
Chapter 34 - Entrance Arc II

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-Ikiru POV-

Finally, it was time for me to take the U.A. entrance exam. The written test had been given a few days earlier. It was a walk in the park for me, but it required college knowledge for the high school entrance exam. U.A. High lived up to its reputation. Of course, it was a facade they used to manipulate the public. If you had a strong enough or remarkable Quirk, you were almost certain to get into the hero department. The written test was more for the other classes the U.A. offered. General education, the Department of Support, and the Department of Administration took the written test more into consideration when recruiting students. But the first criterion was always Quirk.

Levi and Mikasa left me after dropping me off at the U.A. campus. The campus was a sight to behold. The high walls and the size of the place made me think it was a prison, not a school. I didn't waste any more time, and after showing my documents to the security guard, I entered the campus. It was a beautifully decorated area, with rows of trees on both sides of the roads. As I walked towards the building, what I saw made me want to laugh. The heir of All Might, trying to step forward, had tripped and was about to fall on his face.

Fortunately, someone helped him in time. Choosing such an unqualified heir was beyond a joke. I didn't stop there, I proceeded to the building designated for the exam. The staff at the building directed me to a conference hall. After choosing a seat at random and sitting down, I started to examine the booklet given to me by the staff. There were some explanations about the content of the exam. Levi had already informed me about the content of the practical exam. Enemy types, different sections to take the test, etc... While I was reading the booklet, the hall filled up, and Voice Hero: Present Mic took the stage. When I saw him, I couldn't help but sigh at the ridiculous name he chose.

It was stupid and hilarious for an adult to shamelessly use that name. "Welcome, all nominees, to today's show! Everyone say 'Hey'!" Present Mic shouted, putting his hand to his ear. There was dead silence in the theatre. The absurdity of this reaction made me want to laugh, but I had an image to project. "What a pure answer! Then let me summarise the exam briefly. Are you ready? Yesssss!" he sighed when he got the same reaction and continued. "As stated in the conditions of participation, you candidates will participate in a ten-minute trial battle. You can bring anything you want with you. After the presentation, you will go to the specified battle centres, okay? At each battle centre, three different types of Villain-bots have been placed. According to their difficulty level, you will earn points for each of them. Your goal, dear candidates, is to use your Quirk to take out the Villain Bots and earn points. Of course, attacking other candidates and cowardly behaviour is not allowed!" said Present Mic.

"Can I ask you a question?" said a guy with dark navy blue hair as he finished. After Present Mic nodded, the bespectacled idiot began to ask his question, "On the paper, there are four types of Villain-bots. If it was misprinted, U.A. Japan's most elite school should be ashamed of this stupid mistake..." he continued. But I had already stopped listening. Some people were stupid, there was nothing to be done about it. He was trying to get into the 'most elite' school to become a hero, but he couldn't even think straight. In the booklet given to us, the types of enemies and their scores were explained. The fourth type, 'Villain-Bot', gave zero points. And by looking at the description of the enemy type, their purpose could be understood. I started to feel disappointed even before I entered the school. At this time, I learnt that I would take the exam in the same field as Izuki Midoriya by using my Zone and scanning ability.

Present Mic, after explaining to the bespectacled idiot, we were directed to the exam areas. Many people used the changing room next to the area and changed their clothes. I didn't need to do that. I was dressed in my favourite white Converse shoes long-necked, dark navy blue trousers, and a white uniform jacket that ended at my forearms. I got used to this style of dress during my trip around the world. It didn't matter what I wore anyway. To protect myself, I always surrounded and hardened myself with psychic power. Over the years, I had learnt to shield myself with my psychic power. Except for my training and special activities, I always kept this shield active. What I liked most about my psychic power was that it was undetectable.

Five minutes before the start of the exam, everyone was changed and ready to go. A minute later, I felt movement at the door of the exam area. At the same time, at the top of the watchtower next to the area, Present Mic was opening his mouth to speak. As I realised what was happening, I immediately began to float and then rise in the air. The children around made a noise of surprise as they saw me using my Quirk and flying. Just then Mic started talking. I didn't listen to him, and I rose thirty metres in the air, arriving in the middle of this fake city called the 'war centre'. With my Zone ability, I could observe the whole city, almost the entire U.A. campus.

