
MHA: Satoru Gojo

Satoru Gojo in MHA (he was never in jujutsu kaisen meaning he will not be like Gojo in jujutsu kaisen he just looks like him, has the same name, and powers as satoru gojo but i want him to be an antihero meaning he will have a different personality he also has no memories of being strong obviously because he was never in Jujutsu Kaisen!!!) enjoy the book!

stxrm23 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


arriving to their destination they saw the pro-hero, thirteen, he explained to the class about how some quirks can easily kill people and how quirks can also help in saving people.

"so let's b-"




the weird sound made Sensei turn his head to see what was happening, he quickly shouted out

"Huddle up and don't move..!! Thirteen Protect the Students!!"

"who are they? are those like the robots from the entrance exam?" Eijiro asked

"Don't move those are-"

"VILLAINS!" Sensei Replied

"where is All Might?" A villain asked

"i wonder if some dead kids will bring him here Hahaha!!" Another villain who had a hand over his face said

A villain that looked like a black hole warped all the students in different areas


Satoru got warped with only Shoto.

"hmm" he voiced out looking over at Shoto who was already in a fighting stance which caused Satoru to look at his surrounding seeing lots of villains surrounding them in a circle

"Satoru i've got behind you and you get the villains behind me" Shoto suggested

"ok." Satoru responded

then ran into the pile of villains

'Black Flash!'


Satoru knocked out two villains easily


making the ground fall apart he used this as an advantage running in a zig zag punching his opponents


"He's too strong!!"


yelled the villains trying to get away from him however Satoru Teleported in front of the villains.

'Black Flash..!!'


After his attack successfully hit, he waited until the smoke went away to see all the villains defeated laying on the ground which made him turn around to see Shoto finishing up with his battle

They walked up to each other

"are you ok?" Shoto asked

"yea" Satoru replied

"let's go find the others" Shoto said, Satoru agreed with what he said and they both ran to try and find the others


Quickly stopping, Satoru saw their teacher covered in blood with a huge brain head beast on top of him holding his arm.

"Shoto look" Satoru said

he looked over to see what was happening making him use half cold on the beast freezing it


shoto then used his ice to bring Sensei to him

while the beast was stuck in place Satoru Ran at the beast hitting him

'Black Flash..!'


however The beast's body was very hard and Satoru's attack didn't affect it

'ah.' Satoru thought

seeing the beast getting ready to attack Satoru put his guard up bracing for impact



"Ugh..!!" yelled Satoru getting hit by the beast making him hit a rock

putting his hands together he teleported in front of the beast once again using Black Flash even harder than what he did last time


It still didn't have any affect towards it.

Noticing the beast was going to attack once again Satoru put up


The beast tried to hit Satoru but couldn't land his hit off making it try again and again and again. with Satoru stalling he needed to think of a plan

'Think Satoru' however he had no other moves to use on the beast

'i need to think i need a more powerful attack, how am i supposed to beat it when my attacks don't work'

'Think, think. think..!'

'ah! i know!'

'If i amplify my limitless quirk, producing a vacuum. I create a scenario where the world itself is forced to correct itself and fill in the negative space, causing all matter in the range of the commanded space to be pulled together, crushing it all effortlessly. it's like a black hole..!'

'I just need to do it right.'

which made Satoru try what he thought of.

"Limitless Technique Lapse: Blue..!" Satoru yelled out his new powerful attack


this caused the center of the beast stomach to get sucked in the "black hole" making the beast get a hole in his stomach thinking Satoru defeated the beast he looked at the other villain with a hand on his head who was laughing.

"Hahahaaha, you think you defeated him? hehehe" said the villain making Satoru look back at the beast who was easily regenerating which led Satoru head back to Shoto to figure out a different plan.

When suddenly a huge door busted open revealing All Might. He quickly came to where Satoru and Shoto and Aizawa sensei were.

"Satoru, Shoto. take Aizawa Sensei outside to safety."

making Satoru pick sensei up teleporting them both outside putting him down Satoru easily came back within 3 seconds. to see All Might going head to head with the beast



The beast flew out of the facility going somewhere very far.

The warp villain and the other villain started running towards All Might. But for some reason All Might wouldn't move

"Get away from All Might..!!" A familiar voice said making Satoru look to see it was Izuku Launching at him


Before izuku could punch the villain and before the villain could touch him a bullet hit his arm making him look where it came from to see many hero's at the scene now

The warp villain warped the two out of the facility but before they completely left the villain with the hand on his face said with a scratchy voice

"next time we meet you will die All Might..!!" with that they left


everybody was uninjured except for midoriya who got hurt using his own quirk.

the very next day class was cancelled and everything seemed to be moving smoothly.