
MHA: The One Within

https://discord.gg/yvqT9h32 A teenage assassin was one day betrayed by the one he was supposed to help, the men that jumped him were all fairly strong individuals and the boy knew he couldn't win and get out alive, so he released all his powers and took out the enemies and while doing so he so perished as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Fuck is this?" "Haha this is the place where souls go to get reincarnated, and I've got to say your life was definitely one that was filled with entertainment... Well anyways, the powers that you wanted when you were but a small child watching anime have been gifted, but the gifts come with consequences, and since you've been entertaining me for a while, I decided that you will once more be my source of entertainment." "... Do I get a choice?" "Nope. The world you will be reincarnated to is my hero academia." [This is a wish fulfilment story, and there will be BULLSHIT OC enemies, and I will tweak Tomura's decay because since he's one of the main villains I'll make his quirk stronger. As for the OC enemies, they will be complete bullshit, well more specifically their power will be since Kiraizu will need a challenge cause it wouldn't be fun if Kiraizu had nothing to challenge him in] (I DO NOT OWN ANY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS FROM MY HERO ACADEMIA, I ONLY OWN MY OC'S)

pinto · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Talk & Battle trials.

(PLEASE READ- I was tired as hell while writing this, and I was going to wait till i woke up to finish this chapter, but I decided against it so if this chapter seems rushed and all over the place, my bad just let me know what should be fixed in your opinions and I'll try my best. ANYWAY ENJOY)



"So, coward you finally showed up again huh" was the first thing I heard when I gained my bearings, 'I don't know why he's calling me a coward though... wait he probably saw me shaking in front of that robot, but then again who wouldn't be scared? I don't have to feel bad about that because I still saved that girl.' As I finished up my monologuing I looked back up to see that this man named "Kira" has a shit eating grin on his face, and for some reason I feel really angry now.

"Well then Izuku, lets get to business shall we?" Asked Kira, when Izuku heard this he didn't know what to think about it he just thought he would send him out again, but oh boy was he wrong and now he will have a lot to think about.

"What business? You still haven't answered my questions from before.. And I was hoping to never meet you again." I said to Kira while looking dead at him, It was the scariest thing I've ever done and I don't know why I did it, I've never talked back to someone before and when I did I was always shaking and stuttering.

"Ah, I guess I didn't tell you who I am huh, well if you want an explanation of where we are, we are in my special room inside your body!" Exclaimed Kira, and when Izuku heard this he blanked out.

'Inside my body? what does he mean? How is that possible? Im pretty sure my body doesn't have skulls in it and a throne..' While Izuku was thinking about what Kira could possibly mean Kira decided to continue on with his business before sending Izuku back out so he can wake up.

"Well you can think about it more on your own time, we have business to discuss and I'm not really wanting to spend more time then I need to with you. One, I will not kill you so you don't need to worry about that, you die I die, that's how it goes so unless you are in terrible danger don't call for me and leave me alone." Kira explained while I listened. 'Well it's good that he can't kill me, but what does he mean by calling for him?' "Hey what do you me-" as I was in the middle of asking my question Kira interrupted me. "Hey might wanna remember that I can heal." Was what he said while having this smirk that revealed a fanged tooth, 'What does he mean by I can heal? Why does that matter? Why is he telling me this?' As I was thinking of the reason why he told me this, I was forcefully ejected out of "HIS" domain but before I was fully gone I once again heard him say something.

"My help doesn't come free ya know.." Kira said with a evil smirk that sent chills down my spine, and when I opened my eyes all I saw was a white ceiling and bright lights, I looked around for a bit and I realized I was in a nursing office.

"Oh, you're awake! That's good, now stay there and let me make sure everything is okay." Said the recovery hero, after she patched me up I decided to head home for the day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(GENERAL POV)

At U.A Highschool the gates are currently open and students are flooding in, and heading to their individual classes, In a certain class sits multiple students (like they should) while their teacher, a man with a tired and bored looking face along with long black hair and a grey scarf. There were also a few students missing from the canon, and those were Koji, the bug guy, and Toru.

(Sorry if you wanted Toru but the characters I added are better and stronger so it made sense imo that i get rid of them.)

