
MHA: Red Hood

Mountain_Dew_98 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Underground Masquerade

"Haahhaha I knew it! I totally knew it!" saying that she jumped onto the ring and continued "I got a nose for this thing. If there's a fight to be had then don't leave me out of it."

<What's this do I spy a school uniform? Who is this surprise school girl intrude?> The announcer said.

"Who the hell are you?" Some random nobody.

"Who am I, you ask" Saying that she started wear a tiger mask. "I am…. Uhhh…. Ummm… The masked mystery beauty! Tiger Bunny!!"

"Tiger Bunny she said."

"Well are you a tiger or a bunny? Make up your mind."

"Both. But if you're pushing the issue, I'm a tigerish bunny." She said.

"Tigerish? What's that even mean?"

One of the audience then said "Hang on… Ain't that Usako?"

"You mean the chick from Hiroshima?"

"Totally, that's Usako the fight crasher!"

"A few years back some girl went around Hiroshima, crashing various fight clubs.

In the end, she vanished after being taken into custody and the name of the school was exposed. The legendary schoolgirl hooligan Bunny eared Usako!"

*Jolt* Hearing this Rumi jolted.

Another man said "You sure about this kid? You'll get expelled again!"

"No umm. Ahem. I'm not the one you all Usako.

No way. This mask hides my true face clearly." Rumi said that with confidence.

"Your cover is totally blown."

"You can't hide those ears!"

"How dumb is she?"

Ignoring all of them she said "Whatever, let's rumble."

<It seems Tiger Bunny is here to issue a challenge>

"Hey little lady.

We're in the middle of a fight."

"Wouldja mind coming down from there?" The two fighters inside the ring spoke to her.

<Mysterious schoolgirl Tiger Bunny has put a damper on the death match in progress between Umeda Siberian and Metro Namba Crashier> The announcer said.

"Miss it ain't right to steal the spotlight for yourself." Umeda said.

"Ya'see, etiquette still matters, especially during unlawful stuff like this, youngsters like you got a lot to learn." Metro told her.

<Our fighters are giving an earful to this Bunny. She's not getting away without a stern lecture>

"Also who was that " let's rumble " for? Me? Or him?" Said Umeda.

"Or both at once!" Metros said.

Right after that both of them tried to jump on her and fight her, but was knocked out instantly with her kicks.

Landing on the platform she said " You two ain't enough! How 'bout everybody in this joint?" She loudly said the last part towards the audience.

<Tiger Bunny destroyed our two burly giants in a flash. And did she just declare war on everyone? That's got to be against the rules.>

"Sounds great."

"Woo count me in."

"Me too."

"Kick me hard li'l bunny."

"Time for a rabbit hunt."

These kind of words were said by the audience and they started to get into the ring to fight her.

Seeing all of this happening the announcer said <What now?! The audience is leaping out of their seats to meet this challenge!!

It's total mayhem.

Any semblance of order has gone out of the window.

With all these unregistered challengers in the mix. All bets are off!

Literally there's no betting on this exhibition match.

The whole audience is invited to join this fray for the thrill of it!

Nothing to gain, nothing to lose.>

"Nothing to gain or nothing to lose huh?" Hiro said to himself.

The audience got off from their seats and started to fight against Rumi as an all out war and the commentator gave Commentary for the fight in the corner.

As this was happening in the underground masquerade in a far away place a man was watching this all in the video feed he got from the security cameras.

Looking at it he said "An amusing turn of events. I was planning to abandoned that arena. But perhaps not.

Instead why not harvest the more valuable quirks?"

Saying that he pushed a button and smiled. Then looking at his assistant he said "Hey, make some portals, we're taking everything we can find interesting."

"Yes Master." Replied another man replied.

As they were saying this they saw a man who they recognized easily.

The man said "High speed hero O'clock. The one responsible for the attack in the sick bay I guess? He's certainly one we shouldn't let slip away, since his over clock is a superb quirk to be sure."

"Indeed. Shall we utilize our top resource."

Nodding at the other man to do as he please the man watched the live feed.

A couple seconds later the top resource is sent the screens started to go blank one by one. Seeing this the man said "Well that certainly puts a damper on things. Our eye's on the scene have been blinded. Not only will we fail to take their precious quirk, they might actually escape." Pausing a bit the man looked at the other one and said "What now? Kurogiri?"

"Is this not why you dispatched him to the scene?"

"You're right. But still, it's the title fight and we can't even see it? Given how many camera's were destroyed, our perspective is quite limited. The pillars, the partitions even the spectators are spoiling my view. Maybe I should clear the arena myself."

"I would not advice it." Kurogiri said. Looking at Kurogiri the man motioned to continue "As of this moment, this is no more than an underground fight club riot. Any further escalate would draw the authorities attention and possibly summon him to the scene."

Hearing that the man said "Him, him, him… it's always him. Last time he interfered in the orphans case. The constant thorn in my side, my own personal bugbear.

For today, I'll settle for just two or three missing person's."

Suddenly a deep voice was heard from the speakers inside the room they were staying <You know. You're more coward than I thought you would be. Fearing a kid that's just hundreds of years younger than you is silly.>

"Who are you?" The man asked the voice.

<You could say an admirer of your bugbear, All For One.> After the voice said that the live feeds from the rest of the camera's were gone and on the monitor picture of All Might appeared. Looking at it in silence All For One asked Kurogiri "Check how that guy got into our system."

"Before that sir, All Might is on his way."

"Well, that's a bummer. Now that I can't watch the fight or steal the quirks." Pausing a bit All For One thought and said "Kurogiri, give me a hand. Let's slow down All Might and take back our top resource."

"Yes Master." Saying that he opened up portals to the underground masquerade and All For one started to change normal people into villain by causing imbalance in their will and the quirk by pumping in his will in to the quirks. After that was done he said to Kurogiri "We'll retrieve the top resource. I'll get my hands on the Over clock quirk in some way, I've decided what to do with it."

"Yes master." Saying that Kurogiri tried to retrieve the top resource. Keyword being tried. After couple of times he couldn't get the resource Kurogiri said to All For One "Master, I can't get access to the Hood."

"What?" All For One asked Kurogiri with surprise laced in his voice.




-----------Chapter 10 End----------