
MHA the Black Dragon

Having lost so much as a child can Akira fill the void in his heart and save the innocent, or will he forever feel empty.

Dragon_Lord_KuroII · Anime & Comics
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Beggining and an end

(A/N:....I don't want to talk about it...I habe trouble staying in one place.....don't ask just expect this as a common occurence)

(image of mc)

Time 12 o'clock

It was dark and rainy with a hint of lightning and thunder in the air as in a hospital there was a magical moment about to happen in a flash of lightning there where cries the cries of a baby just born where this child future was yet to come

hiro "what should we name him"

yui "akira, Akira Kuro"

(4 years later)

To day like any otherday I take a shower brush my teeth eat breakfast and prepare for school like any other day I have been praised for my intellect and nice personality, lucky I was birth in a slightly rich family , but enough about that now....Is time for my moms PANCACKS!!!.

Finishing moms pancakes I grab my school supplies and rush to the car happy to go to school, even if I don't have friends yet dosen't mean I can't try. I say clenching my fist with determination.

during lunch time I feel a change in my blood my skin itches and I feel hot I feel stronger I feel a flame growing inside my body

some students hear my laboured breath was noticed by students near by who went to get a teacher not knowing what to do to help.

un known to me I was changingmy body growing from my norman self, to a four legged reptile although I am 5'11 in this form as well as 9 feet long the strange part is the 2 appendages on the back resembling wings.

Of course mc has lost consciousness and is moving on instinct, proving this by roaring and looking out of control

5 min later heros arrived only to see the dragon faint and revert back to our mc Akira

seeing it was a kid who unlock his quirk the hiros let out a breath of relief of fhere not being no danger and no injuries among the kids covering Akira in cloth and having an ambulance check if theres anything wrong before sending him to get a check and to write down his quirk.

As I regain my consciousness I ask

Akira "where am I" rubbing my head from the slight head ache and wired feeling of going unconscious then waking up somewhere unfamiliar



hearing the door slide open then close I look and see a old kind doctor with a clip board

Doctor "oh your awake"

pulling up a seat he sits next to my bed and talks to me while looking at his clip board

Doctor "so from what I could gather when you unlocked your quirk, theres is much data we need to gather and if you will we would like to run some physical test to understand your quirk but gor that we need your parents knowledge of this"

Akira "umm yea, but where is my mom and dad"

Doctor "hmm, we tried calling them from the schools number, the hospital's but no answer seeing as you are back up we need you to come with us to go get your parents "

Akira "ok"

heading out side the hospital I wear a black t-shirt white jacket, and black plants

I was put in the backnof a police car with two nice police men.

30 min drive I was back in the front of my house going up and ringing the bell, only to wait and not get a response is any form or way

waiting for 10 more min I recall a key my parents hid incase they weren't there

going to the left side of the house I puul up some soil from the small garden I pull a key then brush off extra dirt that was there

the cops seeing this let out a breath of relief for not sitting here for longer

walking to the door I put the key and open the door only to smell a putrid smell and red straining everywhere getting a good look I drop to my knees looking at the scene as silent tears roll off my cheek

the cops seeing this call reinforcements as one covers my eyes tryong to say something but I can't hear him...I feel so cold

getting out of the cops grip I walk to my parents who are on this cold floor on this cloudy day

Akira "mom...dad...you there...I got my quirk your happy right....RIGHT?!!!" having a voice so quiet its barely a whisper, so quiet yet so broken as I was no longer able to hold back the tidal wave of tears in my eyes fall from my eyesthe reinforcements that came earlier pulled me out of the room as they investigated what happend.

I was on the side walk as I felt the cold ive always liked the cold and dark but today I feel a different cold a feeling the chewed through me like fire

The officer that tried to cover my eyes came and sat next to me trying to comfort me

Officer "Hey kid how you feeling" trying his best to find a way to comfort the boy

Akira "I feel sick, I feel empty and lonely" speaking the truth

Officer "you might feel like that but it gets better slowly you'll forget as you get better, I'm sure"

pulling out the best smile he can

Akira shakes his head and looks up at the stary sky saying

Akira "I don't think so....I have a thing where I can never remember, I couldn't pronounce it but they said somthing photo"

Officer "...wait photographic memory" the officer is in shock as he looked at akira in pity

Akira "I think thats whats it called of course I can block common mundane stuff if I don't think about is but big events linger much longer" tears well up in akiras eye with his weak and hoarse voice from all the crying and screaming.

