
MHA: Redemption Reverie

After a tragic death, a man awakens in the body of a boy in the world of manga he read recently. Faced with a looming war, he must navigate this new life and decide how to use his second chance. What choices will he make in a world on the brink of chaos? ----- If you enjoyed my story, you can support me on patr?on and get additional chapters. patreon.com/ENRYBB

ENRY · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 2 | Trials at Olympus 1

Two months had passed. 

Inside the Atlant Sports Club in Tokyo, the air was filled with the rhythmic symphony of gloves meeting leather. Twelve were presently in use among the row of fifteen punching bags lining the gym's wall. Practitioners executed swift sequences of punches with precision and power.

As the round concluded with a sharp signal from speakers, Kaito eased into a relaxed stance, his arms falling naturally to his sides. Despite the weariness settling into his muscles, he maintained a steady rhythm in his breathing, a skill that helped you withstand more difficult workouts.

In these past two months, Kaito had made physical conditioning his primary focus. Combining gym workouts with martial arts training, he leveraged his experience to adapt swiftly, although the unique abilities of his opponents presented fresh challenges. Utilizing his quirk to enhance cognitive function, he found himself progressing at an accelerated pace. 

The gym bore the classic ambiance of a boxing establishment, yet its clientele boasted an array of quirks that lent a distinctive flair to their appearances and training regimens. 

"Your footwork should be dynamic, not rooted to the ground," admonished the trainer, his voice gruff but authoritative, addressing a novice in his third session. Towering at seven feet with the physique of an anthropomorphic horse. He had no hooves; his limbs bore a resemblance to those of a human. The trainer's formidable strength was evident, surpassing the capabilities of an average human. 

Demonstrating the proper technique with the punching bag, the trainer guided the newcomer on fluid body movements and foot placement, who tried to repeat after him. Though initially awkward, the novice showed signs of improvement with each attempt. 

"Dude, if you haven't changed your mind yet, we can come to the Olympus on Saturday for sparring," said Anthony, a 16-year-old acquaintance of Kaito's. His swarthy skin color and name were not typical of Japan. Kaito befriended him during training, and he was originally from the U.S. but moved to Japan seven years ago. 

"They said yes?" - Kaito asked. 

"Yeah, just got the green light," Anthony confirmed, gesturing to his smartwatch, which had an open message on it. 

"Everyone, take your positions. Ten seconds and we begin—nine more rounds to go," announced the coach, his hands clapping twice quickly. 

With the resumption of training, the hall reverberated with the sound of fists meeting punching bags. Enduring nine rounds interspersed with brief intervals, the participants strived to maintain the potency and precision of their strikes despite mounting fatigue. 

The mention of Olympus conjured up images of a large mixed martial arts club with impressive athletes. Although Kaito had initially intended to join, the age restrictions, which only accepted 16-year-olds, forced him to look for youth-oriented alternatives. However, thanks to the help of a friend and the appearance of being able to pass himself off as a sixteen-year-old, he found an opportunity to spar, albeit under false pretenses. 

As the final bell reverberated through the gym, marking the end of another grueling training session, Kaito felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The coach's authoritative voice pierced through the air, announcing the conclusion of training for most, but for Kaito, Anthony, and three others, the night was far from over. With their consent, they embarked on an additional 20 minutes of rigorous training, determined to push their limits even further. 

When he got home, Kaito found solace in the familiar routine of taking a shower, washing away the sweat and fatigue of the day. Training had become an integral part of his daily life, a refuge from the demands of school and the burden of the past. With the knowledge from his past life and the Quirk speeding up his absorption of information, Kaito was able to handle his schoolwork with ease. This gave him enough time to devote himself fully to sports and martial arts.

Yet, despite his material comfort and the luxury of free time, Kaito felt a restlessness stirring within him. The fortune he had acquired, which had once distant dream, almost achieved through hard work in a past life, was now lay at his disposal. But he didn't feel satisfied. The drive to constantly evolve, to strive for greatness, burned within him like a relentless fire. 

His singular focus now lay in confronting All For One, a daunting task that filled him with both determination and trepidation. Yet, he harbored no doubts about his ability to succeed, but the deadline was two years. But what was next, what was there to achieve? He didn't know, but he didn't plan to stop making efforts either, life is unpredictable and a huge part of successful people find their place by being in the right place or meeting the right people and he should make an effort not to miss the opportunities that might appear in his next years 

But that didn't mean he didn't let himself relax, he could spend the evening playing a game or watching a movie, anime, or TV series. He just didn't want that kind of lifestyle to dominate his routine. 

