
MHA:The Founder’s return

Eren Jaeger, the founding titan has found himself in a new world, a new world full of strange superpowers with villains that could destroy whole cities. Chapter 1/day

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9 Chs

Chap 1

Eren Yeager had finally achieved his goal, having successfully triggered the Rumbling and saved Paradise Island from its impending doom, although he had turned the world against him, but he had shown to the world that the Eldians in paradis weren't devils. As he lay on the ground, surrounded by the devastation he had wrought, Eren closed his eyes, ready to embrace his fate. However, as he took his final breath, he felt a strange sensation wash over him, and the next thing he knew, he was opening his eyes in a completely unfamiliar world.

He looked around at his surroundings confused and disoriented, where was he? Eren tried to make sense of his new surroundings. The world he found himself in was vastly different from the one he had just left behind. Instead of ruins and destruction, he saw towering skyscrapers and bustling streets filled with people going about their daily lives. He could see that this was a world where technology had advanced far beyond anything he had ever seen before.

As Eren took in his new surroundings, he couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up in this new world. Was it some kind of afterlife? Or was it something else entirely? His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden commotion nearby. Eren turned his attention to the source of the noise and saw a crowd of people on the road.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Eren approached the group to try and understand what was going on. As he got closer, he noticed that some of the people were wearing strange costumes, and they all seemed to possess unique abilities. There was a huge slime monster and a blonde haired kid, why were the strangely dressed people not saving the kid that clearly needed help?

Suddenly, a green haired boy came running towards the slime monster. Eren looked intensely towards the scene, was this boy gonna save him when these ridiculously dressed people couldn't?

Or not, did he just throw a bag at the slime monster? Maybe he should step in, no that would cause too much of a commotion, and he didn't need that right now. Maybe it would be best to ignore this and go on with his day, "Detroit smash!" As soon as he heard that, he was blown back a little. After the smoke and dust had gone, he could see a buff blonde haired man…In another ridiculous suit, what is this world? Another interesting thing Eren had found in this world was that there were people who could turn into gigantic humanoids, well humans not necessarily humanoids but it was cool nonetheless. He had heard someone call her Mount lady? Were there more people like her? Eren was cautious though, what if this was a memory of one of the attack titan shifters? No, it couldn't have, he had been able to touch people.

Eren watched as the blonde man defeated the slime monster. Eren couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and unease. He didn't understand the abilities that these people possessed, or why they were dressed in such strange costumes.

As he wandered through the streets, Eren couldn't shake off the feeling that he was out of place. He missed his friends and the familiar faces of his comrades in arms. He longed to be back in his world, fighting for the freedom of his people. But he knew that was impossible now, he was stuck in this new world, and he needed to figure out how to survive and adapt to it.

As Eren continued his journey, he wondered if he would ever be able to find a place in this world. He didn't know what his purpose was or how he could fit into this society where people possessed such extraordinary abilities. But he knew one thing for sure, he was determined to find out what had brought him to this new world and how he could use his own abilities to make a difference. Eren Yeager may have died in one world, but in this new world, he was ready to begin a new chapter of his life.

After the incidents, Eren decided to explore this strange city.

"You, Izuku midoriya can become a hero" Izuku started breaking down as tears came down from his cheeks. "So now you're going to inherit my quirk!"

As the skinny blonde man and the green haired boy continued their conversation about the quirk inheritance, Eren couldn't help but feel like he was intruding on a private moment. He had been wandering through the streets of this unfamiliar city, trying to make sense of his new surroundings, when he stumbled upon the two heroes.

He had been watching them from a distance, curious about their conversation, when suddenly he realized that they had noticed him standing there. All Might turned to Eren and gave him a friendly smile, "Hello there young man, is there something we can help you with?"

Eren shifted uncomfortably, feeling out of place in this world of superheroes and quirks. He hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up, "Uh, no, I was just passing by and heard your conversation. I didn't mean to intrude."

