
Chapter 11

The next day they went to school, when they were sleeping akuma sneaked in himiko's room then slept with her.

since they are still in elementary there is really no school uniform for them. They held hands together while walking towards the school.

Getting to their sit, the chime rang indicating the start of the school. They kept holding hands together while they wait for the teacher. Soon the teacher came in with someone else following behind. He looks at the two person with wide eyes then look over to himiko. She looks at me then grip his hand tightly as if she doesn't want to let go.

"Himiko-chan! Where did you go?" Her mother said with worried look.

"Himiko, go outside we have something to talk about" the teacher said then left with himiko's parents.

"Akuma-kun! Can you go together with me?" She said while holding onto his hand. She doesn't want to go back to her parents, those eyes and isolation that she feels whenever she is with them hurts.

"Okay, I won't leave you" he said then followed her. The teacher looks at him with a 'why are you here' face.

"I have something to tell to you...mr, and mrs. touga. I want you to let himiko-chan live with me in the orphanage" he said with a confident look, as of now as a kid all he can do is be straightforward, he was gonna come up with a plan in the future, if he had the time but he doesn't have the time to do that. He also can't just betray himiko's trust on him and let her go with her parents.

"Huh? Who are you to decided that? We are her parents we get to decide where she lives!" Himiko's mother said angrily, the father was looking down on him as if he is looking at a trash

"I apologize for my rudeness in advance, but you clearly don't care about himiko. Do you even know how her quirk works? Do you even know why she is acting like this? You two haven't done a single thing for her and you are telling me you are her parents? What a joke! If you are a parent then I might as well be her parent!" He said while he try to protect himiko from his father trying to grab her.

"Tsk! Kid! What are you talking about? Haven't done anything? We raised her, we fed her, and we got her to go to a school! You don't have a say to my family and her situation. Stop meddling to our family" the father said with despise then slaps akuma in the face making him fell down.

"Akuma-kun!" Himiko said then run towards akuma to help him.

"Did you see that? You can't even hold your anger back and assaulted a minor!" He said pointing out what he just did.

"Anata!" The mother said angrily, he got nervous then looks at her with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry about that...this doesn't mean that we are a bad parents okay?" She said as she help him up. Himiko dodged her by hiding behind akuma.

"Then let's make a bet...if you tell me what himiko's quirk is then I will call you a good parents, but if you didn't get the right answer then you are a bad parent" he said while secretly recorded the conversation with the little cellphone that he got from back then before he got to school. He was glad that the orphanage give them this kind of device, so that when they got lost they can just go to the police and let them call the orphanage.

"Hmph! That is easy! She can change into any one on one condition" she said then stopped as she doesn't know the condition. She looks over to her husband indicating for him to help her.

"By touching anyone she can turn to them in a day" he said while thinking that he won.

They only know about this, since the school sent them the data that they found about their daughter, himiko. So they knew about the fact that she get her quirk working.

"You're wrong! So I will keep himiko chan with me" he said then left with himiko.

"Tsk! I don't care about your little quiz! We are taking himiko with us" the mother said then pulled himiko towards her He tried to get her out of her grasp, but the teacher already caught him and stopped him from moving.

"Stop! Stop!" He said while he try to get out of the teacher's grasp, himiko kept crying while she try to get out of her parent's grasp.

'Fuck! I thought they will get angry enough to hit me again! I didn't record it!' He thought while he regretted not recording from the start.

"Akuma-kun! Don't leave me!" She said while she try to get out of her mother's grasp.

"Don't worry I will come for you soon and you won't be alone anymore" he said with a smile and a thumbs up.

"Let's go" her father said then left the school with himiko.

'Fuck! I should have thought it through before I get her to the orphanage!' He thought while he looks at their leaving back.

Time passed, he kept looking to his side and he already missed himiko.

Getting back to his house, he gave them the bad news.

"Just as I thought that will happen" the old lady said while trying to calm akuma down.

Akuma decided that he will try to get her out of there. He is pretty sure that himiko is trying to go to school to be able to meet him and get out of that prison house. Before that to be able to sneak in and out he needs to scout the place.

Inside himiko's house, her parents put her in her room and scolded her.

"Himiko! If you ever do that again! We won't forgive you! Why can't you just be a normal kid? Why do you have to get out of this house? Aren't we giving you enough? Is this not enough!?" Her father yelled as she gets angrier and angrier.

"Anata, calm down!....himiko-chan! Are we not enough for you? Are we not giving you enough attention?" Her mother asks her with a kind voice, but himiko just ignores her and smile through all of it.

'It's not about the attention..' she thought while she smile trying to remember what akuma told her. To not lose her smile.

"Can you stop smiling like that? It's disgusting! Just be like the other kids! Himiko!" Her mother said while she looks at her with disgust, she finds her smile to be disgusting. Himiko looks at her with her usual smile while tears drips down her eyes.

'Akuma-kun, accepted me unlike you two' she said in her mind while she kept smiling, her body is curled up in a defensive stature. She looks at her father and mother scolding her about how she should be a normal kid and why she should be like those other kids.

They don't know that all their doing is taking the fun out of her and making her suffer by making her act like a normal person.

'Akuma-kun, please come and take me' she said in her mind as she started to tear up while remembering the time they spent together.

A/n: is this too deep? I don't know.... also there is gonna be some heroes in the series that will be pretty evil.

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