Officer "So what will you do from now on I" asking seeing if the kid was in the right state of mind"

Akira "I will become a hero, find my parents killer and save people....that what my parent would gave wanted I think" I say with a sad smile looking up at the officer

The officer smiles as well thinking

Officer 'I've seen many cry break down and become depressed from acts similar to what happened to this kid most where older but non have been able to smile in the face of being depressed they would usually cry and nothing else like the kids who were in similar age to this age, you are one tough cookie I'll tell you that'

(time lapse)

The following week I was tested and asked for my quirk's name it I desided to name it " Dragonification"

After that I had to attend my parents funeral I had no living relatives and the only one there were people my parents knew. However I didn't cry my eyes were red and dry I had shed all of my tears to cry, I instead used this as a chance to determine myself to get stronger so that I may never let something like this happen to the people I might one day know.

because....of a certain accident I was forced into a orphanage and being a smart cookie I asked if I can buy my own place, they said once I'm 14 I can own my own place, just 10 more years until then quirk training is a go.

(10 years later)

The years went by in a flash is what I want to say, but it was very slow the only parts that were good where well a certain time before when I was happier then I am now all I can do is give a sad smile to those who talk to me they even say I have sad eyes don't know how that works but I guess people can express sadness with more then tears.

today I am moving to a new 1 bedroom apartment in Musutafu a nice place could live here for a while thanks to my parents inheritance.

Moving in I place all my packages....not much since I lived in a orphanage

Akira "Alright time for a run then to practice on my fire"

Running through the rainy streets of Musutafu I have a year before I need to participate in U.A.'s entrance exams and such my written part sould be fine as in middle school I was doing sophomore level problems with some difficulty, of course I will study to keep me on my toes and such.

(A /N:info dump)

Of course theres my quirk you all want to know fufu well I will explain it to you as best I can, my quirk "Dragonification" is the ability to use the powers of the fictional beast of course I don't need to go full dragon but there are 3 stages base form me with tail and wings and horns and blue reptilian eyes, my last stage is my strongest form the full dragon form, as you guessed the more dragon I am the stronger I am, I can produce a white flame and kinda control the flame and what it does but as I said the more dragon I am the more control and power I can give my flames, I of corse have super sense, strength, durability, stamina, basically any thing with physical capabilities is increased, as for what my dragon form looks like well wheel see its limits hopefully in U.A. as the chances of me being able to use my full dragon form is so rare I can count it on one finger.....one time....

Honestly I get alot of attention from people saying I am hot or pretty, but I never take it seriously I don't define beauty just of looks cuz someone may be the best looking person in the world but if they are equally rude then I can't be friends with someone like that, of course love is something I haven't found yet many have asked me out but all have failed.

(A/N:Info dump done)

Akira 'I need to do some grocery shopping and stuff need to go supplies shopping, gosh which fir-' not being able to finish my thought on a street corner I bumped into somthing I was able to hold me balance can't say that for the other person.

I look down to see a beautiful girl with half her hair red and the other white with a scar on her left side of her face though the sace doesn't hinder her beauty. He was tall standing at what seemed like 6,0

of course roght now im more worried if shes alright

Akira "are you alright miss"

(pov Shouto todoroki)

Shouto 'god I hate him always trains me and pushes his goals on me, but..I will never acknowledge his quirk as my own' lost in thoughts I turned a street corner where I bump into a hard object causing me to get knocked down

Shouto 'I was to distracted'

Looking up I saw the most handsome man I've ever seen he had soft blue eyes blak hair and flawless skin, unlike my ugly scar

the man looks down at me with concern somthing I wasn't expecting

Akira "are you alright miss" he says giving out a hand

Souto "thanks I am fine" I lied my hand has some scrapes from the fall but I've suffered through worse, much worse.

