
MHA: Shadowed Feathers

What would you give up to make a deal with a demon? Could you ensare it within you and control it or would you sucumb to the overwhelming force and never more exist in the mortal realm? Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia. All rights belong to Horikoushi Kouhei

PenguinOfChaos · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

A Detective's Notion

It had only been a week since he had last been called to investigate the mysterious man, and now there had been two attacks by him in one night. Tsukauchi couldn't help but sigh. This time he was still at the police station when the call came. The man in the phone had said that an unknown caller had given them a tip that something was happening in one of the houses in the richer areas. When the police had showed up, they found 2 men laying on the step at the front door. Both had been tied to the poles that supported the overhang, but only one had been awake.

They had tried to question him what they were doing but he had kept silent.

One of the police had found a note taped to the door with a black feather decorating the note. It had listed an address, the two names of the men lying in front of them, but also a third name.

That was why he had been called up. The station weren't that far from the adress, so it had made sense to call them. Tsukauchi stood up from his chair, found his coat and called out to the room.

''Tanaka get ready we are going to check out a house nearby.'' Tsukauchi's tone had a distinct feel of urgency which made it clear to Tanaka that he had to be quick.

They were both hurriedly went out to the parked car Infront of the station and set of.

Tanaka who had yet to question why they were going, opened his mouth.

''Why are we going here, what happened?'' He asked. It was his first time going out after having joined the police station less than a week ago, but he couldn't be nervous now.

''We are going to go and see if some names correlate to the same attacker, be wary. We have people on standby in the area if we need help, but we should be able to deal with it, if my intuition is correct.''

''What is your intuition?'' Tanaka asked. He hadnt worked with Detective Tsukauchi before, but he had hear stories of his ability to tell if people lied.

''I think that from what I have heard tonight, we are dealing with someone we know very little about, and that when we arrive if it is that said person, he will be long gone.''

It sounded very ominous to Tanaka as he looked out the window of the car. It had started to rain just before they left and in the dark night with Tsukauchi's voice repeating in his head he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

When they made it to the address they saw a house covered in the night, almost as if it was trying to not be seen. They went out of the car and carefully made the way to the door. Tsukauchi took his pistol out from the holster. He didnt very much like to use it, but it was for him and Tanaka's own safety.

He nodded to Tanaka to stand on the other side of the door, then he knocked. No answer, so he tried again. Still no answer. Taking a hold of the door handle he tried pulling it down but it didn't give an inch. Looking at Tanaka he signalled for him to try and kick the door down.

Tanaka nodded, this was something he was good at. He hadn't been born with a quirk so not being a pro hero was something he had accepted a long time ago. But he had been determined to find a different way to fight crime, so he had build himself up in the gym and in school. He was fairly big, not overly muscular but enough in the right places to make good use of in this line of work.

Taking a step back he locked his eye with his target. Aiming just around the keyhole under the door handle, he unleashed a powerful kicked. The doors key mechanism broke and the door opened but still hanging on to its hinges.

Tsukauchi pushed the door open. Darkness was all he could see, except for a faint tinge of light breaking through the eerie dark, at what looked to be the back of the house. Walking in, he looked around for a light switch. Instead of fumbling about, he waited until his eyes had adjusted themselves a bit. He could make out the light switch sticking out of the wall on his left side. He tried turning it on but nothing happened. He kept walking further into the house with Tanaka right behind him.

Entering a new room he felt on both sides of the wall, finding another light switch. Again the room stayed dark when he tried turning on the light switch. Looking at Tanaka, he pointed to the room in the back, now seeing that a door was almost shut explaining the source of light. Slowly making their way towards the room they kept their ears open for any form of sound.

Coming up to the door Tsukauchi took a deep breath in and opened. They were met with another door. This one made out of metal. There was a small crack in the door, not enough to see anything inside. Hoping this would be the last door, Tsukauchi readied his gun.

Opening the door, they saw a man lying on a table with his face down in his hands. Tanaka decided to take a few steps towards the man, whilst Tsukauchi was covering him if the man suddenly jumped at him. As Tanaka got nearer he heard a slow and constrained breathing. Looking down over the man he jumped back.

Tsukauchi reacted instinctively at the sudden movements from Tanaka, and ran over to see what had caused the reaction. When he looked down he jerked his head back. His face was on the palm of his hands, but were his fingers should have been, was nothing. They had been removed just above his knuckles leaving 10 tiny stumps on the man's hands.

Tsukauchi could only speculate where the fingers had gone now, but his first priority was to call someone for some assistance.

''Tanaka can you call an ambulance and ask for another police car?'' Tsukauchi's voice was hinting at him being able to leave the room. It was obvious that Tanaka wasn't too keen on seeing someone with all their fingers gone. Tanaka nodded pulled out his phone and went just outside the metal door.

Tsukauchi looked on the rest of the table. There was the feather he had been expecting, which confirmed his theory on who this could have been. There wasn't anything else on the table, but Tsukauchi noticed a slight glint on the side of the table. Walking around the table corner he saw a piece of paper taped firmly to the side. Ripping it off he read it.

''Detective, see you soon.''


Hello readers, this was meant to come out a few days ago but I had some problems with releasing it, then I had to deal with some personal problems which pushed this to the back of my mind, but now it's here, sorry for the wait.