
One for all?

All Might seriously just changed the weather with a punch! I never thought in my entire life that I would see something like this. All Might's foot staggered a bit and then pumped his fist in the air in victory, nobody noticed it but I think he pushed his limits to save us.

Later the heroes scolded Izu for running into danger like that but they were also impressed by Katsuki's quirk and praised him, I was also praised but i didn't care about getting praised and also surprisingly offers from them..

Izu wanted to apologise to All Might but the reporters were huddled around him. So, we left and headed home deciding that we can apologize another time or some other way. "I can't believe you ran like that without even thinking you will get hurt" I said.

"sorry my body moved on its own" he said and rubbed the back of his head.


We turned back to see Katsuki running toward us, he stopped once we turned and seemed out of breath. "Listen. I would never ask a weakling like you to help me. Don't think you could look down on me."


"Huh, got that? I was fine by myself! You're just a quirkless failure and you(he pointed at me) I did not ask for your help i was fine by myself to help and you wouldn't even cut it as a sidekick. You didn't help me. You did nothing, don't forget that!"

he turns around and walks away "I don't owe you anything!"

"What just happened?!"

After Katsuki left, All Might jumped in giving us both a Shock, "I AM HEERRE!!" he shouted in his buff voice.

"All Might! Where'd you come from? How'd you get rid of all those reporters?" Izu asked.

He said something about standing for justice Then in the middle of saying I AM ALL MIGHT! He squirted blood, reverting to his weak form. Both me and Izu screamed, clearly not used to this form of his.

He coughed a bit, "Young man and young lady, I came to thank you both. And also to discuss your question from earlier." He pointed at Izu. "If you hadn't told me about your life, if you hadn't run into that fight. I would have been a worthless bystander watching from the crowd, so thanks"

"No! It was my fault the villain was there to

to begin with, I got in the way of your hero work. I wasted your energy, and, not to mention your time." Izu said. I also spoke up agreeing with him and admitting fault as well. The villain would have been safely in custody if not for him.

"Wait, I'm not done yet. Midoriya boy, you told me you did not have powers...because of that well what you managed to achieve there was actually quite impressive." He added

"You two should have been traumatized. Instead when I saw the timid quirkless boy jump first to save a life, it inspired me to act too."

I gasp slightly,Izu looked at All Might clueless.

"There are stories about every hero" All Might continued, "how they became great. Most have one thing in common, their bodies moved before they had a chance to think,on their own. Today I saw that reaction from you."

Izu looked down"You too can become a hero"

Izu started crying and his knees gave in. He crouched down on the floor, tears spilling from his eyes.

i am happy, for him...

"Izuku Midoriya, I deem you worthy of my power my quirk is yours to inherit" All Might suddenly said shocking both of us..

"Is this a prank? Cuz it isn't funny at all All Might" I said. What does he mean by inheriting a quirk? Everyone knows you can't inherit a quirk unless it's from your parents ..it's random

Izu looked up. "Wait, what do you mean inherit? Inherit what?".Clearly he was also confused, his mind couldn't comprehend what was said.

"Haha! You should see your faces right now. Don't worry I won't force this thing on you, Listen well young Midoriya! This is your choice, do you want to accept my awesome power or not?!!" He pointed his finger at Izu and squirted blood. He wiped the blood off his mouth and continued, "There's a couple of things you should know about my abilities"

"Journalists always guess my quirk as super strength, or some kind of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I usually make a joke and dodge the question, it's because the world needs to believe that their symbol of peace is just a natural born hero like any of them. But I'm not, there's nothing natural about my ability."

Wait does he mean he was not born with his quirk? Could it be that he got it through some kind of experiment? All Might spread his arms and looked up, "I wasn't born with this power, it was a sacred torch that was passed on to me from someone else."

"Someone gave you this quirk? No way" Izu asked

"It's the Truth!" All Might replied. "and you're next, I can give you my abilities."

"This is a lot to process."-Izu

"It's true that there's a lot of debate as to what your quirk actually is, nobody's ever figured it out. It's one of the world's greatest mysteries..." Izu continued muttering. Me and All Might just looked at him as he continued to think loudly. I'm kinda used to this.

My mind was thinking of a million thoughts: It's naturally impossible to hand over quirks but it could be possible if the bearer has a quirk that allows him to hand over his quirk.

Then it wouldn't be of much use if he doesn't have another quirk himself.

So it must mean that the first person could have gotten another quirk, but how?

And If he passes on his quirk to the next person that has another quirk, that person will have the handing over quirk and also his own quirk.

I guess that could be possible.

And while I was in my own thoughts, All Might said "You are overthinking,STOP OVERTHINKING"

"Young Midoriya, you have trained your body well, that means you can take the strain of my power.." All Might once more opened his mouth.

"wait does that mean if he was scrawny he can't handle your quirk?" I asked him

"yes it will be too much for his body to bear and will explode" Whoa that's some scary quirk..

"Thank you Izumi, For dragging me to go to training with you, really thank you" izuku said hugging me suddenly..

"Huh? i did not do anything, you are the one who worked hard, you earned this Izuku"i said hugging him back..

"All Might how can I receive your quirk?" Izuku said with conviction. i smiled, he was always like this, determined for anything..

All Might took a piece of his hair and "That's what I want to hear,



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