
part 4

Quirk Description:

"Pangolin Plating" grants the power to manifest protective scales across their skin, mimicking the natural armor of a pangolin. These scales are incredibly tough, providing exceptional defense against physical attacks, projectiles, and even certain types of quirks. The plating also grants increased resistance to extreme temperatures and environmental hazards.


Scale Manipulation:can control the density and arrangement of the scales, allowing them to adjust the level of defense according to the situation. This control extends to selectively reinforcing specific areas, such as their fists or limbs, for enhanced striking power.

Rolling Defense: Inspired by the pangolin's ability to roll into a defensive ball, can curl into a protective sphere, covering themselves entirely in overlapping scales. This maneuver not only shields from attacks but also allows for a controlled, rolling motion to navigate the battlefield.

battlefield.Sonic Disruption: By vibrating the scales at high frequencies, can generate a sonic disruption, disorienting opponents and causing temporary confusion. This serves both defensive and offensive purposes, creating openings for strategic maneuvers.