
MHA: Reborn as Bakugo

Getting no wishes as someone reborn, imagine my displeasure. But being able to be in a world of where superheroes are a regular and reborn with one of the most versatile and strong abilities, maybe it's not all that bad? An with "perks" I may be able to become the top. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so, I don't own anything and I just making this for self pleasure, just think of this as a little side project for self satisfaction.

Bored_Anime_Lover · Anime & Comics
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The Future

(2 Years Later)

[Jarvis you up and running?]I asked out loud to seemingly no one in the seeming warehouse I'm in and an old man in a butler appeared in front of me but he looked holographic.

[Yes sir. All systems are running at optimal speed.]He replied to me. Let me give a run down of past two years, first of all after posting my manga first chapter it blew up immediately so I continued to write that with others as in Naruto, Bleach, Demon Slayer, Overlord, etc. Which are all anime shows currently running or in the works which brought me in tons of money which I used to buy this warehouse and multiple underground floors to be made while buying tons of materials and electronic parts to make my own servers for Jarvis along with computers and holographic technology which are better than whats on the market and the materials for my soon to be Iron Man suit but I plan to make the nano tech one as soon as possible so it work better with my quirk. I also started to make games all myself like Assassins creed Saga or Halo Saga along with Overwatch, Cod series and others but I've been holding off to make Jarvis so he can make the updates for the games himself so I don't have to manually do it. I also made sure to make this warehouse virtually nonexistent, with a lot of money and amazing hacking skills anything can happen.

[Good Jarvis. I want you to hack into everything you can, military, hero groups, villain groups, anything that's online I want it to be found but make sure you do it stealthily with no one noticing you and want a file on everything.]I said to him since I also want to save some people from their fate like Eri and Himiko who was a victim of society and Eri who was dealt a fate she didn't deserve even if she was saved in the end.

[Right away, sir.]He replied and got to work while I started working on an arc reactor to supply my future suit.

[This is gonna take a while.]I mumble to myself going through Tony's knowledge of the arc reactor.

(Week Later)

[Come on Kaachan! Let's go to the park for once!]Mi-chan said to me, she's been bugging me for the past week to go out and play with her to meet this friend of hers but I keep telling her no.

[*sigh* Fine Mi-chan let's go.]I said tiredly while she cheered in excitement making me smile seeing her like this. We then walked to the park and led me to a blue haired girl who seems to be around 1 or 2 years older than us on a swing and when she sees us she immediately runs toward us, but more like Zuzu.

[Hey Midori-chan! Who is this? Your friend? Boyfriend? Are you guys in a relationship?]She fired off questions immediately which made me realize she's Nejire Hado but also made me and Zuzu embarrassed from what she said.

[*Cough*Cough*I'm Katsuki Bakugo and I'm not Mi-chan's boyfriend, who are you?]I fake coughed to cover my embarrassment and introduced myself.

[Hi! I'm Nejire Hado! Nice to meet you!]She said with a smile.

[Hey! Let's play now!]Mi-chan said and we started to play each other until it was late and we each had to go home.

(3 Weeks Later)

It's been 3 weeks since I met Nejire and we've all gotten close quickly and I've made the mark 1 suit which looks like a absolute monstrosity but I can base the rest of the suits off it and seeing it for your eyes rather than imagining it is kinda easier. Right now I'm thinking of a way to harden my body sorta, so if my armor is destroyed I will still be fine from gun fire.

[Hey Jarvis have any ideas?]I asked him and he materialized in front of me.

[Sir, I believe if you drink mineral water and move those minerals to strengthen your skin, I believe over time it will harden enough to take bullet fire. You will also be able to reinforce your body as a whole.]He said which made me feel like an idiot from not thinking of that.

[Thanks Jarvis.]I said and went out to buy tons of mineral water.

