
MHA : True Power of Telekinesis

A random dude died and got reincarnated into the world of MHA by the name of Izaya Kurogami, his quirk is telekinesis and find out how Izaya uses the true potential of his quirk to become the strongest, but will he become a hero or a villain Author's note:- this story is just my take on showing the limitless potential telekinesis have, I think MHA has not used the true potential of telekinesis in MHA world this ability is rarely used and is very weak, the MC will be OP, he will train and became OP, MC will use his previous life's knowledge to increase his powers, so please enjoy this fanfic Also I do not own My hero academia or any of it's characters

Omega200 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


"Just when you gave the entrance exams, a new villain popped up, and a dangerous one at that" My mother said in concern.

"Don't worry mom, I'll be fine"

Technically, I didn't lie

"I'm concerned about my child's safety you know"


Three days have passed since the jailbreak, and three days later UA entrance exam results should arrive.

A lot of things happened during these three days, Izuku is scared, thinking about a new villain that could break into Tartarus, and he thinks he has some kind of responsibility to stop him as he is the successor of One for All.

As for Bakugo, well he is proclaiming to everyone that he will stop the villain that did this and become the no.1 hero.

I sometimes wonder, is he really 15 years old, even kids much younger than him like Kota won't say something like this.

Well, Izuku and Bakugo are both weird, as for the group with whom I rescued Shiro, well they are all fine and they wanted Shiro to heal, he was actually tortured in the prison, so we didn't do anything for the past three days.

I'm supposed to meet with them tonight, I learned about the back story of some of the guys.

Abomination is one of the most gentle guys, he may look like an eldrich but he is the perfect example for don't judge a book by its cover.

He was isolated from everyone, his classmates, neighbors, and even his parents, his parents had the quirk to create energy tendrils, which is an emitter type quirk but he got a mutation type.

He dived deep into the world of computers after he was isolated, now he is a professional hacker, he is a gentle soul who just wants to change this society, it's not his fault that he got a quirk like this.

As for their leader.

Shiro is actually an orphan, he was working with the hero commission until he found out about the commission experimenting on humans, specifically the hero commission experimented on kids younger than four.

Shiro didn't know the details because the commission caught him trying to expose their crimes, but if I have to guess they probably were experimenting to give others two quirks.

Having two quirks is rare, so if all the kids in japan have that then the international standing of Japan in hero community will be sky-high.

Well, the worst part is that they were also experimenting on infants, what made Shiro truly rebelled against the hero commission is this one experiment he stumbled upon while investigating the crimes of the hero commission.

There was an infant with a mutation type quirk, he had an extra organ within him that gave him resistance to fire, he could also increase his body temperature and the surrounding temperature, and that comes with enhanced strength.

But there's a catch, the organ is like a muscle that will get stronger once it's overused but it depends on the user's emotions, if the user is angry, in pain, or having an adrenaline rush then his power will increase significantly making him stronger.

So, the hero commission actually tortured the kid for years to grow his powers, due to extreme torture the kid died and got replaced by a new specimen.

(AN:- okay, I know I'm being too brutal here but I needed a strong reason for Shiro to betray the hero commission, also I need the hero commission to be the evilest ones for what's about to come)

At this point, I see no difference between overhaul and the hero commission.

I will definitely take down the hero commission.

Putting those thoughts aside, I went back to my room to play games, Tonight I have to meet with those guys again.


It's night time again, I am in my room, and my parents think I'm sleeping, I got into my villain outfit just in case the place we are supposed to meet got ambushed by heroes.

The place we are supposed to meet is a warehouse, a typical meeting place for villains, I don't understand why did they choose a place like this, I mean we could book a private room in a restaurant and discuss the villain stuff by enjoying our food.

Well anyway, I opened a warp gate in my room and entered it, on the other side of the gate are the eight people standing there with the ninth being their leader, Shiro.

"So you have come" mystic said

"yup" I said

"Hello, my name is Shiro, I didn't get to say, but let me thank you for saving me, I don't know your circumstances but I could understand that you might have gone through something terrible to choose this path at your age"

Not really, I lived a normal life with two loving parents, few friends, although they are weird, and playing games and training my quirk all day, I just have a very dark view of this society, but I couldn't tell him that, can I

"yeah, but I can't tell you my story though" I lied

"I understand, many of us would like to bury our past and forget about it" he said

"I agree with you on that one" I said

"so, let's get to the point" Shiro said "will you join our group"

The atmosphere in the room became cold, everyone waited for my reply but I answered his question with my question instead.

"Before I answer your question, answer my question"

"and what is it"

"how do you plan to take down the hero commission" I asked

"by exposing their crimes to the world"

"and how would you do that" I asked

"earlier, I planned to gather like-minded people and start a rebellion against the commission but if you join us then with your intelligence and power we could even sneak into the commission headquarters and take the evidence to expose them to the world" he said

"A good point, fine I'll join you, but on one condition," I said

"and what would that be," Shiro asked

"I'll be your leader"

When I said that, everyone in the room became silent once again, and after a few minutes of silence mystic spoke.

"What the hell are you saying, do you think that you could take the place of the leader that easily, you are just a kid"

As a matter of fact I could proceed with my plans without being this group's leader but my pride won't allow me that, these vermins are beneath me, so I shall be the one to rule above them.

"I'm just a kid huh, have you ever seen a kid with the ability to break into one of the most secured prisons in the world" I said looking at mystic

Mystic tried to say something but I cut her off

"Besides do you guys have any other plans, if you start a rebellion they could just throw a grenade at you all, and I do have a plan to change this hero society, all you have to do is trust me, I'm also someone who has suffered under this society the same as you all" I lied

The room went silent, but then Shiro spoke.

"I don't mind you being the leader if you can make this society a better place"

"I don't mind either" Kuro said

"me too," abomination said

the rest just nodded.

"what's wrong with you guys," mystic said

"let's be realistic here, we need his intelligence and power, besides he is working for the same thing as us" Kuro said

"and how can you be so sure"

"because he helped us break in into Tartarus" abomination said.

Mystic just stood there without saying anything with her head down.

"Mystic" I called out to her

"don't worry, just trust me, give me one chance and you won't regret it" I said

But if she betrays me, then she dies.

"....fine," she said in a low breath.

Hope you liked this chapter, if you do then give this chapter powerstones. next time I will show the UA life of MC.

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