"Get dressed in your P.E clothes and meet me outside.." Said the teacher, and the students proceeded to go outside and meet the teacher. While out there the students lined up, on the right there is a boy with silver hair and pitch black eyes, next to him stands a girl with purple hair tied up in pig tails with big blue eyes, she stands at around 5'5 while the boy stands at around 5'7.

On the other side stands a girl with light teal hair and yellow eyes she stands around 5'4 and she's floating around while sitting cris crossed. and next to her stands a tall boy with black hair and glasses with a serious looking face, his legs have engines in them and he stands 5'8, (Ion know why I added Ida to the line up but I did) next to him are the rest of the students but one that stands out the most is a girl with red hair and grey eyes she has a round face and she's really pretty and her snow white skin just amplifies her beauty.

"Now, we're here because we are doing a apprehension test with quirks, so each of you will come up here and participate."

As everything went like canon except for a few of the new students, the boy with silver hair, and the girl with the purple hair, who's respective names are Alan and Jen, Allan did splendidly well except he got one of the worst scores for the throwing and he got average scores for the other subjects, while Jen on the other hand did a lot better then Alan. She used her weird quirk that allows her to create and manipulate this rubber type substance that sticks to all surfaces.

'Her quirk is unique.. I'm pretty sure that's basically bungee gum from Hunter x Hunter, hopefully she's well versed in it, but I won't get my hopes up. Why do I even care?' Thought Kira, while he was observing the students he realized that those 2 new students weren't in the original cast, and this got Kira thinking. 'That damn god! He said he wouldn't mess with the world unless it was in a stand still! Damn it, I just hope that's all he changed cause the people they replaced weren't all the useful but they were of the main cast and that could cause issues.. Ah whatever, I'll just worry about absorbing this shrimps energy rather then waste it on thinking about useless shit.'




'Finally, something interesting. They're doing the battle trials, hopefully I can forcefully come out, or maybe I can convince that shrimpy ass kid Deku to hand over the wheel.' While I was thinking about how I can finally move around, I was paying attention to the teams and it went like canon except this time Deku is with the red head girl with a soft face, I don't think I know her name, but I was pretty sure I would figure it out soon enough.

As All Might was explaining the rules for the battle trials I was watching as this idiot Deku kept gawking at the red head, and he's not wrong too.

'Damn she's bad, wait.. Isn't this illegal?? I mean my body is technically 15 but I'm like 25 years old mentally...' As I was contemplating whether I was a pedo or not, the teams were already set and the rules were explained and the battles went like normal except for the boy with silver hair and the girl with purple hair.. Apparently the boy named Allan can restrict people and his restriction is really strong and sturdy, while Kira already knew of Jens quirk the thing that surprised him was when she shot it like webs and tied up the villain team in a cocoon like thing. 'She could be annoying if she catches me off guard, but that won't be till she gets a lot stronger.' Thought Kira.

And soon enough it was Deku and the red heads turn.

"Good luck Deku!" Screamed Uraraka, and when Deku heard her he turned into a stuttering mess and turned as red as those bombs do in fuckin Mario brothers.

"T-thanks Uraraka-san." Deku said while trying to hide his blush. 'Honestly, this kid is to damn inexperienced, who get's embarrassed for being wished good luck..'

"Come on Mia! We need to come up with a plan and get ready!" Screamed Deku, 'Ohhhh so that's the name huh..' Well whatever I just need to wait till Deku falters mentally so I can take over. While I was plotting, the fight already started and Deku decided to go after Bakugo, while Mia went after the bomb.


(PoV Mia)

As I was walking down the corridor to the bomb, I kept hearing loud explosions and screams of pain. I guess Izuku started fighting Bakugo, and he seems to be losing.. 'Well whatever no need in worrying about him I need to get my job done.'

'So there he is.. I need to be able to get by him but I doubt I'm fast enough to get by him myself' I thought while looking at the boy named Tenya Ida, I proceeded to call up Izuku so I could get him to help me only to hear Bakugo's screams and Midoriyas laughing..

I immediately came running to their location as Ida did the same. 'Seems he heard it as well.. I really wonder what's going on, Izuku has never laughed like that before.. It was.. Disturbing to say the least' While I was wondering what was going on with Izuku we both reached the location only to be stunned.

"M-Midoriya-kun? what are you doing!? STOP!" Screamed both me and Ida only to be frozen stiff in fear..