pulling me up he says

Akira "your lying I can see the blisters on your hands" he says holding the back of my hand mand twisting it upwards

he gives off a soft and kind aura like a mother yet those eyes and smile he gives are filled with sadness I sould know I've somtimes seen them in the reflection of my own mirror

but for him to look so vulnerable to a stranger he must have a kind heart

pulling his other hand over my hand he emits a small white flame a flame so pure in color such a beautiful color so why did it have to do with flame

the strange man heals my scrapes then repeats then proceeds to do the same on my other hand.

Akira "my name is akira whats yours"


(pov Akira a.k.a)

Shouto "my names Shouto, Shouto Todoroki"

Akira "I'm sorry I was deep in thought"

Shouto "same here"

Akira "..."

Shouto "..."

Akira "you want to come by my place till the rain stops" why do my communication skills have to be this bad

Shouto "sure" why did I say sure

Akira gestured to follow him then said as she walked beside him

Akira "if you don't mind I need some groceries, so mind if we stop there" concerned if she was ok with that

Shouto "I dont mind"


Coming back to my apartment I go heat up the bath for Shouto to use, also hot to get some of my clothes for her to use

(A/N: if your wondering why mc didn't get clothes while out shopping...its called plot ;)

Akira "um Todoroki-san I heated up the tub for you"

Shouto nodded then proceeds to enter the bathroom as I enter the kitchen taking off my sweater I prepare a meal for my first guest in my new apartment can't wait (inner squeal)

40 min later

Shouto "uh..Akira" she says with nervousness

Akira "yea" I ask finishing up the meal

Shouto "can I borrow a pair of clothes"

my eyes blare open as I complete forgot about that thanks to my inner monologue and cooking

Akira " oh my god!! I am so sorry, I will get you a pair" I say cutting off the geat to the pork stew and rush to my wardrobe nearly tripping in the process

Shouto chuckles at my rushing and nearly falling

Akira "do you mind wareing boxers as well"

Shouto "no, I don't mind" she replies

Akira hands over the clothes while turning away in embarrassment

Shouto comes out of the bathroom with my black shirt but because I am taller standing at 5'10 and her at 5'5, her shirt is hanging off her left shoulder making her shoulder exposed and her hands hiding in the sleeves as well as my long shorts covering her thighs.

Akira "feel comfortable" I ask just to be sure

Shouto nods giving me the ok the shes good unbenounced to me she gas her own thoughts about the clothes

Shouto 'Why do these clothes smell so nice, and feel so warm...strange'

Akira "well I made some pork stew to help heat up our bodies from the cold rain" I say with a smile


Finishing my meal I grab the TV remote, that I installed this morning thank goodness, and give ut to her saying .

Akira "Here Watch while I take my turn in the bath"


finishing my bath I walk in to the living room and see todoroki watching a movie while on the couch.

Sitting next to her but giveing about 3 feet away for her to be comfortable with since we just met just a few hours ago

Akira "do you think you can make it home" I ask since it was raining harder then earlier

Shouto "no, I don't think I will" she relates noticing the change in the rain

Akira "ok you can sleep here for tonight Then in the morning it should be clear for you to go, I'll sleep on the couch you can go sleep in my bed



stratching I feel the sudden drain of energy from todays events, mentally drained rather then physically.

I close my eyes in the middle of the movie and close my eyes as my conscience slowly fades from me.


(pov Shouto todoroki)

I feel rather sleepy as we watch the movie, until I feel a sudden object on my thigh

looking down I saw a sleeping Akira on my lap. Of course looking at Akira I think

Shouto "shouldn't the girl be sleeping on the guys lap??" I think remember hearing Fuyumi saying somthing like that once

pulling Akiras hair a bit to the side I see his face closer and I was right he really is handsomehes even smiling a different smile from before because this one looks more happy...is that because of my lap... anyway I should get some sleep I need to get home tomorrow, first let me call Fuyumi.