(11 Month's later)

I haven't done much in these past 11 Month's except training and working on my suits while also going to a dojo with Mi-chan and Nejire which I had to convince them to do so we learn how to fight properly, my parents, Mi-chan and Nejire already know about it and about Jarvis but not the fact I hacked everything and I'm close to finishing up the nano-tech, there are healing ones which are finished but the combat ones just need to put some finishing touches to it. I've been waiting for the time of All Might's and All For One's fight so even if I can't help I could at least try to heal his injury with my nano tech, in reality they are combat ready it's just some extra things I want to put on.

[Sir, I've picked up the fight on the satellites.]Jarvis said alerting me that they're fighting now.

[Thanks Jarvis.]I said and tapped my chest where my heart was and nano bots from all over my clothes started to appear on my body and surrounds me until it makes a complete set of armor like Iron Man's from End Game.{Will be in chapter comment.}

[Alright Jarvis, send me those coordinates.]I say to him.

[Certainly, Sir.]He says and a map shows up on my hud in my suit and I start flying there and reach there in 10 minutes.

[Hahaha! Do you want to know how your master died? Her face of agony, the pain.]All For One taunted All Might.

[ALL FOR ONE!]All Might yelled in anger and ran at him and punched him in the face sending him flying.

[All Might! Calm down! He's taunting you!]Gran Torino said to him but it fell on deaf ears.

[Hahaha! Is this how a hero acts? That could've killed a normal person you know, is this the true Symbol of Peace?]He continued to taunt.

[Shut up, you talk too much.]I said in the air turning their attention to me to see my hands put together into a cannon and more cannons behind me all shoot repulser beams at him which send him flying.

[What are you doing here? This isn't safe for a child!]All Might said to me.

[I don't know if you can't tell or not but I can take care of myself, and I'd rather not let our Symbol of Peace get crippled.]I mumbled the last part to myself which they didn't hear.

[What was that?]All Might asked which made me guess he heard me say something but not specifically what.

[Nothing, I was just saying that you seem like you may need help, cause I don't know if you noticed your condition but you don't seem any better than the other gu- SHIT!]I exclaimed and immediately shot off to the sky seeing All For One jump at me.

[Brat!]He sneered in annoyance.

[Why don't you take that armor off? It seem like thats all you are, and that tech looks interesting. What are you without that suit of armor?]He asked me which made me smirk remembering something Tony said.

[Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist.]I said and I could hear Gran Torino snicker a bit.

[Well none of that matters since when I get my hands on you all you will be is a corpse.]All For One said.

[Sorry but I like being alive.] replied.

[I won't let you harm the kid All For One.]All Might said defensively.

[But won't you fail just like you failed your master?]All For One said.

[No. Because I have failed before I won't allow it again.]He said which surprised me seeing him not get pissed.

[Gran Torino, you and the kid get out of here, I will handle him.]He said resolutely and Gran Torino appeared by me because by this point I was only barely hovering above the ground.

[Come on kid, let's go.]Gran Torino said.

[Nah, I'm good.]I said and flew up well above the ground where I was certain the fight couldn't reach me and I ordered the nano bots to go on his hands and feet and make him fly to my height next to me but also gave him a skin tight helmet since it would be hard to breath from our altitude.

[What'd you do to me kid?]Gran Torino asked me.

[Nothing special, just ordered my nano bots to make you gloves and feet boosters to bring you to my height while making a skin tight helmet since it would be hard to breath at this height.]I said casually.

[Now shush so I can snipe All For One.]I said and made a nano tech sniper rifle but it shoots repulser beams.

[C'mon All Might, give me a opening.]I mumbled to myself while watching the fight between A.F.O{All For One} and All Might though it was hard to keep up with the fight but with my full body control ability and NZT pill effects it became easier.

[There!]I exclaim to myself and shoot after seeing them jump at each other but my shot was a bit off so it hit his arm slowing it down but still land where it intended to but not at full power while All Might slams him into the ground, winning. We then go down to him and as I was about to say something he coughed up blood and collapsed as I look to his wound and see a huge fist indent in his side which made me realized that this was how he got his wound.

[Shit!]I curse.

[C'mon kid, we need to get him to a hospital!]Gran Torino said to me to help.

