
MHA: The Fresh Blood

A girl reincarnates into the world of My Hero Academia, will she destroy the plot, or will she try to avoid it at all costs? Either way, she will try to live her life as best as she can. No matter who gets in her way, she will have the life she wants, even if she has to go against God's. [Disclaimer this story will contain-] Eve: Come on let's just get to the good stuff of me killing some shitty people, and trying to build a harem! Afterall, doesn't everybody just want to see me fuck shit up and get some girls. [Well I think you get the idea of what this story has in it] .................................... Author's Note This is my first story, so sorry for any poor grammar in the future, also the cover art was made by me and so is any of the art I use in the later chapters. Also, sorry for the first few chapters being a bit underwhelming, but don't worry it gets better. Now let's get onto the story.

The_Fae_Child · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


While Eve was happy about her haul of new quirks, she felt like she was forgetting something. It was almost like her current situation was too calm, especially with one of animes biggest cry babies here.

'Why is Tenko the only one crying? You'd think with what's going on they would- oh, never mind.' As soon as Eve looked up at the other's in the room to see if they were all right, almost all of them were crying, the only one she couldn't fully figure out was Toru for the most part. But, she is shaking, so there is a high possibility that she's crying too.

'Shit, it seems they were traumatized by this. Well, it makes sense since it's their first time getting kidnapped, and they aren't the older versions of themselves that I remember. I should comfort them till the police get here, but how?'

Eve could tell that Tenko needed a shoulder to cry on earlier, so that's why she offered it to him, but the other's looked like they needed more than that. Even if the system was right about them knowing she saved them, they were still kids and needed someone to tell them that everything will be all right.

This was the first time she has ever been heroic in any sense of the word, and this would also be the first time she's had to comfort someone. So, she had no idea what to do, except think about what usually calmed her down when she was having a panic attack.

'I could cool them down a bit with that ability in Wendigo, and play a song. Wait no, my clone is still on the phone with the police, I guess I could try singing, hopefully my singing is at least decent enough to comfort them.' The best way Eve had to calm down from her panic attacks was to lower her body temperature and listen to music.

Cooling her body's temperature would help lower blood pressure to slow down her heart rate, and the music would give her something else to focus on at that moment. The only problem now was that she barely knew any child-friendly songs, let alone a comforting one that wasn't a creepy nursery rhyme.

'Dammit, why can't I be someone like Uncle Iroh in this type of situation... wait, that song could work, too bad it wasn't actually one of his songs though, even if it is a little preachy.' 

Eve stopped hugging Tenko and spread her arms out a bit, this confused him and made him think he did something wrong. Until, arms made from Eve's blood extended from her hands and brought the others into the hug too.

Before they could question her having two quirks, to their knowledge, the surrounding air started to feel cooler, like a nice breeze on a sunny day. The cool air was a nice contrast to the warmth that they felt in Eve's extended embrace, and when she saw that they were comfortable in her arms she started to softly sing as best as she could.

"You break apart the inside, to find what's underneath. But, there you found more questions to, the answer that you seek.

Your destiny is not decided, by another's wants. Look in yourself and listen closely to your heart's response.

You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel. But if you keep moving, better days are to follow.

Your failures are an opportunity, to try again and you'll eventually. Find your way, find your way and mold your own destiny..." 'Why did I kinda sound like Makima while singing?'

("Find Your Way" by Divide Music)

Turns out, Eve unconsciously used the vocal replication ability attached to Wendigo, through this she made herself sound like a younger version of Makima. Which, surprisingly paired well with the song she chose, as evident by the silence of those in the warehouse, even her clone on the phone was completely quiet now.

[You better sing for me too when I get a body again.] Himiko, although okay with Eve eventually having a harem, still wanted the same attention and affection that Eve was showing to these five.

'Hehehe, don't worry, mi amor, I will and the second I get you a body, I'm never going to let you go.' Although Eve was just comforting traumatized kids, she understood that Himiko was still a yandere, an open-minded yandere, but a yandere nonetheless.

"Woah, your singing voice is really pretty!"

"That was a nice song too!"

"Mhmm, also what's your quirk miss?!"

The ones that were the excitedly speaking, or yelling in his case, were Toru, Uraraka, and Izuku respectively. It seems her idea worked, Mei and Tenko seemed a bit less stressed too, even if they didn't say anything. Mainly because Tenko was still hugging Eve tightly, and Mei was spacing out while staring at her face.

"Well thank you for the compliments, I have multiple quirks, and finally I told you to call me Eve." She didn't see the point of hiding the fact that she had more than one quirk, especially since she was planning on already speaking about it with Nezu when given the chance. But, it seemed that this information greatly shocked them, since they thought someone could only have one quirk.

As Izuku was about to start going on a tangent about her quirks, Eve heard the back door to the warehouse open. Looking behind the five in front of her, she saw her clone come back from pinning the corpses against the outside of the building. Her other clone was even beginning to finish the call with the police, which surprised her as to why it took so long, weren't calls like this supposed to be four minutes at maximum?

Anyway, she made the clone that pinned the corpses move to the computer, that the first guy she killed here was messing with. Most likely, that computer can give more information on what they were going to do, or maybe it had really freaky porn on it, who knows?

The clone that was calling the police handed back the phone to Eve, and she dismissed in a puff of smoke. This action was seen by Izuku, and just like the little nerd he is, he started to make theories about her quirks.

"You used some cloning quirk first, but you only made two, so there's either a limit to how many you can make, or a time limit to them. There was also that cool feeling earlier, so maybe a temperature based quirk, but the cold didn't come out of you because your skin wasn't cooler, just the air. Then your arms extending to hug us all, maybe a transformation quirk, but these red arms don't feel like skin. But, how do any of these give antlers?"

Yeah, he started to mumble about her quirks that she's shown so far, it seemed to greatly confuse the other four, judging by their swirling eyes. Though after rewatching many of Izuku's mumbling scenes, and because she knew her quirk descriptions, Eve could easily follow his train of thought.

'It feels so strange to hear his quirk theories up close, especially since my quirks are the source of them this time.' Even if she's been in this world for the past three months, some things will never not feel odd for her.

"Well, your thoughts are on the right track about my quirks. The first one is Self-Duplication, it allows me to make copies of myself that can do almost anything I can do, but currently I can only make three at a time." It felt cathartic for Eve to nerd out about quirks with one of her favorite characters. Don't get her wrong, she does love hanging out and talking with Himiko, but it felt nice to talk about this type of shared interest with someone.

"The second quirk I used to make the room cooler, was actually a part of the quirk that gives me these ears and antlers, it's called Wendigo, and it lets me do anything the fabled beast can do. Finally, the quirk I used to hug you all isn't a transformation quirk, it's called Blood Manipulation, and it allows me to completely control blood, especially my own, which I used to make these arms." 

When Eve was talking about Wendigo she was actively moving her new ears a bit, which the girls found pretty cute, especially Toru. Izuku was about to ask her more about her mentioned quirks, and most likely if she had anymore, but before he could the sound of police and ambulance sirens filled their ears.

Looks like they were close, so Eve quickly made her clone bring the laptop to her, as she also placed her blood that she used to make the extended arms back into her body. It was time to officially make herself known.