

"It seems today morning's fight is all over the news" I said putting my phone in my pocket. Izu hummed in response. Classes were over so I packed my bag and told Izu I was gonna go to the bathroom before we head home.

When I came back to the classroom door, it slid open with Katsuki and his lackeys with some bruises walking out and him bumping my shoulder hard and purposefully with a 'tch!' before leaving. I immediately guessed what might have happened and walked up to Izu, "Izu,... what did they do this time??".

"They made fun of my notes on Heroes and Kacchan burned notebook No.13 and threw it out of the window. He also said I should pray that I get a quirk in my next life and take a swan dive off the roof of a building" Izu had an angry his face with fists clenched beside him. He could have hid it from me just as easily, but he knew that wasn't possible.

I couldn't believe it. How could someone say something as horrible as that! I wanted to go and beat those little shits "Izu don't listen to those shit heads. They had no right to tell you that. Imagine what would happen to me and mom if you did something like that. You are my brother and I love you, don't ever forget that..."

Izu nodded, "Now let's go get your book.I wonder if Katsuki actually wants to be a villain or hero" I muttered disgusted at the end while pulling Izu along by his hand and he grabbed his bag.

I saw the book in the fountain with ducks around it.

I pointed out, "Hey Izu look there!"

Izu picked it up muttering, "it's not food"

I laughed softly "damn right it isn't"

On our way home, we decided to take the route under the tunnel since it is shorter and less populated.

It was peaceful and the sun was shining on us.

Izu stretched while we were under the tunnel and we heard something behind us.

Suddenly this big green mass started coming

out of the sewage and attacked us Izu dodged it's tentacles with ease and i decided to stop it before anything happens.

i pointed my hand toward the green thing and my body glowed and it was now in the air with no escape and Izu took this chance and punched it in the eye and it screamed

Suddenly we heard the sewage lid pop open and Sludge turned around.

"Have no fear, you are safe, now that I am here that is" After saying his chatchprase he quickly puched it but nothing happened he looks lost..

"oh sorry it's my quirk"I suddenly said and he was surprised at first but composed himself.

"can you put the villain in this bootle young ?" he asked

"Midoriya, oh you can call me Izumi if you want it will get confused with the two of us having the same last name" i said and quickly put the villain in the bottle that All Might brought with him..

meanwhile Izu on the other hand

he was fanboying so hard i thought he was going to pass out..

"Anyway you were a big help! Thank you. you've captured the evildoer!"

Oh my god All Might really is so much cooler in person!! We have to get an autograph while we can, I know we will preserve it for generations to come.

Izu scrambled forward with the same thought in mind and took the book from the floor. When he opened it, he saw the autograph and screamed "He already signed it!?!??"

When did he do that???!!!!

"Thank you so much this will be a family heirloom treasure passed down through generations. THANK YOUUU!!" Izu screamed, furiously bowing up and down.

i turned toward all might"Sorry about him all might it's just he was a big fan of you that's all and suddenly you are here in person it was a huge shock for us" i bowed

"It's completely alright. And it's our job as heroes to protect citizens! You two apprehended the villain before I even got here. although it's great you know self defence I'd advise you to not take the situation into your hands and try and look for help"

All Might said with a thumbs up, "Now don't beat yourself up, you both are still growing. I'm really glad to have inspired such amazing young lads. Work hard! I've gotta get this guy to the police so they can take care of him. Stay out of trouble! See you around!" he tapped the bottle in his pocket and then turned around.

"Wait you're leaving already?" Izu exclaimed in surprise.

All Might stretched his legs "Pro Heroes are constantly fighting time as well as Enemies."

I have a feeling Izu wants to ask a lot of questions. Although, he is right, All Might must be a very busy hero. "now stand back, I'm taking off. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!"

Then I saw Izu running towards All Might before he jumped off. I knew exactly what he was doing and ran after him to pull him back. But somehow he caught All Might just before he jumped off so i decided to follow them.

i flew behind them for some time as Izu was screaming as this was the first time he flew..

after a minute or so they landed on a rooftop..

