
MHA: Spatial Hero

Reborn into a superpower society, Ryusei was forced to adapt the changes around him. Trials and errors were nothing but daily occurring for him. Follow him as he walks to the path of the greatest hero.

goffyboy · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


After the hero training, all the students returned to the classroom except Midoriya who got injured during the training. On the way, they talked about the battles.

Ryu walked behind the crowd. He was thinking about his battle. He lost so fast that he could not believe his flaw. He was too focused on teleportation and forgot about his opponent's Quirk.

I guess, this is where I can learn from my mistakes without getting myself killed. Ryu smiled bitterly. This was the first time he experienced failure ever since he was reborn here.

He walked toward his desk and took out a notebook. He wrote down his mistakes.

I use my teleportation blindly. If I threw a ball of energy from the start and used my power on Todoroki, the fight would be different. I can also teleport my weapons and use them as I like.

The problem is it takes time to cover the weapons. Or create an energy ball. I will permanently mark both of my weapons from the start.

Ryu nodded in satisfaction.

Now, I need to learn how to fight in close combat using my Quirk.

He looked around the classroom. Staring at the various groups chatting, some were sitting alone. His eyes landed on Bakugo who was sitting quietly in his seat.

Bakugo's fighting style matches with me. He has great instinct in battle and his power is pretty good. I will train with him.

Ryu stood up and walked. He arrived in front of Bakugo.

" Hi. " He greeted calmly.

" Piss off. " Bakugo cursed, glancing at Ryu with his sharp gaze. Because of his loud yell, the classroom got quiet.

" I want to talk about something with you. " Ryu ignored Bakugo's words and continued. " You are pretty strong. "

" I said, Piss off. "Bakugo stood up and grabbed Ryu's shirt and pushed him.

Ryu maintained his calm expression and sighed. " Guess, you are feeling salty about your loss. "

He turned around. Then Bakugo spoke. " What? "

Ryu turned around slowly and smirked. " I said you are being a sore loser. "

Bakugo's mouth twitched and he clenched his fist and expanded, creating an explosion.

Ryu smiled and teleported the two of them to the fake city. He covered Bakugo with spatial energy when he grabbed his shirt.

" Now, let's talk without restraint. " Ryu spoke." I want to fight with you. "

Bakugo stopped because of Ryu's request. Is he trying to make a scene? Bakugo stopped activating his power and asked.

" What do you want? "

Ryu extended his arm and spoke. " I want to fight. More specifically, I want to use your combat instinct to train my Quirk. "

" Huh?! "

" You and I are losers. " Ryu stared at Bakugo without making any expression as if he was telling the truth.

Bakugo's fury rose and cursed. " You bastard. "

He charged toward Ryu with an explosion. But Ryu teleported away. " Don't be such a kid. "

Bakugo turned around and kicked. He expected the kick to reach Ryu but he ended up kicking in the air.

" You lose to Midoriya and I lose to Todoroki. It is a fact. " Ryu appeared on top of the building and said. " Everyone knew about our loss. It is a shameful thing, right? "

" You ask me what I want? " Ryu chuckled as if he was amused by his thoughts. " I want to win. Right now, I feel terrible anger at myself. I thought I would be unbeatable. Untouchable. "

" Bakugo. You may not know this but I have pride. I train my Quirk day and night. And my result is failure? That is laughable. Right? "

Ryu arrived in front of Bakugo. " It is laughable, right? "

" No. " Bakugo said. " It is so pathetic. "

Ryu nodded. " Yes. You lose to someone who just got his power. And I lose to someone who does not want to use his full power. "

" That is why I want to fight you. The two losers training together. "

Bakugo frowned. " I could train myself. "

" No. No. We need to train together. By fighting with me, you will learn how to dodge and sense the threat. You will learn to change your footing quickly. And I will learn to make a smart decision. " Ryu explained.

" Right now, I can't find a way to beat you. " Ryu answered honestly. " But you can't beat me either. "

Bakugo fumed in anger. " Wanna try? "

Ryu smiled and shook his head. " Not right now. But I will be free after school. How about that? "

He extended his hand for a handshake. " Wanna spar with me to beat Midoriya? "

Bakugo stayed silent for a moment. He thought for a brief moment before letting out a long sigh.

" Dammit! If I beat you today, you disappear from my sight. " Bakugo yelled and grabbed Ryu's hand.

" Of course. "

They both disappeared from the fake city and arrived at the classroom. Ryu walked to his seat without saying any words and Bakugo sat on his seat.

Toru appeared beside Ryu and asked. " Are you two fighting? "

" No. We are just discussing something. Bakugo has a lot of passion so I decided to talk in an open space. "

" That is good. I don't want to see my friends fighting. "

Ryu looked at her and nodded. " Me too. "

The conversation ended.

Ryu smiled inwardly. It is easier than I thought. I guess my acting skills are good enough for a teenager with an anger issue.

When he pursued Bakugo, some parts of his words were true. He hated losing. But he didn't consider himself a loser. That kind of thinking was an insult to his parents.

In his eyes, this loss was just a stepping stone.

Yeah. A stepping stone. After climbing up the stone, I will be unbeatable.

Ryu looked down at his hands. It was shaken. He smiled and took out three pills from the bottle.

After swallowing the pills, the shaking stopped and he felt himself fully.

I should give Midoriya some advice on controlling his Quirk. He will fuel Bakugo nicely. Of course, he will be in my way as well when he gets stronger.

Ryu sighed. I guess this is the best hero school after all. With these rivals, I will get strong in no time.