
MHA: The One Within

https://discord.gg/yvqT9h32 A teenage assassin was one day betrayed by the one he was supposed to help, the men that jumped him were all fairly strong individuals and the boy knew he couldn't win and get out alive, so he released all his powers and took out the enemies and while doing so he so perished as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Fuck is this?" "Haha this is the place where souls go to get reincarnated, and I've got to say your life was definitely one that was filled with entertainment... Well anyways, the powers that you wanted when you were but a small child watching anime have been gifted, but the gifts come with consequences, and since you've been entertaining me for a while, I decided that you will once more be my source of entertainment." "... Do I get a choice?" "Nope. The world you will be reincarnated to is my hero academia." [This is a wish fulfilment story, and there will be BULLSHIT OC enemies, and I will tweak Tomura's decay because since he's one of the main villains I'll make his quirk stronger. As for the OC enemies, they will be complete bullshit, well more specifically their power will be since Kiraizu will need a challenge cause it wouldn't be fun if Kiraizu had nothing to challenge him in] (I DO NOT OWN ANY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS FROM MY HERO ACADEMIA, I ONLY OWN MY OC'S)

pinto · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs



"Okay." Was the only word I wanted to hear.

Izuku soon blacked, and a wave of malicious intent washed over everyone.

All Might turned around and was shocked by what he saw. Izuku has his hand above Uraraka's body as a blue aura wrapped around her, and her wounds started healing at a visible rate.

'How's Young Midoriya doing that? He can't have multiple quirks can he?'

Todoroki, Momo, Tsuyu, Alan, Mia, all looked at the scene in front of them in wonder.

'How is he doing that?!' Momo asked herself. While Todoroki was feeling something completely different.

'Do they not feel that? This feeling he's giving off doesn't seem right..' Todoroki thought while glancing at his classmates next to him.

Alan was staring wide eyed at Izuku or better yet, Kira. 'What's this feeling? And who was Izuku talking to?'

"What the hell is that little brat!? How does he give off a even stronger feeling then Sensei?!" Tomura asked while scratching his neck, drawing blood.

"Young master Tomura, please stop scratching." Kurogiri said.

While they were staring in wonder, Bakugo and the rest of the class ran up to Aizawa to make sure he was okay.

"Aizawa-sensei! Are you alright?" Asked Ojiro, the boy with the tail.

Aizawa sat up with grunts and stared at All Might still trading blows with the Nomu, then he scanned the room only to stop at the other Nomu trying to get the jump on Kira and the others.

"Sheesh, been awhile since I've been able to move." Kira said, drawing confused looks from the rest of the people behind him, he turned around and made eye contact with Aizawa and then smirked before walking away from the group leaving an injured Aizawa.

"HEY YOU FUCKING NERD! WHERE THE HELL YOU GOING!" Bakugo screamed, and was about to dash off to Kira only to be stuck in place with fear.

"Don't talk to me like you're above me, trash." Kira said with a glare, then looked towards the Nomu that was right in front of him with his fist raised in the air.

"IZUKU DODGE!" Jiro screamed with all her might, as she and the rest tensed up only to be left dumbfounded by what they were looking at.

"Tch, what a bore. Aren't you supposed to be some 'All Might killer?' If so I'm real fucking disappointed." Kira said coldly while looking down at the now cut in half Nomu squirming and yelling.


The students in class 1-A couldn't understand what they were seeing.. Their classmate, that was known for having a quirk that destroyed his own body when he used it, just cut a Nomu in half with just a swipe of the finger.

'This fucking bastard! That's the same thing he did to me!' Bakugo screamed internally while having a nasty expression on his face.

"All of you! come back to the stair case! NOW!" All the students who heard that looked in the direction of the voice and started showing happy and relieved expressions.

A fray of bullets started spraying out in the open until they curved and hit Tomura in all his limbs rendering them useless.

"Midnight! Use your quirk once the students are in a safe distance! Cementoss, use your quirk and being back that kid standing in front of that monster!" Commanded a little hybrid of animals.

Nezu scanned the area and noticed that All Might was still fighting a Nomu and he saw how it was healing, but then he looked at the one in front of Kira and noticed it wasn't.

'What's this? Why is that one not healing? Does it not have the ability to?' Nezu kept staring at Kira with a thoughtful look on his face.

'Hmm? Oh it's the other heroes huh, well lucky for me I still have some time to fuck shit up.'

"Kiru" whispered Kira, and a pitch black sheathe that carried a Katana appeared on the back of his hip.

(SASUKE STYLE, its badass bruh don't complain.)

Everyone who saw this went wide eyed and watched as Kira walked to where Tomura was now laying.

"Wow, the little bug that thinks he's hot shit is now face first on the ground and bleeding out. Ain't that somethin!" Kira mocked as he pulled out his Katana's blade.

'What a beautiful sword.' Kira thought. The Blade of the Katana was a purple that had a hint of green and blue in it.


Kurogiri who saw this immediately teleported in front Kira in hopes to stop him, but what happened left him and the other heroes dumb founded.

"Nah never mind. This bitch doesn't even deserved to be killed by me, get him out of here." Kira said while lifting his gaze to meet Kurogiri's.

Kurogiri didn't waste anytime and teleported both Tomura, and the Nomu that was left in half on the ground out of the compound.

"Kid! Come back here now! The pros are here now no need for you to put yourself in danger!" screamed a Hero named Vlad King.

"Tch get lost, I finally have some free reign and I'm not going to let you fuckers ruin it." Kira spat while glaring at the pro heroes.

'I-is this really Izuku!?' Class 1-A was left dumbfounded, Izuku the one student that was always timid and shy was now cursing and talking back towards pro heroes.

"Kid I'm not going to warn you again! Come back here right now!" Spat a different hero that's named Ectoplasm

As Kira was about to reply All Might was sent flying towards Kira at high speeds.

'What the fuck?' Kira who saw this looked at the flying All Might with a indifferent expression

"Move Young Midoriya! I won't be able to stop my flight!" All Might screamed with urgency

Kira then waved his hand and All Might suddenly flew in the opposite direction.

"What!?" All Might exclaimed he didn't even care for the hard feeling he felt when he was redirected, he was lost in thought on the strength Izuku is exhibiting.

Nomu wasn't going to wait for anybody and he dashed towards Kira and arriving in under a second raising his fist to send a powerful punch towards Kira while he wasn't looking.

'Damn cocky brat! He's gonna get himself killed!' Cementoss exclaimed while putting his hands on the ground using the cement to conjure a Giant wall to try and shield Kira.

"Midnight!" A hero named snipe yelled, and Midnight who heard this cut a part of her arm sleeve which released a puff of pink gas that traveled to the Nomu.

'Damn! They won't make it in time!' All Might tried to get back up but immediately started a coughing fit and spit some blood, he looked up at 'Izuku' and had water in his eyes.

The Nomu's punch that was sent Kira's way reached it's target within seconds and every one braced themselves for the scream that was coming, except the scream they heard wasn't Kira's but the Nomu's.

"Man these animals aren't a challenge at all." Kira said while slinging his Katana to the right of his body to get rid of the Nomu's blood who occupied it.

"Tch this was boring.. Hey!" The heroes and class 1-A finally snapped out of their shock and looked at Kira who was smirking

"How about you guy's fight me?"