
Chapter 3 - The Beginning III

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Mikasa was devoted to training after the changes she had experienced. Natsu was more interested in training his Quirk. Levi advised both children in certain directions. Levi increased his knowledge about Quirk and its effects by hacking into the servers and data storages of public and private companies. Given the age of the children, the first thing they had to do was to understand and accept their nature.

It was easier for Natsu, but given his age, it was natural for him to struggle mentally. Since he had the Quirk of Telekinesis, it was very likely that he would become lazy and dependent on his power. This could cause him a lot of problems in the future. Given his extroverted and lazy nature, it was doubtless that he would waste his potential if not guided.

Mikasa, on the other hand, followed Levi's every word to the letter. Because of her Quirk, her musculature had changed, and she began to train her body. Not only that, she was also very interested in social sciences. However, Mikasa had her problems. Both her intelligence and her psychological health had deteriorated as side effects of her Quirk. It was a known fact that intelligent people had more negative views. Intellectuals were known to be more cowardly and indecisive people.

Mikasa, with her Quirk and intelligence, reversed this fear and saw herself as superior to others. Although she was not wrong in her ideas, she had a psychological structure that a child of her age should not have. Levi did not know Mikasa's exact situation, because Mikasa never talked about herself to anyone. However, Levi had some guesses. While Natsu explored his Quirk, Mikasa focused on sharpening her body and mind. With her bloodline awakened, she was already very powerful. But in this world of superpowers, being very strong did not guarantee survival.

Years passed and the children were ten years old. Kenny and Monica, with the help of Levi, hid their identities to the finest detail and changed their last name to 'Yeager'. By sending the children to school, they ensured that they blended into society and adopted hiding in plain sight. Since they were under Levi's constant surveillance, they were not afraid that the children would expose them. However, Monica felt that it was not enough for Levi to talk to them all the time through screens or on their mobile phones.

Robots were no longer a foreign technology, as technology had developed rapidly in recent years with the AFO hiding deep in the underground world. However, Monica wanted Levi to go one step further and have an organic body. The problem was the lack of technology and the materials needed to create it. Since Levi had developed his processing capacity over the years, it was not difficult for Levi to create this technology. Even if he didn't have a fully organic body, he could create an android body.

Monica explained this idea to both Levi and Kenny. Since they both agreed with the idea, they started planning. It took Levi five years to get his body. His body was created as a replica of Levi Ackerman, after whom he was named. He was a completely undetectable android. These years were peaceful for the Ackerman family. Of course, this was only on the surface.

As Mikasa and Natsu entered puberty, their relationship was completely severed and irreparable. Mikasa had reduced her contact not only with Natsu but also with her parents. Mikasa did not speak to anyone outside or inside the house except Levi. At school she would only answer the questions asked of her, at home, she would just nod her head. After returning from school, she would teleport to her room, change her clothes, and then teleport to the gym in the basement of the house. She did nothing but train her Quirk, her body and her mind.

At the end of long labours, Levi had the answer to why she did this. "I was born superior, my abilities awakened superior. But that does not guarantee that I will always be superior. That's why I work so hard, to maintain my superiority over others," Mikasa said. "I understand, you're right, as you are most of the time. But that's no reason to be alone all the time. I've known you since the day you were born Mikasa, you believe that you and everything that belongs to you are superior and you work to maintain that. But we both know the AFO is still hiding out there somewhere. That's why you should spend more time with your family when you can, and show more emotion," Levi said.

But Levi was wrong, Mikasa wasn't showing her emotions. As she grew older, she lost her love and devotion to her family. She even hid it from Levi. Mikasa didn't mind that her family showed her less love and affection. But after seeing their clans abandon their culture and customs so easily, her feelings for them faded.

Mikasa's mind continued to distort as she grew older. This was due to her Quirk. Every time she teleported, her mind was distorted. If Mikasa had not awakened her bloodline powers, she would have lost her sanity long ago. Because her bloodline powers suppressed this distortion, she became obsessed with the things she valued most. She had developed an obsession with the Ackerman clan and its superiority. She kept this hidden from everyone. Because she believed her family ignored clan traditions and history, she lost her loyalty to them.

Her twisted mind was completely broken, but with her cold nature and a sharp mind, she managed to keep it from showing. Her parents, believing they knew about Mikasa's condition, left her alone. Kenny and Monica didn't find Mikasa's condition strange at all, except for her behaviour towards Natsu. When they were growing up, the situation was much different than it is now. There was no such thing as family love and relationships back then. The only thing that mattered was survival. So the fact that Mikasa kept to herself and didn't talk to them caused them to ignore her. Although Levi repeatedly expressed that this situation was very unhealthy, his words could not reach deaf ears.

Kenny and Monica had lost themselves in complacency after getting rid of their fears for years. Natsu's presence blinded them. His joy and sass were something they were very unfamiliar with and never tired of seeing. Levi was well aware of the situation, but there was nothing he could do about it. When he was created, the survival of the Ackerman family was programmed as his main priority. Since the family's lives were not in danger at the time, Levi couldn't do anything.

A year after Mikasa and Levi's conversation, Mikasa requested Levi. In the Ackerman family, the age at which a child reached adulthood was sixteen. Mikasa knew that Levi's programme was to carry out the orders of the surviving clan members. Not only that but Levi was coded in such a way that he had the authority to prioritise the protection of the clan's members by assessing their value to preserve its existence. The rarity of the Quirk, and the fact that their bloodline power only passed through the female line, ensured that Mikasa was at the top of the priority list. Mikasa was aware of all this.

"Levi, I have a question for you," Mikasa said. Levi was cooking for her in the kitchen of the house with his new body. He nodded to Mikasa to ask her a question without turning round. Mikasa had decided to make this request because they were alone in the house. "I know you were created to protect the existence of the clan, but what protocols do you have for that?" Mikasa asked. "As I said before, the first protocol is to keep track of the members in order of priority. The second protocol is to protect and educate members in that order. The third protocol is to plan the lives of the members and increase their security. Although the third protocol is more comprehensive than the others, it is analysing the data of the members, creating simulations, and choosing the path that will be most beneficial to them in the future." Levi put the plate he had prepared for Mikasa on the table, and continued talking.

"This is only the first half of the third protocol, the second half is more proactive. It starts with setting up possible safe houses or escape routes wherever the members have been throughout their lives. This is followed by continuous monitoring within my processing power and deploying my tools in their environment. The fourth protocol involves regular simulation and monitoring of hazards as well as the health of the members. The fourth protocol is more connected to the first protocol than the others, to protect the health of the members and the continuity of the clan lineage. That's it in a nutshell, why do you ask?" asked Levi. "I have a specific request to make of you, that's why I asked. I need you to take a sample of Natsu's sperm for me, can you do that?" asked Mikasa as she ate her food. "No problem, but I must warn you, getting pregnant before the age of 20 will damage your body," said Levi, looking at Mikasa with his usual emotionless face. Mikasa rolled her eyes and nodded.

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