
Quirk Awakening(2)

{Procrastination is not a good thing to be self-aware of.}


And then....it manifested.Behind me is Giorno Giovanna's Stand or, now my stand Golden Wind along with it came an infinite influx of a weird feeling circulating in my body, like being able to feel blood rushing through your veins.

Gold Experience is a humanoid Stand of slender build and average height, The top of its head is similar to that of a typical helmet of a soldier with a ladybug-like design, with curved markings similar to the letter J coming down from the eyes on both sides. There are stylized wings on its shoulders and large ladybugs all over it's body, except right now it actually has my height.

I look upon my family and I see them staring at me flabbergasted, though I don't think it's because of the awakening.

After a few seconds Shizuka was the first to snap out of it and she exclaimed, "Hospital Now!"

Her outburst seemed to have snapped my parents out of their bewilderment as they all rushed out, Dad taking me in his arms and dashing into the car where Mom and Shizuka where nervously waiting.

We could get there faster, with Shizuka's quirk but she doesn't have a license to do something like that.

However, Mother seems to be extremely worried about something as she glances at me from the passenger's seat occasionally.

Curiously I stand up on the back seat and lean over to her as I say in my childish voice, "Mom, Are you afraid I'm going to get a bad Quirk?"

She looks back at me as she forces a small smile, "Oh, I'm not scared of what's about to happen, Even if you did get one you can just live life normally instead of being a Hero."

But then her expression changed into a worried one, "I'm scared of what's to come." She said as she went back to silence not telling anymore.

Her words spiraled me into confusion, I couldn't comprehend why she would be afraid of an occurrence after the Quirk awakening.

Even if I got a Quirk that was as dangerous to my body or mind as Izuku's OFA. I could just train my body to become resistant to the negative effects. The low chance that my quirk could possibly be do irreversible damage to me, I'll just be a police officer or the like.

But, I kind of get what's got her worried so much, She doesn't know my Quirk is already predestined to be what it is.

"Al...right?" I replied, my confusion still evident in my voice as I plopped back into the back seat.

Although she smiled back at me, I could still feel her distress for whatever might occur, 'I don't get it what could possibly make Mom so worried.'

Looking towards my sister at my left side, I gave her a questioning look. She seemed to not get it either, Asking Dad isn't an option as he refuses to divert his attention towards anything else as long as he's in the driver's seat.

As I could somehow feel Mom becoming increasingly distressed I put aside the reason for it and thought about how to put her mind at ease.

Realization dawning on me, I reached into the pocket behind the passenger's seat, searching for the item to put my plan into action.

I Grabbed the thin and crumpled sheet of a failed test paper that Shizuka tried her best to hide away from the disappointed eyes of our Parents.

Tearing the paper into tiny, individual pieces I took a deep breath and tried to manipulate the energy swirling deep within me.

This was just a test to see how far I can go with this power, I have plenty of normal ways to bring her spirits up.

For a moment, I could feel something overlapping on my hands but it disappeared just as quickly as it came.

'Come On! Concentrate!' I exclaimed in my head as I tried to manipulate the energy again.

This time, I felt a light brushing against my tightly closed palms that was starting to get faster and higher in numbers.

'Alright 3..2..1'

"Hey Mom look!"

I opened my palms as butterflies of numerous colours started fluttering around like it's a beautiful summer afternoon.

As Mom looked towards me again she was instantly mesmerized by her favorite flying creatures bathed in the little sunlight shining through the windows, rhythmically flapping their wings.

Shizuka was about to shake my bloody head off trying to ask me how I did that, until Mom slowly put her hand on Shizuka's as she quietly admired the flying creatures.

*At Central Hospital*

{Central Hospital (セントラル病院, Sentoraru Byōin?) is a health care institution located in Tokyo. The hospital is considered the best place for state-of-the-art medical care.}

As the car drove into the parking lot I saw, that there weren't alot of vehicles in the vicinity, and even fewer people walking around. There was this one guy that looked to be around 20 years old sprinting round n' round the building quite fast, till he fell over with a thud after getting too dizzy.

As the car got in it's spot I opened the door to get out, and the butterflies that were held in the confines of the car were released at same time. As I walked out of car the butterflies hurrying out of car made me look like I just came out of a Disney Movie.

Shizuka came out of the car sulking, as she wanted to know how I made the butterflies because she wanted to make a real dragon, which ended with Mom crushing her dreams with the wicked hammer of reality.

"Let's head in." Dad said as they all started walk in into the hospital quickly with me trying hard to keep up with their pace because of my tiny legs. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the guy that had just fainted a moment ago starting to come out of his coma.

With my attention span built shorter than Mineta, I found myself walking towards a man I've never met in my entire new life. As I neared the recovering person he seemed to notice me as I said,"Hey there mister you, aren't looking to well."

The man in question looked up at me as he replied in a somewhat lost voice,"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers."

"Nope, they only told me to avoid men with candy, and black vans." I proclaimed proudly. "Ah, I see" The man seemed to be quite uninterested in everything that occured here.

"So, What's got you so down mister?" I asked as I sat in front of him awaiting his answer.


"What's it to you?" The man in question asked wondering why a child would even glance at him.

"I want to be a hero" I said. The man seemed confused as he asked, "What's that have to do with me?".

"What do you think being a hero means?" I asked as I shifted to a more comfortable position. He barely thought for a second before answering with "It's obviously saving people and stopping villains."

I shook my finger a little "TchTch You'd only be half right there, that's not all there is to it." "Hm? What?"

"The answer to this question is the root of villainy, although some people are naturally evil and commit atrocities just because they want to that's a smaller percentage of them."

"The larger part of them are people that just fell into that hole, people that believe the world is doomed, people that have been betrayed, people that believe that the world has abandoned them, even people attacked by other villains cause people to fall into villainy."

"But, Heroes don't just stop villains. They're existence should also prevent people from becoming villains. Whether by fear or by hope."

'Heh Heh yeah I'm a bit of a philosopher myself.'

The man in front of me seemed surprised to hear me say those things, as he took a moment to calm down he said "How do you know these things?"

As I sat there feeling like I was about to get showered with compliments on my godly insight, his question awoke me from my illusion as I realized that to everyone else, I'm but a toddler.

"I-I-I-I erm uh um" My words, unable to form from panic came out as unintelligible. "Crap, I forgot about that"

"I uh saw it on TV?, Oh what's that?, Is that Mother I here?, Coming!" I said as I began sprinting towards the sliding door.

"Ah, wait what's your name?!" The man shouted out from behind me. I looked back at him as I yelled back. "Kato Yamamoto! Remember it well I'll be making headlines soon!"

I had gotten in the hospital as I saw my family waiting for me. They waved at me to follow them. I did.

I could faintly catch the smell of sterilized tools as I walked past the light grey walls, They had made it into another door as I had caught up to them, I caught sight a of a man in a white oversized coat and a very thin build, but he had a weird roundness, like a corn dog.

"Ah, you're here let's get started then, I'll run you through the tests" the man said, as he motioned for me to sit which I followed.

As he sat down, he downed a bottle of water and cleared his throat "Alright now quirks are categorized based on their ratings in six departments: Power, Speed, Defence, Deception, Recovery, and Versatility"


What do you guys think of this addition to quirks tell me if it's nice or not.

Edit: It's April 15th as I make this note for the reason there has been no chapters. I'm currently 4 days away from an external exam to get to UNI that I had to study for a whole year before after a month there's another test then a month after another test so I might be able to do something in-between those intervals.

So I sincerely apologize for just this after such a long disappearance.

I think Gohan would love all might.

VanillaExodiacreators' thoughts