unwanted Reincarnation

"So You want to reincarnate!" "No-" "We gonna spin the wheel for your three wishes, where you end up and as who, k?" "Actuall-" "Okay! Here we go!" "Listen here you little shit-" _ I don't own anything just the OC's if there will be any.

Develish_Beta · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter Three

"Izuku! Izuku! Izuku! Izuku! It's here."

My mother burst through the door as I was exercising using my dumbells, gaining my attention.

Looking over at the entrance of the apartment, I raise an eyebrow only to see her holding a letter with the U.A. symbol on it. Putting the dumbells down, I stood up and walked over, grabbing it from her and looking at it for a moment.

"Wanna open it together?"


I passed.

I also had a crying woman clinging to me like no tomorrow.

I only sighed, looking at the bawling woman who clung to me like a lifeline. Patting her on the back and waiting for her to calm down, I glared at the small holograph device that was on the table.

I blame you for this!

"I'm so proud of you Izuku!"

I chuckled, wondering if this was ever going to end.

"Mom, I have to send the hero suit application, They need time to make it, after all."

Hesitantly, she nodded and let me go, allowing me to go into my room and grab my drawing that is in an envelope. Huffing out an irritated breath, I left the apartment.

She was worried, I knew. Even though I told her that I wasn't on any steroids, she was still a mother, who couldn't help but worry.

Hopefully, my plan would work, if not, well, I can just keep those few drawings I made, not like I had anything against it.

-No POV-

Inko sniffled, rubbing away her tears, and watched her son leave the apartment with the hero suit design he made himself. He has grown so much in so little time.

Sighing, she looked at what he was doing, and found dumbells on the carpet, placed there my Izuku that was exercising when she walked in, but on the table, was a notebook.

It wasn't the usual Quirk analysis for the future that he seemed to have whenever a new quirk appeared on the television.

This one had no title which piqued her interest.

Leaning forward, she grabbed it, flipping the cover page and looking at a... rather detailed drawing of one of the top 10 heroes, particularly the number seven hero, Mirko along with details of her muscle definition, which ones were trained the most just from looks of it and what each muscle was useful for.

So, he was researching other people's physiques to find tips for his own, nothing wrong with that.

She flipped another page and stared...

There was the same woman that was on the first paper... except she was wearing a bikini on a beach... taking a pose that emphasized her admittedly muscular behind.

Oh... OH!

(My son hit puberty!)

Everything hit into place, it all made sense, the change in attitude, the new haircut, the height, the exercises!

Letting out a relieved sigh, she put a hand on her heart, relieved that he wasn't doing anything illegal, teens could get rebellious at that age.

Then a feeling of dread dawned on her as her eyes snapped open and stared at the picture of a woman who might as well be naked.

She flipped another page and blinked, and closed the notebook, putting it where she found it.

(He's into older girls...)

"Alright, Mom, I put it in the mail, it should be there by the evening or tomorrow morning."

She looked back at Izuku who was taking off his shoes. She pursed her lips and straightened her posture, waiting for her son to enter the room fully.

As soon as he saw her, he froze, looking like a scared kitten.


He visibly shivered at his mother's tone and went ramrod straight, like she was a drill sergeant and he was just a new recruit.

"Mind explaining what this is?"

She motioned to the notebook and she saw his eyes widen in realization and what must have been horror.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to explain.

"I- uh... I started a new notebook, where I detail the more trained muscles of heroes and what they can be used for?"

He tried, unsuccessfully, to lie, causing Inko to humm thoughtfully. Reaching for the notebook, much to her son's horror, she flipped to the first page, then the second, then the third before holding up the notebook to a very... risque drawing of Mirko.

Izuku fell silent and the notebook was brought back around into flipped to another page... Revealing the dragon hero: Ryukyu...

"If I flip this page, will there be something similar to the first one on the other side?"

She asked calmly and the other green head opened his mouth to refute the claim but closed it with a click of his teeth.

"Izuku, I think it's about time we had The Talk."

The said boy swallowed, hard.

-Mc POV-

"Well, that went well."

I muttered, laying on my bed with a hand over my face.

My ingenious (Read: Stupid) plan worked. Portray the image of a horny teenager just going into puberty by drawing some false evidence...

Though I won't lie, the two I drew fell into the category I was interested in. Something about Older, muscular women made me interested. I was like that in my previous life too, but I grew out of it when I reached eighteen, but not by much.

I just liked, slightly older, muscular women.

Yeah, refined tastes indeed.

One for all Flared around my body, lightning crackling around my body as more than half of the blazing inferno surfaced declaring its presence.

My skin tingled, my eyes prickled and my body relaxed.

Tensing my hand, I winced in pain. Disregarding it, I tried tensing it again only for my muscles to protest violently.

The glow died down, the lightning nowhere to be seen as I released a heavy sigh.

Well... that went well. Good thing I didn't try anything drastic at full strength.

I was tired, mentally, the week has been trying, to say the least.

The repetitiveness of it all was getting to me, every day was train, train, eat, train, train, sleep. I was gone from home most of the day, trying to get myself to the required level of strength to not die in the first month of the school I was about to join.

It's just so damn... tiering.