
MHA: The One Within

https://discord.gg/yvqT9h32 A teenage assassin was one day betrayed by the one he was supposed to help, the men that jumped him were all fairly strong individuals and the boy knew he couldn't win and get out alive, so he released all his powers and took out the enemies and while doing so he so perished as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Fuck is this?" "Haha this is the place where souls go to get reincarnated, and I've got to say your life was definitely one that was filled with entertainment... Well anyways, the powers that you wanted when you were but a small child watching anime have been gifted, but the gifts come with consequences, and since you've been entertaining me for a while, I decided that you will once more be my source of entertainment." "... Do I get a choice?" "Nope. The world you will be reincarnated to is my hero academia." [This is a wish fulfilment story, and there will be BULLSHIT OC enemies, and I will tweak Tomura's decay because since he's one of the main villains I'll make his quirk stronger. As for the OC enemies, they will be complete bullshit, well more specifically their power will be since Kiraizu will need a challenge cause it wouldn't be fun if Kiraizu had nothing to challenge him in] (I DO NOT OWN ANY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS FROM MY HERO ACADEMIA, I ONLY OWN MY OC'S)

pinto · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Meanwhile & Feelings.

(While Nagant & Kira are talking to each other.)

The video of Kira, and a mysterious attacker that fought each other, was uploaded soon after Kira dashed away.

The response it got was a mix of love and hate, some people enjoyed the video while some other's were freaking out and asking where the heroes were.

Kira's fanbase grew even more which also attracted the attention of a certain man baby.


(Kurogiri's bar.)

Tomura was sitting at a table with a phone in front of him.

"Agh! Why is this nobody getting more famous than us!? We raided one of the most secured hero schools in all of Japan!"

Kurogiri who was behind the bar cleaning the same glass for the 25th time today answered.

"Well Young Master, Kira has defeated all Top Ten heroes including All Might, something we failed to do. Maybe instead of trying to out due him, why don't we just recruit him and have him gain fame for us?"

Tomura stopped his whining and started scratching his neck.

"But I hate him! Why would I want to work with a brat like him! He's even younger then me, what would he know about doing crime!" Tomura replied, scratching his neck until he suddenly stopped.

"Why don't we just ask sensei? He should know what to do.." Kurogiri nodded and turned on the old TV that was in the room.

"I heard everything Tomura, and I say you should do whatever you have in mind. Don't forget that your planning to attack the very city he's currently in, so why don't you try and complete your heist and recruit him, and stain at the same time?" The man on the screen suggested. Tomura stared into the distance after some time before he replied.

"Fine sensei, I'll try your way." Tomura decided.

"Good, and if you can bring him into the League, I'll give you even more Nomu's!" The man on the screen exclaimed while smiling.

'Yes Tomura, bring me my new bag of quirks!'


(POV Izuku Midoriya.)

For the past few weeks we haven't gone to school, but we did choose who we would intern under, and I somehow got a offer even though I didn't do anything except get injured.

I chose Gran Torino as All Might told me about how he was his past teacher, and I was pretty pumped up about it as I was able to learn the same way my Idle was.

'Huh? What's this?' I saw a video on wet-tube, and it was titled,

"The Villain Kira Vs Mysterious attacker!" I looked in the comments without watching it yet and noticed that there were people who were hoping that Kira won, and the rest were people who were getting upset because a Villain was on the run and was currently active in their hometown.

I watched the video, and to say that I wasn't amazed at how he cut a bullet in half and then disappeared would be a lie. I kept rewatching the video over and over again, until I started getting drowsy. I shook my head to try and rid myself of my sleepiness, but it ultimately didn't work and I decided to go to sleep. I was about to close out the video, but the last thing I saw before I shut my eyes, was the word 'Hosu'.


(POV Momo Yaoyorozu)

"Woah! Momo! Did you see that!?" My cousin Uzushi asked while jumping up and down, he was showing me a video of Kira fighting in the streets of Hosu city. He kept jumping up and down and he kept rewatching it for about an hour before he finally fell asleep.

I was about to close out the video, but I ended up rewatching it several times more, and the more I watched it the more infatuated I felt.

'Why do I feel like this? He was the one who killed my classmate! I shouldn't feel like this!' I screamed internally, I got up off the couch and headed towards the stair case.. But then I turned around and decided I would keep watching the video, or more specifically, Kira.

'I shouldn't feel like this.. But I can't help but feel awed by him.. I mean he's about 2 or 3 years older then me but he's already this strong!..'

I didn't get much sleep that night.


(PoV Lady Nagant)

I'm currently running on roofs towards a unofficial building for the Hero Public Safety Commission company. I feel really conflicted about this whole mission, I know I'll get in trouble for failing to do my job, but I don't even feel all that bad about it. I feel.. relieved..

I told Kira about my past and about my job and what I do, he didn't say much. He just stared into my eyes while I did the same, although it was a little eerie since his eyes are pretty scary, but none the less I still held eye contact with him.

For some reason I found myself opening up to him more then I did to anyone else in my entire life! It's weird, definitely weird. But it helped me and it felt good to be able to talk about my worries, my stress, and things that I want to do, all he replied with were grunts or 'mhm' but I knew he was still listening, and when I finished talking it felt like my shoulders were lighter and my face was relaxed.

Well I knew it was relaxed because he told me I wasn't frowning anymore, but it was certainly strange how a man that just wanted to kill me, became my therapist.


I got back to the Agency with a small content smile on my face.

'That sure was a roller-coaster of events.'



Boring ass chapter, I know.

Next few chapters will be preparing for the Stain Arc, and Kira meeting with the league.

ANYWAY. Hope you enjoyed, even if you didn't I still hope you did.