*ring *ring *ring

Fuyumi "hello!! shouto is that you"

Shouto "yea its me and quite down will you, you'll wake someone I know up"

Fuyumi "hmm who"

Shouto thinks for a little bit while stroking Akiras hair and looking at him

Shouto "My friend" I say with confidence

Fuyumi "is that why your home so late?? Well are you going to tell me who she is" wondering who this maiden is to make friends with her introverted sister

Shouto "his na-" not even being able to finish the word name as Fuyumi cut her off

Fuyumi "A GUY,*Kyaa WHATS HIS NAME!?! are you getting groovy with it tell me the details



Akira "*mumble* *mumble* mmm...don't leave me" Akira being slerpy was a little worked while he was sleeping and hugged Todorokis stomach causing todoroki to feel some wet spots on her shirts

Fuyumi "Was that him....OHH I see why you wanted me to be quiet, sorry didn't relize he was asleep" fuyumi said now realizing why todoroki asked her to be quiet

Shouto "It's alright"

Fuyumi "when did you guys meet?, where are you, and what happened?, also tell me about your new friend"

Shouto " a few hours ago, at his place, we met when we where both walking on the streets while we turned a street corner at the same time making me fall down in the rain. He has a strong body so I guess he works out after having a small chat he invited me to go back to his place to get protection from the rain. And his name is Akira he lives by himself he is my age he is handsome and has soft blue eyes he is also a nice person"

Fuyumi taking a breath of relief knowing it was a person todorokis age and not some pervert or currupt old guy, but what supries duyumi a little was shouto saying he was handsome for todoroki wasn't into looks much so he must be quite the looker

Fuyumi "well, what happened while you where there"

Shouto "when we came to his apartment he first heated up the bath for me then while I was taking a bath he was preparing some, funny thing is he was so lost in doing dinner he forgot to hand me a change of clothes after telling him that he rushed so fast he nearly triped and fell but luckly he didn't, the pork stew he made was to to heat up our bodies from the cold rain as he said, after finishing his meal he handed me a TV remote then he went to go take a bath, after he finished we watched movies but he fell asleep and fell on my lap bringing us to this conversation" shouto described what happened while in the apartment

Fuyumi had a sly grin as she asked

Fuyumi " so..your wearing all his clothes are you...what do they smell like to you"

Shouto "they smell sweet almost intoxicating...is this his quirk...well I can get addicted if I'm not careful" shouto described the smell of the shirt

Fuyumi 'is my sister really falling in love with this guy hehehe well I can tease her as much as I want, fufufu well he seems like a nice guy so I'll tell dad whats going on then head to bed myself' fuyumi thought as she replied to shouto

Fuyumi " well its getting late see you in the morning love birds later" fuyumi said trying to tease her little sister

Shouto hanging up and puts akiras head down now that hes smiling again, she looks around for a pillow and a blanket for akira

ginding what she wanted she tucks akira in and then heads to akiras room and dozes off for the next morning.

- - -

(The next morning)

Waking up for the next morning akira wakes up Nd sees shouto preparing some breakfast as the first thing he sees he blinks then gets up streaching and yawning


shouto having set out the food akira walks to the table and gives his thanks.

finidhing the meal akira looks at shouto saying slightly nervous and serious he says

Akira "uhm todoroki I have a question" akira said slightly nervous and serious

Shouto "hmm?" she replied

Akira " um...c-can you be my friend" I said nervous for her response

Shouto looks at him then replies

Shouto "we're already friends" she said with a smile

Akira was over the moon for getting his first friend his first real friend

Akira "then can I have your phone number?"

Shouto "sure"

Shouto and akira exchange numbers for there each others first friends

Shouto "well I have to go mind if I come back here again?" she asked

Akira "not at all your my first friend so comeback whenever you want"

Shouto left saying good buy to akira while akira was celebrating having a friend and contact on his phone.

If you want to bring some advice you can if you hate then you can leave I am just doing this for fun.

Dragon_Lord_KuroIIcreators' thoughts