
Quirk Check

After that my life became quite boring. Although my needs were taken care of quite professionally.

I mean, they changed diapers on time and fed from a bottle, yet the feeling of indifference and some kind of mechanical work among the staff created a shortage of hugs and at least some manifestations of feelings.

Because of this, I remembered more and more often my past life, and how little I valued the hugs from my grandparents who raised me. And who left me. Although, as sad as it is, remembering their hugs and cares, I did not feel anything about this, with my mind I understood what I should feel, but I did not feel it. And that was even more sad.

In general, my early years hit my psyche quite hard. I don't know how the heroes from different books withstood this, but as for me it's just Hell. There is no way to control the body normally, complete dependence on others.

Although perhaps everything would not have been so scary and oppressive if not for the indifferent eyes of those who cared about me.

In fact, at some point, I greatly regretted that I allowed myself to play Random Destiny. I would rather choose a simple but loving family.

Out of boredom, I began to study my abilities. So far, Ashborn's power and all the skills that flow from it were not available to me. But "Shadow Manipulation" could well have been tested by me, and I quite quickly learned to create strong black ropes from shadows, with which I could get something for myself, but unfortunately my energy was still very little.

Purely in theory, literally a week after my birth, I was, so to speak, armed and could withstand even the mediocre villains of this world.

However, I didn't need to confront anyone other than boredom and loneliness.

As for my tattoo, it was designed in the form of a strange black rune located on the heart. The tattoo constantly accumulated energy in my body, which, in theory, with sufficient accumulation, could be driven back into the tattoo so that it could begin to improve my body. So far, it hasn't really helped me in any way, except that the energy received helps make it easier to control the shadows.

* * *

Life went on as usual, and then, a couple of days after I turned 4, we were warned that we would soon be going to the hospital to check on my quirks. I started to get a little nervous, my strength was given to me by the system and it cannot be considered a quirk as such….

And then the day came, we were all gathered at the entrance to the orphanage, there were a little 13 of us children and a teacher.

The bus arrived and we began to take our seats. I was one of the last to enter, so I didn't have time to take a seat by the window, so I had to take the last free seat, where a child was sitting next to me, as I understand it, with a quirk-mutation, since he looked like an orc, greenish skin color, sharp fangs and pointed ears . It is clear why there is only one free place left here...

Having arrived at the hospital building half an hour later, we got off the bus.

- "I hope it will be quickly." - I said looking at the hospital.

- "It will be, don't worry, we came to confirm the presence of quirks and add them to the register."

- "Okay, let's go quickly and take the test, otherwise there are quite a lot of us, we need to make it before lunch."

The doctor's office was unremarkable, the only thing that stood out was the doctor himself. A man of about sixty with a small beard and round glasses.

- "Oh, I was just waiting for you. I see these heroes coming to test their quirks?" - He looked at us with a kind smile.

- "Yes, these children are the future of the country, so let's check them out." - our teacher answered him with a half-smile.

-"Let's begin then. The procedure has been worked out for years and does not take much time, let's take turns getting into the equipment and you will need to lie down for a minute to take a picture." - He showed us what to do and we took turns approaching the MRI machine.

And now it's my turn. I climbed in and am waiting for the result, I'm not sure what the device will show, but I'm ready for any result

- "So, it's strange, you have some kind of energy in the heart area, but you have only one joint on your little finger. This is extremely amazing!" - The doctor said with a thoughtful look.

-"Doctor, I already know how to release my shadow, I think it's my quirk. Maybe there was some kind of glitch?" - I answered and released my shadow for a second, although there were some doubts, because my strength cannot be a quirk as such.

-"Okay, then I'll write it down as shadow manipulation, but later you may be called for another medical examination, run to the group for now."

Some time passed and everyone was examined and began to gather in a group, they began to happily show off their quirks. And then the teacher said:

- "Congratulations children, almost everyone has a quirk, but don't be upset Demi, it happens that some people don't have a quirk."

Somehow it didn't matter to me because I know that I have strength, so I shrugged my shoulders and walked in the direction of the bus along with everyone else.

I'll take some time to think about the plot, so the chapter will come out a little later.

LuckyDemicreators' thoughts
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