All Might chuckled warmly, "No need to apologize, young man. We were just discussing some hero business, but it's not a secret or anything." the green haired boy nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we're just talking about my quirk and how All Might is going to pass it on to me."

"YOUNG MAN!" All might was flabbergasted that Izuku would say that to a stranger.

Eren nodded, not really understanding the concept of quirks, but not wanting to appear ignorant either. "That's...interesting," he said awkwardly, not knowing how to contribute to the conversation.

All Might noticed Eren's discomfort and quickly tried to put him at ease. "Say, have you ever heard of heroism before, young man? It's all about using your abilities to help others and make the world a better place. Maybe you have a quirk of your own?"

Eren shook his head, "No, I don't think so. I come from a different worl- I mean a remote place, where things like quirks don't exist." All Might and Deku exchanged surprised glances at this revelation, but before they could ask any further questions, Eren interjected, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to take up any more of your time. I should be going now." With that, he quickly turned and walked away, feeling like he had made a fool of himself in front of the two heroes.

"Wait, young man." Eren turned around to meet the skinny blonde. "Young man, please keep everything you heard a secret." Eren nodded and quickly walked away.

Eren wandered through the unfamiliar city, trying to make sense of his new surroundings. As he passed by a park, he noticed the green haired kid he met earlier with that skinny blonde man. "Hey, it's you" the green haired boy had called out to him? The green haired boy quickly ran over to Eren. "Hey, uh, could you not tell anyone about what happened earlier. "Yeah, I wasn't planning on telling anyone to begin with. "Thank you" the green haired boy said softly and quietly. "My name is Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." The green haired boy seemed to mumble about something about being a hero and such and such. "So are you going to the entrance exam, uh" Eren had just realized he hadn't told Izuku his name, "My name is Eren Yeager, and uh what is the entrance exam?"

"The entrance exam is where you do a physical and an exam like test to see if you make it to the most prestigious hero school in all of japan" izuku then started mumbling stuff again, something about All Might and class 1A. "Very interesting, but I think i'm too old for that."

Izuku looked at him puzzled, he looked the same age as him, did this man have some sort of anti aging quirk. "You don't seem to look anywhere over my age, do you have some sort of anti-aging quirk?" Eren was confused as to what Izuku meant, he looked at his body and WHAT? His body has gotten shorter and his skin felt more smoother. "Uh no I don't, and uh nevermind I changed my mind, I will attend this entrance exam?" Izuku smiled and started to run off, "Alright see ya, goodluck training for the entrance exam."

Eren was sitting alone in the park, trying to make sense of his situation. Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted his thoughts. He turned around and saw a figure approaching him, slowly and menacingly. It was a villain, with a distorted face and a wicked smile.

Eren recognized the danger immediately. He stood up and took a fighting stance, ready to defend himself. The villain laughed and taunted him.

"Ah, a fresh meal I've been waiting for this moment. Do you know who I am?"

Eren narrowed his eyes, his muscles tensing with anticipation. He could feel the power of the Attack Titan coursing through his veins, urging him to take action. "I don't care who you are," he replied, his voice low and firm. "You're not going to hurt anyone else."

The villain chuckled, a sickening sound that made Eren's skin crawl. "Oh, I think you'll find that I am quite capable of hurting anyone I please," he said, taking a step forward. "But don't worry, I'll make sure to savor your suffering first."

With that, the villain lunged at Eren, his hands outstretched and his fingers twisted into claws. Eren reacted instinctively,He hardened his fists and then He felt the rush of air as his fist connected with the villain's jaw, sending him flying backwards.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, the villain rose to his feet, his expression twisted with rage. "You'll pay for that," he snarled, charging at Eren once more.

"I gave you a chance to escape, now it's your death wish."

Eren's eyes started glowing yellow and a huge yellow lighting came down out of nowhere

"If it's a deathwish you want, then a death wish you'll get…"