[Wait, no! I can help him better than any hospital! I have the tech and knowledge for it!]I said to him.

[You may be good with tech but how am I supposed to know that you're good in biology part?]He asked me.

[*sigh* Because I'm the "Prodigy".]I said to him in a low voice and make my front plate of the helmet disappear with my face away from A.F.O since I want to take no chances if he's still awake.

[*Gasp* You're him!]Gran Torino exclaimed. The "Prodigy" thing is a title people came up for me.

[Yes and we don't have time for this! So will you let me help or not!]I said to him.

[Yes, yes!]He said.

[Alright then, let's go.]I said and froze All Might's wound while sending some nano tech in him to help out his systems in whatever way they can while Jarvis controlled them. I then flew with All Might in what seemed like a levitating hospital bed but glass keeping it air tight which I made from my nano tech. We then made it back to warehouse and went to the first sub level.

[Jarvis we're going into phase 2 of saving All Might.]I said aloud.

[Yes, Sir.]He said and nano tech started coming out the walls of the room I put All Might in which are the nano bots I made for healing.

[Sir, his stomach is mostly destroyed and his lungs will collapse soon.]He said which surprised me since his stomach should've been completely destroyed while lungs completely collapsed but then I remember my shot to A.F.O arm.

[Maybe we can save his career.]I say to myself.

[Alright Jarvis, focus half the nano tech on supporting his body functions while the other half fabricating new organs for him from whatever he's missing along with his skin tissue.]I said allowed.

[Yes, Sir.]Jarvis said.

[What's going to happen?]Gran Torino asked nervously.

[I can save him and his career, for the most part. He will be able to the Hero work but not for a while since he would need to readjust to his body but if he gets another hit like that in the exact same spot, he may need to retire.]I said to him and he sighed in relief I guess from him assuming for it to be much worse.

[*ring*ring* Night Eye!]Gran Torino exclaimed since I guess it's the hero Night Eye calling.

[Calm down! Hey kid, where are we?]Gran Torino asked for what I assume to tell Night Eye to come here.

[Give me a sec, and tell him to go to follow the directions that shows up on his phone.]I said while at a computer where I hacked his phone and made it show directions for him to get here manually since this place doesn't show up on maps. Twenty minutes later I see Night Eye get guided in to us by Jarvis and he goes to the window of the room All Might is in since we walked out it already.

[Gran Torino, what happened?]Night Eye asked him while ignoring me and Gran Torino proceeded to tell what happened and All Might's condition and his foreseeable future.

[Bakugo-san, thank you for giving All Might a chance!]He exclaimed while bowing to me.

[It's ok Night Eye, what type of future hero would I be anyway if I didn't help our Symbol of Peace.]I said with a smile. He then looks up at me and I see his eyes changed to purple and something similar to a clock which let me know he's using his quirk on me and a few seconds later I see him laugh a little mockingly which surprised me.

[Uh, you okay, Night Eye?]I asked him.

[Yes, it's just, this is the first time this has happened.]He said which confused me and him seeing my face started to explain.

[You see, when I use my quirk it's like looking at a movie reel, and when i looked at your's it wasn't set, it was ever changing.]He said which surprised me since I remember in the Shei Hassakai raid he saw Zuzu's future, he saw him die but Zuzu changed it but Night Eye didn't see a set one of mine, he saw it change reels each time basically.

[Just one more reason why he's special.]Gran Torino said.

[Yes, special indeed.]He said a bit solemnly which Torino didn't catch but I did which confused me of why he said it like that but could see his quirk activated still.

(P.O.V Change, Night Eye's P.O.V)

'Each future I see he becomes All Might successor, but in a few of them where his lovers die he always becomes a villain, he becomes so filled with despair, loss, and guilt he doesn't stop till he sees the world burn. I can't let that happen, I won't. I will need to tell All Might and get his help for this, because whenever his lovers don't die he brings true peace to the world.'I thought to myself while formulating a plan to help this young aspiring hero to be the best he can be.