Perched at his desk, Kaito positioned his drawing monitor near to himself, the pen poised in his palm like a maestro's baton. Sketching had developed into his current interest. He wasn't sure whether it was a passing whim or a long-lasting love. Nonetheless, he put his energy into this and other hobbies, looking for that one calling to which he could devote years of his life in order to achieve the milestones he valued.

Days passed, and on Saturday, Kaito, accompanied by Anthony, walked up to the towering 8-story building overlooking the neighborhood that housed the Olympus Club. The building loomed over them, its height accentuated by the spacious ceilings of each floor, a testament to its dedication to sports and fitness. As they neared, the facade burst with energy, adorned with posters showcasing a myriad of sports and activities. Table tennis players poised in mid-swing, runners racing towards the finish line, MMA fighters locked in combat, dancers frozen in graceful arcs of motion—all captured in vibrant hues that spoke of passion and dedication. 

"Do you know the way to the club?" Kaito inquired. 

"More or less…" Anthony responded. 

Kaito glanced over, a hint of bewilderment on his face. "More or less?" 

With a grin, Anthony reassured, "Relax, it's on the third floor. We'll figure it out when we get there." 

Kaito averted his gaze, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Fine," he conceded. 

The way to the hall was suggested to them by a chance encounter with a stranger who, showing unexpected kindness, helped them find their destination. Once inside, they hurriedly prepared themselves for the upcoming case, carefully putting on armor: mouthguards, MMA gloves, bandages for hands, and a helmet they simply carried with them in their hands. Only then did they make their way to the main hall, ready for any challenge. 

The vast hall teemed with a diverse array of fighters, each bearing their own unique quirks. Lizard men, wolfmen, and individuals with horns and extra limbs mingled among the crowd. 

With their eyes scanning the room, Kaito and Anthony took in the sight of seasoned fighters engaged in intense bouts within the ring and octagon. The sheer size of the hall dwarfed their familiar training grounds at the Atlant. 

Suddenly, a voice from behind interrupted their observations. Turning, they found themselves facing a tall, athletic man, his demeanor exuding a sense of authority and experience. 

"Are you here for sparring?" the man inquired, his gaze assessing but welcoming. 

Anthony nodded in confirmation, his eagerness palpable. "Yes, we are." 

"Okay, then you'll need to get in line. Talk to that man in the red shorts." The man ordered, gesturing to the guys to point in the direction of the target. "But don't forget to stretch a little, you'll have plenty of time."

"Thanks," Anthony replied gratefully.

The boys headed towards the ring where the Man they needed was standing. Kaito looked around and got a better look at the content.

"Looks like we won't find our weight class here," Kaito remarked, and there was more anticipation than fear in his voice.

"Be that as it may, it's not that big of a difference," Anthony replied optimistically. "Besides, these guys aren't going to break us. They know how to control their power."

"Yeah, you're right," Kaito admitted. "How many fights do you think we'll have tonight?"

"Probably about four or six, depending on how things go," Anthony estimated, looking around at the bustling crowd.

Their conversation was interrupted as they approached the man in charge of the fight queue. He towered over Kaito, possessing a stature reminiscent of Endeavor himself. With his tall stature and sturdy build, he radiated an aura of formidable presence. His thick beard and cropped hair added to his imposing appearance.

Kaito turned to the man, "Hello, we would like to get in line."

The man turned to Kaito and gave him a quick glance.

"Are you Anthony?"

"No, that's me and he's my friend I was talking about," Anthony said quickly.

"Ha, you want to be paired up?" asked the man

"No, we can fight each other anytime, but we want to fight someone else," replied Kaito to him.

"Alright then..." - he pulled out his phone, apparently writing down the order of fights in it, "There's an open spot in 5 pairs, but there's a strong opponent there."

"Sign me up," Anthony said loudly.

"Alright then, you're on the next one..." said the man, looking at Kaito. He replied in agreement. "Then in about 16-17 minutes, Anthony's pair will appear, followed by Kaito at a ring."

As they said goodbye to the fight organizer and began warming up, Kaito couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline running through his veins. The prospect of fighting experienced opponents in the ring filled him with a mixture of excitement and determination. With every jump rope and every muscle stretch, Kaito and Anthony prepared themselves mentally and physically for the battles ahead, ready to test their skills and empower themselves in their quest for victory.