
MHA Next Generation

This story follows the life of Sarah Midoriya, Toga and Deku´s daughter.

ERROR_Yurei · Anime & Comics
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Secret Training Ground

Alex led Sarah through the woods to a clearing. ¨We´re here!¨ He looked at her. ¨ Do you like it?¨

Sarah smiled and nodded. ¨Wow! What is this place?¨ She was surprised. In the clearing was a small cabin. She followed him inside. She followed him as he gave her a tour. They went out the back door where there was a huge space.

¨This is my secret training ground. This is where me and my sister do some extra training. We even do little battles with each other.¨ Alex says as he smiled. ¨We could come here some times and fight if you want.¨ He said.

She smiled. ¨That would be fun! How about we do it now?¨ She smiled. She wanted to show him some of the quirks she had. ¨I bet I could beat you.¨

¨Ok. Lets see if you can beat me.¨ He smiled as he used his fire quirk.

I mean´t to mention this but in this story Deku has All For One´s quirk. He gives Sarah quirks that would suit her. If you have any ideas for quirks she could have tell me.

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