
An Powerful Being's Wish

There was a test by an all-powerful being to create another of its kind for every being no matter how powerful has an innate urge to find others like itself.

Try as it may it could never find another so it tried creating another of itself.

Failure after failure only 2 could come even slightly close to in potential AFO & OFA, though it would be too minute of a possibility.

It then decided to take inspiration from its creations to "isekai" a human as why not.

"And I am that 'lucky' person," a small orb thought

"I didn't say it was random your life was interesting despite being basic" a being which looked like everything and nothing at the same time conveyed "hence why you were picked"

"Harsh but also true also why does everything look like…... this" the orb "Hmmmm you didn't give me your name I guess you don't have one you know since the first and only so how about Jimmy"

"Well, isn't this unexpected most would be surprised by these events and their death yet you seem rather... lively"

"I am way past all that I just went up on the probability of existence you know since the probability of being real is 1 in infinity so eh. So, quoting Bill 'Remember: reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold. Bye' right?"

"Well then enjoy your new life"

"Should there be more infor..." the orb asks while being sucked by a black hole/wormhole/portal


"...tion, I got the door slammed on my face or whatever I have now"

"That could have gone better... or not"

"I expected it to be more dead three wishes world but who am I to judge"

"And I am talking to myself my memory's fussy but my personality remains sad or not"

"Damm, I feel tired"

"Guess it's sleepy time"


---==={ 9 Months Later}===---

" waaaaaa "(ahhhh that hurt did I get stabbed)

"Here ma'am the baby is perfectly healthy " Blurry figure 1(a doctor?)

"Aww he look perfec right dere" groggily Blurry figure 2(new mom?)

"Yes, he does honey you should rest now I'll take care of Amatsu" Blurry figure 3(new dad? I guess my name is Amatsu huh)

"Gugu gaga" (oh shit I'm Japanese)

*yawn*(guess I'm falling asleep)

---==={The Next Day}===---

"Well, I guess I reincarnated and there are mutants and it looks like it's 2010 so marvel I guess I'm going to die," Amatsu thinks "mom's name is Seina Kamiyama and my dad's name is Asahi Kamiyama and I look like Saiki not bad"


Asahi:- Sunlight

Siena:- Star

Kamiyama:- God


"I guess I'm going to be waking up with random snippets of knowledge," Amatsu thinks "I don't even know if I want to be a mutant you know since mwah racism, I hope I get powers though ya know purple potato with OCD"

"I swear I just herd granted anyway gotta be an infant"

*****************New Home*****************

---==={1 Week Later}===---

Amatsu POV <watching tv>

"First day in my new home and all I can think is we are loaded like dude the dog house has ac my room didn't have ac. The shows are kind of trash I guess marvel doesn't have good tv I can milk that"

All Might ad plays

All Might punches the villain. "Now you too can have your own all might with 10 different voice lines"

"Yes, yes yes yes, I'm in MHA goodbye purple potato goodbye apocalypse goodbye phoenix force goodbye scarlet witch. I will live a long life...…... "

"I hope I didn't set a flag"

Just gotta do normal children things till I'm 4

---==={1 Week Later}===---

"Oh, good this is not easy the entire thing is repulsive at least I am getting my memories back, so not that bad". Amatsu thinks "and all I can say is 'guru gaga' I would have gone mad if I had any semblance of sanity left "

---==={2 Years Later}===---

"Take care, Amatsu be careful when you play." Seina Kamiyama says "don't move away from the bodyguards."

"OK MOM" Amatsu screams

"I guess having heroes as parents is not that great since you are born with a target on your back." Amatsu thinks "I feel AFO, HPSC, and humarise have an eye on me"

Amatsu gets in a limo

"All Might hasn't beaten up AFO yet so I guess it's pretty dangerous"

"Then again grandpa is uber rich though he doesn't like me"

"I am rambling in my head like Deku I've seen him hang out with Bakugo so he hasn't gotten the quirk yet"

---==={2 Years Later}===---

"Finally it's time for me to get my quirk I have seen only up to season 5 so this may break or make me." Amatsu thinks

"Sorry ma'am but it seems Amatsu is QUIRKLESS," the doctor says "I recommend sending him to a therapy group for the quirkless"


"I guess I'm going to be waking up with random snippets of knowledge," Amatsu thinks "I don't even know if I want to be a mutant you know since mwah racism, I hope I get powers though ya know purple potato with OCD"

"I swear I just herd granted anyway gotta be an infant"


"Well shit"


beyond 4th wall


change in location

---==={Time Skip}===---

change in time

recommendations welcome





do +1 +2 like that under my comment

what should Amatsu's (mc) relationship be with Deku

grandpa in a ring aka cheat



should I mess with cannon character backstories if so, who?

945 words

enough or more?