I decided to eavesdrop on what they are talking about.

"Now, I have to go"-All might

"Wait not yet! One second"-Izuku

"No, I don't have the time."

"I have to know!.... Is it possible to be a hero even if I don't have a quirk? I'm a normal kid without any power.Could I hope to be someone like you!?"

"Izu..." I looked on sadly, he really felt this bad about it. I always tried to tell him that he'll be a great hero with or without a quirk but I guess it was not enough.Even with his training there is a limit to a quirkless..

All Might paused and turned his head to look back at Izu. I looked at him, anticipating his answer to Izu.

"Without a quirk?.." he asked.

Suddenly he flinched and crouched down as if in pain, smoke curled around him. "Oh no, not now damn it not here"

Izu continued without noticing, "People think I don't have a chance, and not having any powers makes me some kind of weakling. My classmates like to make fun of me. But you know what, that makes me wanna prove them wrong ever since I was a kid I thought that saving people is the coolest thing you can do."

There was more and more smoke but I don't know where it's even coming from. At this point I'm barely listening to Izu's words. Izu continued, oblivious to what's happening "I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe and be the kind of hero in the world that everyone looks up to, just like you!"


"where did All Might go?!! You're not him!"-Izu

"wh-what happened?! You look so deflated!" I shout as i came from my hiding spot that made both of them flinch and both only now noticing me

"You can't be All Might,you're fake! An impostor!" Izu exclaimed unbelieving, but he didn't see that All Might was standing there the whole time.

"I assure you that I am All Migh-rrffjighhh" All Might suddenly spat out blood.

Izu squeals. I nearly scream.

"Impossible!!" Izu shouted.

"You know how the guys at the pool suck it in and flex trying to look buff, I am like them"-All Might

"this can't be real!! All Might is like the giant of a man who saves everyone. He defeats all obstacles and wins the day with a fearless smile"-Izu

I watched with concerned eyes, there was so much more to All Might that we never knew...

All Might sighed, "There's plenty of fear behind that smile" he crouched down and sat on the floor leaning against the wall. "I'm counting on you two to keep your mouths shut. Don't go talking about this online or telling your friends."

I went towards All Might and handed him a handkerchief from to wipe out the blood from his hands and mouth, "We would never" I said softly.

"Thank you young Izumi"

"How did this happen All Might?" I worriedly asked him.

he lifted his shirt, me and Izu gasped sharply. "Pretty gross right? I got this in the big fight five years back. My respiratory system has been destroyed, I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have pretty much worn me out. It can't be fixed. Right now, I can do hero work for only about three hours a day. Rest of the time? This is what I look like."

"Five years ago? So does that mean it was the fight with-"-Izu

"toxic chainsaw?" I finished.

"Well, you two know your stuff. But no, that punk may have landed some hits but he couldn't bring me down. Most of the world has never heard of this fight. I did everything I could to keep it under wraps... I'm supposed to be the guy who's always smiling right? I'm the symbol of peace. People everywhere have to think that I'm never afraid, but honestly I smile to hide the fear inside. It's just a brave face I put on when the pressure is high. This job isn't easy. Pro heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without any powers, so no, I honestly don't think you can become a hero without a quirk."

Izu flinched, "I see". I can't bear this. But what can I do or say to make him feel better when the no.1 hero says there is no hope?

He suggested becoming a police officer if he wanted to help and opened the door to the staircase, "It's not bad to have a dream young man. Just make sure those dreams are attainable, realistic, understand?" after saying that he closed the door and left..

"sorry can you leave me alone please" Izu asked me..i understand his feeling. helpless, i can't do anything to help him in this situation after all..

i just hugged him from behind for some seconds and left..

I was halfway home there was an explosion in the city.what happened?is Izu ok? a million questions running through my head as i started flying toward there..

i got here and saw Izu punching the green mass from earlier and helping bakugou get out and shouting at him about something..

I used my quirk in Izuku and Bakugou to pull them out of there..

people saw both of them get engulfed by a green glow and flying to the clearing..

at that time all might have come and punched it to smrithens and changed the weather..

Next chapter