
MHA: String Demon

- A boy born in a superhuman world full of heroes, who civilians idolize. Great right, NO! Nothing is always as it seems and isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Especially for Charles, a boy who's been raised in a terrible environment. With Drug addicted, and Alcoholic parents who abuse him, and in an area where crime rate is at its high, will all these problems lead Charles down the path of a hero,  Villain or something entirely different. Name: Charles Sato Blood type: O Favorite things: Food, Toys, and Freedom Dislikes: Parents, Heroes, Drugs and Alcoholics Quirk: Strings - Able to generate strings from his finger tips, or wrists. Quirk Potential: C --------------------------------------------------- Pic is from google and I own nothing but the OC's.

Legend27 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 23

After bowing, the three started introductions. The woman with the red hair started first. Standing upright, she said, "thank you for saving me. My name is Sara. I'm the daughter of Endeavor, which means I have a fire-based quirk. My goal is to kill him and as long as I can do that, I will follow you guys until my last breath."

Charles smiled, thinking of all the things he could use her for.

The next to introduce themselves was the blonde woman. Standing upright, she said, "Thank you for buying me. My name is Alessia and my quirk is called Morph. I can change my limbs into sharp weapons." After she was done, Charles nodded his head. 'The quirk is good. Not better than Sara's, but it has potential.'

[She has a good quirk. Plenty of potential.] Danny said, knowing what Charles was thinking.

[Ya, it's pretty solid.] Tony said, giving his insights as well.

There wasn't much else to say about the quirk. It was pretty easy to understand. Looking towards the young boy who seemed close to his age, Charles gestured him to go next. The boy hesitantly straightened his back and spoke.

"My n-names Ayato. I-I'm eleven and my quirk is d-duplication. I can duplicate a-anything n-n-nonliving."

The boy had finally spat out what he wanted to say. Charles, though, didn't get upset or angry. He understood how scared he must be. So without wanting to scare the boy, he walked up to him with a smile and patted his head. "No need to be scared, bro. We're all family here. Plus, your quirk is super cool," he said, trying his best to sound more inviting.

The boy visibly relaxed. 'Seems like he got more comfortable. That's an improvement.'

"Wow! All of you guys have such good quirks. By the way, I'm Aizen," he said, waving from the couch.


With everyone done introductions, Charles started talking about what they do and their future goals. "Now then, we are a small gang for now, but our goal is to expand. Right now we're making drugs, but along the line, we may get into other things. I'll have some important roles for you guys, so listen carefully. Ayato, you'll be with Zack. Learn from him and follow him around when he's here. Sara, you'll be with Mikasa. You both have elemental quirks so help each other out. Alessia, you're with Aizen. He's the main fighter in this group. He can teach you the ropes and shit like that. Of course, I'm free to help as well."

After the quick explanation, the previous slaves looked at the people they were mirroring and bowed to them.

The group then walked around the mansion, showing the previous slaves around. They introduced them to other members of the gang before having them split up with their mentors.

After a while, Charles went back back. He Undressed and put on Pajamas before making food for himself.

Once he was done eating, he sat kn the sofa and watched tv until he was tired enough.

Going to his room he said good night to his friends inside his head and went to sleep.

Waking up, Charles got dressed, brushed his teeth and made some toast for breakfast before heading to school. On his way he talked to Mikasa about the new members.

"She's alright. But she's still not a level where she can fight a group of people or even a skilled person."

Charles nodded and they continued their way to the school.

Once they were there, they split up and went to their classes. Arriving in class, Charles greeted, Shinzo, who was already sitting in his seat. Switching with Danny, Charles got ready to wait for 8hours before he could finally take control trip again.

Class started off as normal. The lessons were boring and there wasn't anything worth listening to.

[we should get shinso on our side already. I have a plan.] Charles said.

[what is it?] danny said in his mind.

[it's a secret. But I'm a hundred percent sure he'll join.]

Time passed by quickly and when it was lunch Charles switched with danny. [are you doing it today or?]

"Not today. I don't have what I need."

While walking Charles spoke. He soon made it to the roof top and ate lunch with his group.

"So you're planning on having shinso join us already."

"Yeah. I got a plan."

They asked what it was but Charles kept it a secret. After a hearty lunch, the bell rang, signalling lunch ending.

Getting back to class, Charles switched with Danny. Time passed by quickly once again and when school was over Charles decided to head to the hospital to meet his grandfather.

Saying goodbye to Zack, aizen and mikasa, Charles made his way to the hospital.

Getting there, Charles signed in and prepared himself.

'Please let him be better.'

Before he could open the door he heard a violent cough.

Tony not Danny could say anything. They couldn't. Comforting Charles would be pointless since he could see and hear how bad it was.

Regardless of that, Charles opened the door and with a smile, greeted his grandfather.

"Hey gramps. How you doing?"

Hearing Charles' voice his grandfather turned to him and his a cloth he had in hand.

No matter how quick he was, Charles saw what it had on it. Blood.

With a smile his grandfather greeted him. "Yo kid. How's your day been."

Seeing how his grandfather acted like nothing was wrong, Charles decided not to mention what he saw.

He knew his grandfather was dying. He wanted to talk to him about it but seeing how hard he tried to not address it made him hesitate on bringing it up.

"It's been good. Let me tell you something funny that happened today."

Walking up and pulling a chair to the side of his bed, Charles sat down and made up a funny story he could tell his grandfather.

There was no harm trying to make the only family member he loved laugh. Even if the story was never true.


An: been a while. As you guys can tell this novel isn't my main focus. However I'll try to upload as much as I can for this. This chapter was a little rushed but that's because I forgot somethings, so I'll have to reread it.

Anyways, read my novel. Trying To Overcome An Apocalypse. The first volume it out!

Read my novel Trying To Overcome An Apocalypse

First volume is done!

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