However, since I did not want to show this ability, and since it would cause an alarm if I showed my full power, I acted otherwise. Shortly after my action, the other participants came to their senses. They followed me into the area. The city covered a square kilometre. They had made a very detailed replica. Inside the city, I discovered about three hundred robots, one hundred of each robot that scored points, and one 0-point robot, but its size was thirty meters. Of course, most of these robots were hidden in buildings, like the 0-point robot. The 0-point robot was hidden in two buildings next to each other. I used my ability to my advantage, acting as if I had randomly discovered the location of the highest-scoring robots so that my actions would not depend on my ability.

Once I had fully reconnoitred the area, I took action. I was quite fast because I didn't hold my flight speed back too much. I dived deep between the buildings. There was a three-point robot in the street I dived into. When the robot came out of hiding, it damaged several buildings. As I dived towards the robot, I took control of one of the rubble it destroyed. I brought the rubble in front of me and pretended to support it with my hand. Then, without slowing down, I hit the centre of the robot's body. The speed of my dive, the position I took, and the way I used the rubble as a shield were done correctly enough to be included in the textbook. As a result, I sliced through the robot's body and kept flying on the street without slowing down. Using the same method, I destroyed the other robots on the street.

With my movements, the street was filled with the sound of explosions. I made a sharp turn and crossed to the other street, the rubble I had used earlier had been smashed to pieces in the fifth robot I destroyed. I decided to use one of the broken robot parts instead, but this time, rather than direct contact, I let the part fly behind me and follow me. "It's fun to show off," I thought with a smile. With the part I was controlling trailing behind me like a tail, I flew past them faster than the robots could react, destroying them with the robot part I was controlling. Having scored seventy-five points in this way, I decided to observe the participants, whom I had deliberately created a distance between me.

Even though Levi did not tell me, the content of the test was easy for me to solve. As I floated fifty metres above the city, I observed to see if anyone needed help. I felt that one of the participants had not noticed a robot sneakily jumping out of a building, I immediately looked in that direction, and pretending I had just seen it, I quickly fly in that direction. The participant realised the robot had jumped on him and panicked. He froze in place, staring at the falling robot. Fortunately, I was playing hero today. I reached my hand forward, and with telekinesis, I levitated the robot. "Hey, be more careful," I said to the guy, as I floated next to the robot. I raised my hand to the sky and sent the robot flying into the air. While looking at the guy, I squeezed my upraised hand and blew up the robot.

As the guy looked at me with mesmerised eyes, there was a huge explosion in the fake city. " Get a hold of yourself, the test is not over yet," I said to the guy and started to fly slowly in the direction of the explosion. The reason I did this was that there were a few people trapped under the rubble in the direction of the explosion. After saving them, I fly in the direction of the giant robot. Just as I approached the robot, Izuki Midoriya showed me something I didn't know. He jumped up from the ground, punched the giant robot, and smashed the robot's head. This didn't surprise me at all. What did surprise me was that Izuku finally took over the OFA.

In the same street, I rescued a chubby girl with brown hair who was under the rubble. When the girl saw that the rubble she was under suddenly began to rise into the air and float in the air, she turned from the exploding robot to me. Now, that was interesting. Because my Quirk left no discernible optical, mechanical, chemical or wavelength spectrum signature. Since I was not in her line of sight, it was a mystery to me how she had realised that it was me who had saved her. "You don't need to move, I'll take care of the rest," I said to the girl, using my telekinesis to make her float in the air. At the same time, I rose in the air, sending her a safe distance away. I caught the falling Izuku with my telekinesis and extended my left hand towards the falling robot.

The robot was huge, and if it hit the ground, it would wreak havoc. The fact that the idiot Izuku punched it, causing it to gain great momentum, made it even more devastating. I quickly slowed the robot's falling body, then gently lowered it to the ground. Meanwhile, the other participants were gathered under the area where I was floating, staring at me. I slowly brought Midoriya closer to the gap they had opened between them. With the giant robot neutralised, the exam was over. So I didn't know what to do with the unconscious Izuki. As soon as my feet touched the ground, the brown-haired girl I had saved ran past the crowd around me.

"Is he okay?" she asked me. "Ungrateful cunt," I thought to myself. "Yes, but he needs medical attention. When I grabbed him, he was unconscious. His legs and right arm are badly broken," I said. Just then, an old lady with a walking stick came up to me from the crowd. "Put him down," she said. Knowing who the woman was, I did as she said. Since the exam was over and there was nothing more for me to do, I rose into the air again and flew to the exit door of the battle centre. I landed on the ground and walked out the door.

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